"Compassion" and Illegal Aliens
by Debbie Pelley (click "comments" below for the article)
Since 2005, Arkansas Politics and Events from a Contrarian Small-government Perspective
posted by Mark Moore (Moderator) at Thursday, March 10, 2005
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Arkansas Watch
(by Debbie Pelley)
A legislator asked why I didn't want to help these undocumented students (illegal aliens at 18 ½). I want to respond to that openly because others are asking the same question. (Note: I don’t use legislators’ or media names on comments made to me in private or by e-mail. I only use their names if they quote them if they write or speak them publicly.)
First, I want to point out that the law 8 USC § 1623 (that I used in my e-mail to show that HB 1525 was illegal) was signed into law by President Clinton with a House and Senate fairly balanced with Republicans and Democrats. These immigration laws at the national level involve long hard battles fought from different perspectives where US legislators have staff to help them thoroughly research these issues. It is rare for the US government to sneak something through before people have had a chance to weigh in on it like HB 1525 was pushed through the Arkansas House. Thus there are other reasons to pay attention to Congress’s actions, besides the fact that is the law of the land.
This debate on HB1525 has been framed as a compassion issue, probably because they know how much we opponents of the bill hate to be called racist or bigots because we know we are far from that. That strategy was successful in coercing many representatives to vote for HB 1525 giving in state tuition and scholarships to illegal aliens. There is so much more to it than that. Senator Bisbee rightfully asserted that HB1525 was dealing with immigration laws rather than education law.
The basis behind this immigration law 8 USC § 1623 and similar ones that I want to send out probably hinge on three main things: (1)security of our nation (2) the protection of citizens against illegal alien crime, and (3) the cost of immigration to the US. The following facts summarize some of the issues in these bills.
A documented study published in City Journal in 2004 found that 95 percent of all outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles involved suspected illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.1 A recent statistic showed that two-thirds of all births in Los Angeles Country are children of illegal aliens whose parents have no intention of paying their hospital bills.2 The net national cumulative costs for the last decade for all immigrants will be 866 billion , an average of almost 87 billion a year.3 Since Arkansas experienced the 4th largest percentge increase in immigration in the US increasing 196% , these facts should be very significant when passing legislation concerning immigrants and illegal aliens.4
I, myself, do know something about compassion and "feeling other people's pain." Compassion always has two sides. To illustrate that point, I was the 7th grade English teacher of Michell Johnson, the 13 year old that together with an 11 year old boy murdered a teacher and 4 other students and injured about 10 more. Even if you try, unless you have experienced such a tragedy, you can't imagine all the emotions and compassion that an event like that evokes. I had just marked Mitchell absent when the fire drill went off and the killings took place. I was also the teacher of one of the students who was killed, a very sweet-natured precious little girl. I had also taught the young teacher that was killed when she was a sweet 7th grade student. However, I still had compassion for Mitchell Johnson because I felt he was a victim of our culture and had remarked when I first heard his named mentioned as a suspect, "They have the wrong child; he is not capable of committing such an act." My testimony is attached if you are interested in that.
Most people in the community had only hatred for Mitchell because of their pain, and I could understand that. In fact, I risked much disfavor and harm to myself by going to Washington, D.C. and testifying in a hearing on gangster rap lyrics that I had every reason to believe had influenced Mitchell. Many considered that as trying to excuse Mitchell. And my testimony was carried from coast to coast on all the major networks and AP stories through the nation and was included in the Congressional Record so I couldn't hide. I did contribute my drop in the bucket, however, by bringing awareness to the situation.
However, my compassion for Mitchell did not mean that I had any less compassion on the other families than anyone else. And in no way did I try or want to circumvent the law or change the law for minor children committing crimes, (and did not disagree with the even stiffer law the state passed) even though I thought our culture had greatly contributed to the crime. My class and I did everything we could to reach out to the mother of the child in my class that was killed and honored the child every way we could. There are some things in this life that we just can't fix. To try without doing extensive research and putting all on the information on the table will only worsen the problem.
Even if the issues of HB1525 hinged on compassion (which I assert they don't), these illegal alien bills also have two sides to the compassion aspect. On one side there are the undocumented college students who become detainable and deportable illegal aliens at age 18 ½ who are in the United States unlawfully. On the other side are those poor hardworking taxpayers that still have to pay sales tax on their food - people who would have to subsidize college tuition for illegal aliens even when they themselves could never afford college for themselves or their children. Our lawmakers have not show much compassion for them. To have compassion on only one side can be very unjust.
There are thousands of situations in Arkansas where honest hard working people are already oppressed because people in Arkansas, the poorest state in the nation, pay a greater percentage of their income in taxes than does Massachusetts. Where is the compassion for them?
I hope you will read my next e-mail that will have more informtion concerning laws on immigration and illegal aliens.
Debbie Pelley
How about some compassion to the American people and the people of Arkansas for a change?
Have to be very careful when politicians start using words such as "Compassion," it's one of those emotion, guilt invoking politically correct terms that is overused. It's not about compassion but what has become the trendy fashion of dealing with illegal aliens. Whenever a politician invokes an emotion driven word.....the public needs to be very careful and hear what is being said instead of simply listening to what is being said.
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