Members Only Format? A Bias Towards Liberty.
By Mark Moore (click "comments" below for article).
Since 2005, Arkansas Politics and Events from a Contrarian Small-government Perspective
posted by Mark Moore (Moderator) at Friday, September 23, 2005
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Arkansas Watch
As you know, action by trolls and vandals has moved me to consider making "Arkansas Watch" into a members-only forum. That would mean that people would have to sign up on blogspot in order to be able to post- and that abusive posters could be banned.
I know that there are people who post here with no other purpose than to destroy the blog and insult the people on it. They don't want to debate, they want to destroy. Intelligent counter-arguement is too difficult for them, so they play their only card, insult, childish ridicule, and mockery. They are afraid of an independent conservative voice- even a little blog like this one.
It is very tempting to go to a members only format. For now though, I want to keep it like it is. The trolls make themselves look so bad with what they do that it is worth the nuisaince that they cause. Their crass demeanor makes a distinct contrast between the thoughtful, reasoned posts of our supporters and the negative uglyness of our detractors.
In short, our virtue is best displayed when the brutal ignorance of our opponents is set right beside it. While it is true their vandalism is an irritant, it serves its purpose. Why, even the Devil gives God glory. Even though he hates that he is doing it, the darkness in his ways helps us to better understand the beauty and splendor of God's Holy ways.
You make a good point, and I don't want that to happen. Here is my solution. Mr. Toast, you now have the power to delete offensive posts as well. I will offer our other contributors that same power, if they desire it.
We now have double the "police power" on this blog, and Toast is the kind of guy who is not afraid to use his night stick!
This blog has died lately. The only thing that generates any debate is the Lt. Governors race, and folks are already growning tired of that.
Why don't you guys post something about the bond issue? I sure the CP would be against it, right?
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Drew Pritt is the worst, ever!
That's a great story. Waiting for more. ยป
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