Thursday, October 11, 2007

Coulter Pounds Huckabee on Illegals

This Ann Coulter column started off like a journey down memory lane for me because I recognized the quotes she used from past Arkansas news stories. It was like a brief of Huckabee's effort to demonize people upset about illegal aliens, as well as former Senator Jim Holt or any other legislator who attempted to address the legitimate concerns of their constituents. It makes a good read (warning: she does not think much of Fred Thompson either)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here comes the spin:

...can't really think of how in the world Huckabee is going to spin this one. His only escape is to "change his mind," which is fine if he could convince us he is sincere (doubtful). Huckabee's liberal side will be his downfall. Poetic justice.

Thompson will avalanche us all with press releases about how "smart" he is. We will be told by the MSM how smart Fred is so many times that some will believe him to be Einstein. Get ready folks... Fred Thompson is the smartest man in the world! Say it with me folks... Fred Thompson is the smartest man in the world. Fred Thompson is the smartest man in the world. Fred Thompson is the smartest man in the world. Good... Good, my little sheepish minions. Keep repeating that until everyone believes it.

8:48 AM, October 11, 2007  

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