Thursday, June 07, 2007

VICTORY! Amnesty Defeated/Cloture Vote Failed on Immigration Bill

Numbers just put out this email

From: Anne Manetas, Deputy Director, NumbersUSA
Date: 07JUN07 9 p.m.

VICTORY: You Defeated Amnesty, Cloture Failed

CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! The Senate just voted 45 to 50 against invoking cloture on S. 1348. [60 votes were needed for cloture]Senator Reid has pulled the bill from the floor for now. You all have done an outstanding job this week and throughout today. You never gave up!We will be coming to you with the final roll call tally, and a detailed analysis of who voted how and what is next to come, but I wanted to get this to you as soon as possible.Thank you. ###

For more information about what all these means, explanations and amendments, etc. see this link:
Note: Only 23% of voters approved the bill. See this link for extensive facts on the polls on this bill.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was short lived. bastards.

4:48 AM, June 27, 2007  

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