Thursday, February 10, 2005

State Senator Jim Holt to appear on CNN

from Joshua J. Duggar

Republican Senator Jim Holt (Springdale) will appear on Lou Dobbs to discuss illegal immigration. (click on comments for the balance of the column).


Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Little Rock - State Senator Jim Holt is scheduled to appear on CNN's Lou Dobbs show Monday the 14th. This appearance came after CNN contacted Holt about SB206 - A bill crafted after Arizona's Proposition 200. SB206 is designed to clarify the already instituted guidelines regarding "illegal aliens." The bill will deny voting rights, public assistance/welfare, and other financial aid/privileges that legal citizens receive. However, SB206 will not affect prenatal care or emergency care as a result of EMTALA of 1986 (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act).

Since it’s filing, skeptics of SB206 have raised questions regarding its effects. Senator Holt recently stated, "SB206 does not deny emergency medical care to illegal aliens, or any other vital care that may be needed,"
EMTALA defines "any individual who comes to a hospital requesting an examination or treatment for a medical condition must receive an appropriate medical screening examination within the capability of the hospital's Emergency Department."

Senator Holt believes that SB206 is important to the taxpayers of the state because they are the ones who fund the services. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, there is an estimated 30 million illegal aliens who reside in the United States. Some critics of SB206 have alleged that illegal aliens do not receive any benefits. However, Holt noted that he knows of government employees who have had numerous experiences with illegal aliens applying to receive benefits from state aid providers.

Holt listed the County Health Departments as giving health care, contraceptives, immunizations, prenatal etc. and Department of Human Services facilities as services that determine WIC, food stamps, and Medicaid eligibility.

There are reports of criminal action against employees of the Revenue Office giving out fictitious driver licenses. Holt said, "That proves there are probable cases of illegal aliens voting in Arkansas elections." Arkansas does not require proof of citizenship to register to vote. This bill, if passed, will encourage government employees to report illegal aliens as soon as they are identified. The current law threatens discrimination charges on those who report such instances.

The Senator is scheduled to be on the Lou Dobbs show at 5-6PM (CST) Monday February 14, 2005, and discuss the bill and its effects on Arkansas.

8:32 PM, February 10, 2005  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

It appears the bill (SB206) is hung up in the State Agencies Committee on the house side. Here are the members of that committee (if you recognize the name of your state rep please contact them and tell them you want the bill sent to the floor for a vote)


Legislative Members

Chair: Representative Denny Sumpter
Vice Chair: Representative Jeff Wood
Representative Bill Pritchard
Representative Bob Mathis
Representative Jodie Mahony
Representative Linda Chesterfield
Representative Lenville Evans
Representative Sid Rosenbaum
Representative Robert Jeffrey
Representative Horace Hardwick
Representative Betty Pickett
Representative Janet Johnson
Representative Daryl Pace
Representative Marilyn Edwards
Representative Mark Martin
Representative Allen Maxwell
Representative Rick Saunders
Representative Robert Thompson
Representative Dustin McDaniel
Representative David Dunn

9:43 PM, February 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has been left out this discussion concerning SB206 and the Arizona Prop. 200 is the fact that in Arizona, many hospitals have gone bankrupt as a result of the EMTALA national law that doesn't allow hospitals to turn away ANYONE who needs care. Half the hospitals in Phoenix are going out of business. This means they aren't available for the law abiding citizens.

Also, everyone is screaming about the cost of healthcare in this nation. When ILLEGAL aliens are given free medical increases the costs of healthcare to the rest of us. Economic reality.

The state of Arkansas, like the rest of the nation, believes they need to regulate how people eat in order to prevent obesity, which they say is a health issue and a future costly condition that will effect America's healthcare costs. Yet the state is screaming Racism and other nasty words at those who are trying to prevent a DEFINITE issue that drives up healthcare costs.

It is also important to point out that not all illegal aliens are of hispanic origin; therefore, the conotation of racism is ridiculous. There are many who have illegally entered this nation and this state who are from places such as Haiti, Cuba, Russia, etc. who are also in the illegal alien category.

It simply makes common sense to pass this bill. The government should be doing something about the ILLEGAL aliens anyway. They should not be sanctioning ILLEGAL behavior regardless of the aliens nationality.

4:56 AM, February 14, 2005  
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