Saturday, May 06, 2006

Five State Legislators Endorse Banks

The following state representatives have officially endorsed Chuck Banks in his candidacy for Lt. Governor:

Shirley Borhauer (R-Bella Vista)

Marvin Childers (R-Blytheville)

Horace Hardwick (R-Bentonville)

Michael Lamoureux (R-Russellville)

Roy Ragland (R-Marshall)

Their contact information is as follows:

Representative Borhauer 479-855-9696

Representative Childers 870-763-2109

Representative Hardwick 479-271-0656

Representative Lamoureux 479-968-7300

Representative Ragland 479-750-7697


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All five of whom voted for the original HB 1525, which made people who are here illegally eligible for taxpayer funded college scholarships.

11:58 AM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and in-state tution. Someone from Mexico could go to Arkansas State cheaper than someone from Missouri, if they go to an Arkanas school for three years.

11:59 AM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this is important because...? Am I supposed to vote for Banks because such outstanding legislators as Roy Ragland and Shirley Borhauer have endorsed him? The only thing I can conclude is that these five legislators served in the House with Doug Matayo and do not think enough of their "floor leader" colleague to support him.

12:00 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shirley Borhauer is as liberal as they come. She would not even sign onto a house resolution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

She has never voted AGAINST a tax increase!

12:03 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All five of these who endorsed Banks also voted for all the government control and bills that led to the 1% sales tax as well - except Ragland; and he wasn't in the House in 2003 session and special sessions.

12:13 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These five legislators, Borhauer, Hardwick, Childers, Ragland, and Lamoureux supported a bill that the Attorney General Opinon said could violate federal law - HB1525 giving scholarships and in state tuition to illegal aliens. You can find the AG summary pasted below and the entire opinion at this link: number: 2005-054

(Be sure to note the word state supported scholarships)our taxes at workd)

Requestor: Holt, Jim State Senator
Release date: 03/10/2005

Sumary of AG opinion from his website:
Does House Bill 1525, which would make certain students without documented immigration status eligible for in-state college tuition and state supported scholarships, violate any applicable federal law? RESPONSE: Although we do not have the benefit of a judicial interpretation, in my opinion, HB 1525, as written, may violate 8 U.S.C. sec. 1623 if the courts read the high school attendance and graduation requirements as being tantamount to residence. The bill may also give rise to an equal protection challenge. See opinion for full analyses

Another note: Joyce Elliott amended her bill and left out scholarships after it went down in the Senate still hoping to get the in state tuition through the Senate. Now some people on the blog are lying and saying the bill did not include scholarships at all! But it was in the bill, as the AG opinion states when they voted on it. I don't think these legislators would pretend otherwise but who knows?

1:59 AM

12:24 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except Ragland, none of these endorsers are conservative in the least.

Ragland was supporting Winthrop Rockefeller for governor.

Childers and Borhauer both voted for the bill to allow casino gambling in Arkansas.

12:26 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These people are the best indicator we have so far of where Banks is politically. He has absolutely no legislative track record to examine.

12:34 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah these guy voted for a bill that violated federal law. To show you how much out of step they are with other areas, Missouri Senate just passed a bill 29-3 that illegal aliens couldn't even attend public universities in their state. Holt opposed scholarship and instate tuition for undocumented citizens (illegal aliens). Now the Missouri Senate has passed a bill 29-3 to not even allow them to attend their public universities. That is in accord with the federal law which says it is illegal to aid in any way illegal aliens. Foreign born students in the US become illegal and detainable and deportable at 18 1/2 years of age. Anyone that hires them therefore is breaking the law, and the federal law will not allow illegal aliens to have grants or any type of federal aid.

12:43 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only thing I can conclude is that these five legislators served in the House with Doug Matayo and do not think enough of their "floor leader" colleague to support him."

That's laughable coming from a Holt supporter. Now which legislative collegues have endorsed Holt? Hmmm...I can't seem to recall.

4:36 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Holt supporters can do is sit at home or work and type negative things about endorsements and Chuck Banks. Just because you guys are jealous that no other conservative legislator would endorse your guy doesn't mean you should criticize hard working public servants. I'd like to see what you could get done in Little Rock. Probably a whole lot of nothing.

7:32 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah- hard working public (paid) servants. I'm also hard working: working the 6 months out of a year it now takes to pay these tax happy "servants." Very few people in office any more are there to serve, and you know it.

7:41 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of the reason you're paying more taxes is because of "tax-happy Holt".

7:44 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to get some new lies in your bag of campaign tricks.

7:46 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 7:41, don't criticize the royalty! We're all supposed to be happy to pay our "fair share" to keep the empire running!

7:57 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, do you think the founders could ever have imagined a day when the state was the largest employer? What a sick joke!

7:58 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Toast,

You said: "Congratulations, Banks, on stealing away the support of Matayo's RINO buddies! With friends like these..."

I think that overall, Matayo's supporters are a pretty conservative lot. The only one in the legislature that I can think of that is more conservative would be Norton, maybe Kenney.

Since I saw Matayo's endorsements I am at least willing to give him benefit of the doubt. Doesn't change my mind about voting for Jim Holt, but it makes me think that Matayo is more conservative than he is being made out to be. I could be comfortable voting for him while I never would be comfortable voting for Banks.

It looks like he made a gamble to the middle because he knew he would not be able to get right of Holt. He lost the bet when Banks got in the race.


8:47 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair assessment Pete. Matayo is clearly running as a Huckabee Republican. His problem is that Republican voters have now figured out what that means.

9:04 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:04 Why is Huckabee's approval rating so high? Obviously Republican voters don't agree with you.

7:46 "It's time to get some new lies in your bag of campaign tricks." Are you trying to say it's a lie that Holt voted for taxes? If you think that is a lie, then you need to do some research. It's all there in black and white, waiting for you to look it up. I guess if you did look it up, you would then know it isn't a lie, and wouldn't be able to defend him anymore.

9:14 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not here to bash Mike Huckabee, he has done a lot of good, but he is not a conservative. Overall approval rating is not the issue. The 7% of the electorate that is the most conservative is all that is going to be voting in this primary. MH is not too popular with them.

Next issue- I also think you are lying, because a lie is a deliberate attempt to deceive, and it has been explained to you over and over again that Holt only voted for one temporary beer tax that he has voted against ever since. The "working mans tax credit repeal" was a clerical error. Holt did not vote to repeal that tax credit. You know this, yet repeated claim Holt raised taxes multiple times. Yes, you are being dishonest when you make these claims.

9:19 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remind me again how many "clerical errors" and "somebody voted my machine wrong" or "there was a misunderstanding" or "there was a miscommunication" has Holt had? How many times has he had to place a note in the record? I have been trying to keep count but since I went to an Arkansas public school, I can't count that high.

10:35 PM, May 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A total of three occasions in six years of service. The only reason it seems like more is that you keep telling the same lies over and over so we keep giving the same explanations over and over.

5:18 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 times in 6 years...That's one per session.

How many times has Matayo had to do it?

7:04 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the record still says "yes" on that tax repeal vote, then he voted yes. Anyone can put a note in their file if they find out later that their vote wasn't popular. Until the official record is changed from a "yes" to a "no", then his vote stands. It's no one's fault but his.

7:07 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matayo does not seem to be one to admit to making mistakes, nor have I ever heard of his core supporters admitting that he has ever made a mistake, yet those same people will act like Holt's supporters think he is the Pope.

9:32 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holt did not vote on the merger of the Depart. of Health and the Department of Human Services. His failure to vote amounted to a no vote. He was there but he chose not to vote! He was not interested in saving the taxpayers any money. My question is why? Could it possibly be because he did't care for the sponsor?

9:43 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:32 I am a Matayo supporter, and I know he will admit to a mistake if he believes he has made one. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. Why don't you call and talk to him? Of course, I know you won't because you aren't interested. I'm sorry, but Holt will only give excuses. I voted for him in the last election but not this time.

9:52 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what specific mistake as a legislator will he admit to then?

10:06 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This question has been asked of Matayo's core group before. They are unwilling to admit that he has made any mistakes except for "being too nice to Jim Holt".


10:15 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are lame. I told you people to call him and ask him. If he thinks he made one he will tell you. He is very willing to tell anyone why he did or did not vote for something. For the record, he did make a mistake thinking Jim Holt was his friend. I have never heard him say that he was too nice to anyone including Holt. You all don't have the guts to call him! I am sure you know his number, you know everything else about him, his address, his family, what they look like, ect.

11:16 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just proved 10:15's point.

I agree- you are lame.

11:20 AM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't think we need legislators that make so many mistakes. Holt admits to many, but it's not a good thing that he's made so many. If this was a doctor that made many mistakes, you'd be suing the pants off him. He was elected to do a job and to show up at that job. He either doesnt' show up or he makes mistakes. We can't afford anymore of Holt's mistakes. Holt seems to be the only one talking about all his mistakes, and you look at that as a good thing. What is wrong with this picture?

1:47 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, what shock, you don't like Holt.

Holt with his "mistakes" gets a significantly better rating from every major conservative organization than Matayo, and Banks doesn't even have a record to examine. What's wrong with that picture?

5:09 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Holt with his "mistakes" gets a significantly better rating from every major conservative organization than Matayo, and Banks doesn't even have a record to examine. What's wrong with that picture?"

And one of those major conservative organizations was recently shut down because their national office didn't agree with them. They actually said the state office was biased and was sending out false information. And most of the other organizations that you speak of gave Matayo the same rating as Holt. So to answer your question, there is nothing wrong with that picture. Matayo rates just as high as Holt and to the national AFA, Matayo rates higher than Holt. Holt just happened to have Bob Hester in his back pocket when he sent out the info on Holt from the AFAA. Too bad that organization was shut-down. They should've been honest with everyone.

5:41 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"too bad that organization was shut down"- like you weren't one of the ones that shut them down by threatening the nationals with the IRS and lawsuits.

Matayo's core supporters only want the establishment media commenting on politicians actual record- that way the demo-zette can tell the people who the "conservatives" are. Matayo's people did not want independent conservative organizations commenting on records of the candidates. They were like the ACLU threatening churches that distributed Christian Coalition voter guides.

That should tell people something.

6:49 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody threatened anybody with anything. The national organization was informed of the local chapters illegals antics. That was all they needed. Why would you want the local chapter violating the law? The only possible reason would be that they were biased and trying to help Holt, which is definately against the law for a tax free organization. If you are educated at all then you know that, but you obviously don't care.

6:58 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You single out one organization and try to trash their reputation because they like Holt. What about the others that like Holt? Nat'l Federation of Independent Business, Eagle Forum, Holt's even been endorsed in this primary election by the Arkansas Republican Assemblies.

I suppose everyone else is "corrupt" and wrongheaded because they don't like your RINO candidate, right?

7:28 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh give me a break--the Arkansas Republican Assemblies is a new group formed FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE of endorsing Holt! He can't get any real endorsements, so people have to make them up for him.
No trashing had to be done. If it's illegal it's illegal, plain and simple. Kind of like bugging's black and white.
I don't get why you guys want people breaking the law for Holt. It's an "all for the greater good" philosophy. "The ends justify the means" should be Holt's campaign slogan.

8:18 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"like you weren't one of the ones that shut them down by threatening the nationals with the IRS and lawsuits."

No one EVER threatend anyone with anything. You can speak to Randy Sharp yourself and he can confirm that. The national AFA was simply provided with every mailing and every email that was sent out by the AFAA. Here is a copy of an email reponse from them:

"Thank you for your input and support! We are currently reviewing the material. It was sent without authorization from our national office. Please know we share your concerns.

Together, and with God's help, we are making a difference."

Randy Sharp
Director, Special Projects
American Family Association

Like Randy said, together and with God's help, we are making a difference. The only difference you and the AFAA wanted to make was making sure Holt won without any reguard of right and wrong.

"Matayo's people did not want independent conservative organizations commenting on records of the candidates." Wrong again. The only thing "Matayo's people" asked is that people were provided with 100% of the truth so the people could make their own decision based on having CORRECT information. You should not want the voters to only have biased information. "Matayo's people" are the only ones that want the voters to be 100% informed. For some reason Holt's people think they have to give out the wrong information in order for him to win.

"They were like the ACLU threatening churches that distributed Christian Coalition voter guides." I guess what you did was much worse. I'd rather people didn't receive any info at all then to only get false info. You can't expect people to make an informative decision when they are lied to, and that is just what the AFAA did.

8:45 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Arkansas Republican Assemblies is a new group formed FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE of endorsing Holt!

You are absolutely hysterical! You honestly DO believe that anyone who prefers Holt must have impure motives.

5:46 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I clicked on the link provided and this is what I found...

ARKANSAS (Top of Page)

The "ARKANSAS" Republican Assembly has issued no public endorsements for upcoming elections.

I don't see any public endorsements on their website. I guess you are making something up once again. But thanks for the link so that I could check that out myself.

6:43 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have to hold your hand? Try scrolling to the bottom where it says:

In an attempt to promote conservative principles, delegates of the Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) announced today their endorsement of Asa Hutchinson, Jim Holt, Gunner Delay, Jim Lagrone, Andy Mayberry, and John Boozman. Jim Holt is opposed by two other Republican candidates in the Tuesday, May 23 primary election.

7:54 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:43, try using your "Refresh/Reload" button.

8:13 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:45 Bob Hester is an honorable man. You are a low excuse for a human being to accuse him of lying. He worked for AFA running their Arkansas affiliates fo r 20 years without pay.

Bob told the truth, and that is what got Matayo's family enraged. He was posing as a conservative SO WELL. "I can pass a conservative agenda and get Democrats to like it" he said. You know why they liked his agenda? BECAUSE IT GREW GOVERNMENT AND CENTRALIZED CONTROL. It was not conservative. It did just what they wanted it to do.

No one from AFA ever accussed Bob Hester of lying, not once. Only Matayo's maddogs are doing that.

AFA expressed that some of Bob's statements sounded too much like an endorsement, which they are not allowed to do. Apparently it scared them. Even that is just cover-your tail over-reaction from a sue-happy world. Hester said nice things about Jim Holt, but stopped short of an endorsement. Big deal, Don Wildman did the exact same thing in 04 when Holt ran against Blanche.

There were no lies from Hester, just vengeful, destructive Matayo Maddogs shutting down grassroots conservative organizations so that the people have to get all their info from the Democrat-Gazette on who to vote for. I hope you sickos are proud of yourselves. I will look forward to May 24th when his single digit showing will get him out of politics forever. The man should be nowhere near power.

8:28 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would copy and paste some of the things you said that were wrong but there are way too many. First of all, there were just as many Banks' supporters that complained to the AFA as there were Matayo supporters, so the Matayo family had nothing to do with it. After the AFA reviewed Holt and Matayo's complete record they realized that the Arkansas chapter did not send out truthful information. Endorsements had nothing to do with it. The AFA did not agree with the information that was sent out, which is why the shut down the AFAA. Matayo supporters are not in the business of shutting down conservative organizations. Bob Hester did that all on his own but sending out misleading information. If the same thing had happened in reverse, you would've been screaming louder than anyone. Let's distort all of Holt's record and send it out to every Republican in Arkansas. You should want 100% of the truth sent out, but instead you want anything to be sent out as long as it's in support of your candidate. Obviously you know that his bad votes would cost him the entire election, so you don't want those known.

Believe me, Matayo is here to stay, so get used to it. Holt will soon be out of a job and he and his family will be at your local walmart holding signs begging for food.

8:54 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hester said nice things about Jim Holt, but stopped short of an endorsement."

On the back of Holt's pushcard it says Endorsements: then there is a statement from Bob Hester with the title of President AFAA. I think that sounds like an endorsement to me. It's also on Holt's website. That is one thing AFA didn't like, but there are many more. The AFA also said that it is illegal for Holt to still be using those cards because it's violating their tax exempt status. If they lose that status, you can thank Mr. Holt.

8:58 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lie like a rug. Here is the url to the back of the pushcard Holt has been handing out...

It does not say "endorsements". It says some nice things about Jim Holt. Testemonials but not endorsements, just like Don Wildman himself did for Holt in 04.

I think we can blame YOU if they lose their tax exempt status, because you are the ones making an issue of it in an effort to muzzle grassroots conservative groups that tell the truth about Matayo's record. They won't lose it though. It is not an endorsement.

10:20 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:58 You made a claim that the back of Holt's card says "Endorsements". I am holding one and it does not say that. There is a URL that shows the back of the card and it does not say it either.

You have made lots of claims about what the AFA did and why they did it, but the one demonstrable claim you made has been falsified. You have a credibility problem.

10:24 AM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel free to speak to Randy Sharp at AFA. He said "Jim Holt cannot use those cards anymore because it is illegal since it has our name on it". He has forwarded everything on to his attorney and now it's in their hands. It doesn't matter what you think Endorsement/Testimonials mean to you. It's what it means to the AFA that matters.

"I think we can blame YOU if they lose their tax exempt status, because you are the ones making an issue of it in an effort to muzzle grassroots conservative groups that tell the truth about Matayo's record." How is it truthful to leave out Matayo's adoption bill, his no tax votes, his merging of two departments, his drivers license bill? None of that is on any of their material. What about Holt's vote to fund Pre-K and taxes and his no-shows. You can't give excuses to a reputable organization. They won't accept excuses. Leaving out key points is not truthful. Cry to someone else. If Bob Hester had sent out ALL of the above information, there would never have been a problem. He caused the problem and now he's paying for it.

12:44 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:59 You already know that Hester was called by numerous people, both Banks and Matayo supporters. He told them all that he felt the excuses given by Holt on why he voted for taxes were good enough for him, so he left them off. That is not what a reputable organization does. They don't accept excuses. The AFA said that EVERY vote should've been included in the mailings.

"But because HE rates Jim Holt best among the three seeking the office, he has to be smeared by you people." The national office said that Holt and Matayo would've been rated the same by them. That is why the AFAA decided to leave off important information. That was the only way they could rate Holt higher.

"He has selflessly served this state for 20 years fighting pornography and other threats to the family." Obviously he should've stuck to that instead of sending out misleading information.

2:02 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The national office said that Holt and Matayo would've been rated the same by them.

Whatever! Doug would love to be considered as being equal with Jim, wouldn't he?

2:13 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Did you even bother calling him to ask why he rated Jim the way he did?"
Did he even bother to call Matayo to find out how he stood on the issues? No, not even once. Take your own advice.

"Whatever! Doug would love to be considered as being equal with Jim, wouldn't he?"
In what way are you referring? Politically or spiritually?

2:41 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whatever! Doug would love to be considered as being equal with Jim, wouldn't he?"

Oh, so now you're calling AFA a liar? I thought you said they were a grassroot conservative organization. Now you say they lie. Which is it?

2:58 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"they said they would have rated them the same"

Yeah right, just like it said "endorsements" on the back of Holt's push card.

You are making this up as you go along.

3:46 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In what way are you referring? Politically or spiritually?

I'm voting for a Lt. Governor, not a pastor.

You're always so eager to judge the man's soul. And you RINO's think Holt is the religious nut!

4:21 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny how they call Jim Holt a radical, an extremist, and a "scary" prospect for Lt. Governor, then they turn around and celebrate the idea that AFA would rate Matayo as being equal with Holt.

4:23 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AFA is a great group. AFAA with Hester as president is questionable.

AFA says they ARE equal, whether you like it or not.

5:16 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is making anything up as they go along. It clearly states on Holt's website Endorsements/Testimonials. When you click on that it doesn't say which people are endorsements and which are testimonials. I guess that was done on purpose to make people think it was an endorsement. You CANNOT blame anyone for calling Bob Hester's quote an endorsement. That is obviously what Holt wanted people to think. The same is true of the pushcards. Holt is trying to make people think that he is being endorsed by all those people.

"It's funny how they call Jim Holt a radical, an extremist, and a "scary" prospect for Lt. Governor, then they turn around and celebrate the idea that AFA would rate Matayo as being equal with Holt." And we're talking about voting records here, not beliefs. Jim still holds the record for being the biggest nutcase there is.

5:25 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they say "Vote for Holt" or "I am voting for Holt" then it is an endorsement. If they say nice things about him it is a testamonial. Not hard, excpet for those who don't want to see.

6:35 PM, May 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except it starts off..."Jim Holt, more than any other Lt. Gov. candidate..."

That is an endorsement.

9:49 AM, May 09, 2006  
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