Where is Win?
By Mark Moore (click "comments" below for article).
Since 2005, Arkansas Politics and Events from a Contrarian Small-government Perspective
posted by Mark Moore (Moderator) at Monday, June 13, 2005
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Arkansas Watch
It seems there is a lot of talk on the liberal arkansastimes blog, and the conservative arkansasfamily coalition blog, about the super-low profile that Lt. Governor Win Rockefeller has been keeping lately.
He was really quiet when the Supreme Court decided to take up the Lakeview case again. He has missed several events that other candidates attended. He has even missed a salute to the troops sponsored by his own office!
Is he just on vaction? Is the plan to stay away from retail politics and mingling? Some have even speculated that he will drop out if polls show he is behind.
I personally discount such talk. He has just hired some new staff. He has broad if not deep support. Prior to the recent campaing miscues, he has not done anything to make people mad (or inspire them either). It is very early yet. If he does not show up at a Mayor's convention or a Pink Tomato Festival, then maybe it is because he knows most voters will not care about it come November after next.
What do you think? Why is Win skipping out on so many events? Why is he silent on big issues like Lakeview?
He is silent on Lakeview because he wants universal consolidation and he agrees with the Courts running our schools if it means getting 75 county wide school districts. We MAY have needed some consolidation for small schools - notice I said MAY, but we certainly shouldn't consolidate just for the sake of consolidating. Asa is the only candidate in the race who is not for further consolidation. Those different perspective may be traced to Asa atttending Gravette Public Schools and Win attending a Swiss Boarding School.
I don't think he is getting out of the race. He is simply a rich, lazy guy who doesn't think he needs to go to these events and meet the little people. He will simply mail them 300 times and buy 1 million dollars worth of TV.
Asa and Beebe are already running general election campaigns. They are both camping out in South Arkansas. Win is not running any campaign. Why, who knows the thoughts of a billionaire. Certainly not me.
Maybe he is at his villa on the French Riviera. Why would he want to come back.
The latest is that the Win Rock campaign issued a press release that was fairly aggressive in tone. It played up the fact that Asa Hutchinson was having a "kick off event" in the D.C. area. The Rockefeller press release described northern Virginia as "his (Asa's) home".
The aggresive tone of the letter is not one of a person about to back out of a race, but it is also not the tone of someone who thinks they are winning.
So what does this broadside against Asa mean? Are they going to try and make Asa's lack of recent Arkansas residency The Issue? Does Win Rock think he is behind? Is the new and negative tone his idea, or the plan of his new out-of-state hired political guns?
Isn't it ironic that Rock's DC campaign manager is trying to make an issue of Asa having an apartment in DC when Rockefeller has probably 15 homes around the world. I'd say they are behind and desperate.
There has been a Win sighting. His campaign has said that he is on a month long vacation to Europe. A month long vacation - yeah he can connect with everyday Arkansans.
Winn is in New York consulting with Hillary who will be his puppet master if he wins.
The lastest Brummet column gives Win a "DOWN" arrow. I don't think that means much. I would not read too much into the low profile. Personally I think Win can afford to take a vacation right now. We are still a long way out, and though Asa may well prevail, Win Rockefeller can make a race of it yet.
Sure he can afford to take a vacation, but is it smart. Appearances matter in politics and while Beebe's announcing and the big summer political events are occurring, Win takes a 5 week vacation to Europe. I don't think people like that very much.
No. It is not smart. I also got a letter from the Rockefeller campaign today that was "not smart". It was the SAME LETTER that he had already sent me two copies of. He must have money to burn if he can send a non-supporter the same letter (with bumper sticker) three times.
noticed a new blog at bullwhiz.blogspot.com
....but I don't see a place for readers to leave comments. Can you find one?
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