Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Senators Skip Key Committee Meeting (SB206)

By Debbie Pelly (click "comments" for the rest of the article).


Blogger Debbie Pelley said...

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:8 Legislator addresses pasted below!

Bad News First – Good News in next e-mail. - Yesterday Senator Holt’s SB206 was on special order of business to be heard by the State Agencies & Governmental Affairs in the Senate. There were numerous witnesses and supporters who were on the road five hours (and some longer) to be there. The room was filled to capacity, and the media were all there. Only the chair, Senator Steve Faris, and Senator Jack Critcher showed up for the meeting, so they didn’t have a quorum to hear Senator Holt’s bill. At first they said some member was sick, but no one was because they were all there yesterday on the Senate floor. Everyone hung around for an hour while the Chair tried to round up the members, but he finally adjourned the meeting because he was unsuccessful.

I feel sure they purposely did this as a slap in the face to us conservatives and to shut us out of the process. ( I haven’t been around the capitol all that long, but I have never seen that happen before on a special order of business.) It was either that, or they didn’t want to face the consequences of their vote. Legislators said they had received more e-mails on these illegal aliens bills than all the others combined.

The committee has 7 members. The five that didn’t show were Senator Hank Wilkins, Senator Jm Argue, Senator Ed Wilkinson, Senator Shane Broadway, and mixed in with all those that didn’t show was our Republican Senator Gilbert Baker. (e-mail addresses below) I think it would be good to send an open letter addressed to these 5 legislators but to all legislators.

Senator Holt’s bill is scheduled to present his bill again this Thursday. Please e-mail and call these senators that didn’t show and let them know you know about it and are concerned about our legislative process. BE NICE – just let them get lots of e-mails and calls. I love the quote, "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick". If they get enough calls and e-mails it won’t matter what you say. Just put in your e-mail address something to indicate they didn’t show up – like Why did you skip the Com Mtg on Holt’s Bill, Why Didn’t You show up, Did you have reason to skip Com. Mtg.; Your Insult to Holt On His Bill, etc..

You could also call the Swtichboard and leave a message for each of these senators (you can leave a message for two at one time and leave a message of two or three sentences letting them know you were disappointed that they didn’t show up for the Committe meeting on Holt’s SB206. Switchboard number is 501-682-2902 for these senators.

If you can make it, please be there again on Thursday for Senator Holt. He could really feel the prayers and support Tuesday. I know that some can’t come back, so if you can replace them that would be great. Most of all keep praying. If we can show how much support Senator Holt has on this issue it will carry over to all the other conservative issues he wants to work on.

E-mails for the five senators that didn’t show:

9:18 PM, April 06, 2005  
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