Governed by conscience?
by Mark West
As his bill, HR1005 failed to be passed in the Arkansas House, Representative Buddy Blair (D – Fort Smith) said, “Apparently, the churches are dictating how they vote, not their conscience.” Blair argued that those voting against his bill were in essence voting against both the United States and Arkansas Constitutions.
Representative Blair’s above suggestion creates a concern in my heart. I’m concerned that our future will see similar efforts to abridge our First Amendment rights. Even more problematic was that the First Amendment is cited as a reason for abridging it.
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As his bill, HR1005 failed to be passed in the Arkansas House, Representative Buddy Blair (D – Fort Smith) said, “Apparently, the churches are dictating how they vote, not their conscience.” Blair argued that those voting against his bill were in essence voting against both the United States and Arkansas Constitutions.
Representative Blair’s above suggestion creates a concern in my heart. I’m concerned that our future will see similar efforts to abridge our First Amendment rights. Even more problematic was that the First Amendment is cited as a reason for abridging it.
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Rep. Blair discounts the possiblitiy that it is religious faith itself that enlivens and strengthens "conscience". Athiest governments in the 20th century (communists) inflicted mass suffering on their people precisely because they had a non-religious idealogy that would self-justify every heinous thing they did.
It is the knowledge of God that empowers the conscience. It is not a choice between one's religion and one's conscience. I would not trust the so-called "conscience" of an athiest.
Without God there is no reason to assume that even human life is sacred- and thus no differnece between helping an old lady across the street and running her down. Athiest governments run their people down.
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