How Can a "Fringe Candidate" Keep Getting it Right?
"Fringe candidate" and "Oddball Extremist" are just a few of the insulting monikers that establishment media types have recently hurled at a family man from Springdale who serves in the Arkansas Legislature. Strangely, every time their mudslinging is put to an electoral test, the positions of the "Fringe Candidate" turn out to be mainstream and the positions of the mudslinging Establishment media turn out to be fringe.....

By Debbie Pelley (click "comments" below for article).

By Debbie Pelley (click "comments" below for article).
Senator Holt has once again taken the narrow political road despite pressure to "go along to get along". And once again, Holt has proven to be more mainstream than the forces in this state that are trying to marginalize him.
His stand on the bond issues is just the latest example of this pattern. About sixty-two percent of the voters voted against the highway bond plan, along with Senator Jim Holt who announced his opposition in a press release about the first of December. He was the only Republican candidate to oppose the plan. Holt's primary opponents for the Republican Lt. Governor nomination, Rep. Doug Matayo and Chuck Banks, actively campaigned for its passage.
The establishment press continues to try to paint Senator Holt as a "fringe candidate". The Arkansas Democrat Gazette editorial endorsed both bond plans the day of the election. About thrity-eight percent of the voters agreed with those guys that keep trying to paint Senator Holt as a "fringe candidate", and sixty-two percent agreed with Senator Holt on the highway bond plan.
In fact, a few days ago, in their umpteenth editorial blasting Holt, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette’s editorial mocked Holt for “not having a clue” about the things going on in Arkansas. Previously, the Gazette editorials had also blasted Holt on two other issues: 1) Working for the Marriage Amendment (75% voted with Holt on this issue, 25% with the Democrat Gazette), and 2) Working against college scholarships for illegal aliens at taxpayer expense (it is fair to say 75% to 80% of the people in Arkansas agree with Holt on this illegal alien issue).
It appears that Holt has “more than a clue” about the people’s hearts. Once more an election has shown that Holt has views that are mainstream, and that it is in fact his critics that are "fringe". Sure they have been around a while, sure they are "establishment". Nevertheless, in terms of their positions on issues the term "fringe" can far more fairly be applied to them than to Jim Holt.
The next big thing is going to be education. The Lakeview ruling may force a constitutional crisis, with the Judges practically ordering the legislature to raise taxes and spend more money. Watch real close how the establishment types suggest handling it, then see what Jim Holt has to say. Then ignore the noise from the establishment and decide for yourself whose plan reflects what you want from your government.
10:54 PM
Jason Sheppard said...
Great post, Debbie!
6:40 AM
Harvey Edwards said...
It is true that anytime someone is for doing good for the people and by Gods direction he or she will immediatly take all the wrath of the nay saying left . I consider it a badge of honor to be considered a right wing extremist. It scares the other side half to death, but of course that other side is actually a small minority who are afraid of the truth. And we shouldnt take the left too seriously.
8:25 AM
Debbie, Thank you so much for speaking out for Jim. He is a good man with a good heart. He is a wonderful husband and dad. I know this for a fact. I'm his mother-in-law and am proud to say so.
Again Thank you so very much.
MeeMaw of a wonderful family.
To the contrary Mr. Pritt, whatever you become involved in becomes centered around YOUR SEXUAL PROCLIVITIES. That and your need to blaspheme by declaring that your sin is not sin at all and that God will not judge you for it.
It is sin, unrepented of sin especially, that destroys fellowship. Fellowship between God and man and also man and man.
You are constantly trumpheting the fact that Holt fellowships with you and so we should too. Once he realizes that you are using him to attempt to rationalize and normalize sinful behavior my guess is that he will be compelled to break fellowship- and it will be your doing not his. YOU are the one misusing whatever friendship he offered by turning it into a propaganda intrument for your crusade to undermine the Bible's teachings on homosexuality.
By my understanding of 1st Corth. 5 verses 9 on is that we should not have fellowship with people who claim to be Christians yet embrace a sinful life style. Were you a Christian we could fellowship, or if you were a homosexual we could fellowship, but not one who claims to be both.
You are trying to delude God, but the Bible teaches that one who attempts that will wind up deluding themselves.
Repent, so that your soul will not be lost to Him forever.
I also reject the man's argument that basically tries to draw a moral equivilence between all political parties. They are not morally equivilent. Some are more in line with God's will than others. That does not mean that they "own God", but that they are closer to acknowledgeing that God owns them. The Constitution and Republican parties have platforms that are closer to the Bible's teaching about the proper role and limitations of government than the Democratic party is. I reject the attempts at moral equivilence.
"Equal religious footing"...What the heck does that mean?!? I wouldn't claim that any of us is more or less of a Christian than the other. The is only one way to be a Christian, and that is through Jesus Christ. That's all. No one is more born-again than another person. The Bible is very clear that homosexuality is a sin, but it also says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..." Come on and set a Christ-like example.
You would not claim that Mother Teresa was more Christian than Saddam Hussien or Jim Jones or a priest that molested twenty children? Why not?
....and didn't he tell the women that he saved from the stoning to "go and SIN NO MORE"? Pritt would at that point get huffy with Christ and start correcting him that he was not a sinner!
Mark. this is the best thread you have had. Very well reasoned responses to Pritt. This is far more effective than the name calling and dismissing of him by others. That only makes him a martyr and he revels in that. Thank you for your thoughtful disection of his arguments.
Praise God for His Light of Reason and Truth.
We live in a perverse age where Tolerence is the only acknowledged virtue and calling something immoral is the only acknowledged vice. That kind of thinking is like a cancer eating away at our powers of reason and thus the very fabric of our society.
Society has rejected the idea of sin, and thus the need for repentence. Even the unrepentant BTK killer claims he is a Christian. He murdered one little girl's family and just before he strangled her told her not to worry because she was going to heaven. You would not judge this man as any less of a "Christian" than Pope Benedict would you? Why you judgemental intolerent person! Clearly he "believes", he just sees no need to repent!
The culture has tried to take repentence out of salvation. The Bible teaches that it is essential. Guess who is right.
But I'd heard that BTK called Jim Holt from his jail cell and found some common ground during the ensuing discussion.
Happy New Year!
So is mockery your answer? I told you where I was reading from. First Corinthians Chapter 5. Romans Chapter one would be a good one too. Did you notice those are from the New Testament? I don't want to kill you Drew. I want you to be set free.
Drew Pritt
Sodomy was condemned in the Old Testament, just like stealing and murder. But you think that Jesus gave eveyone a free ticket to sin. He did not. What was a sin in Old Testament times is still a sin today.
Plus you picture Christ as being full of love and compassion. And he is. But also remember God is also a God of wrath. He will not tolerate a nation full of sin and sodomy.
I generally dont say anything about a person's religion, But Drew many clergy in your denomination promote sodomy and abortion. I guess they are your religious mentors.
Saddam Hussein is not a professing believer and Jim Jones was a mass-murderer. That argument is like trying to decide who was the better Christian--Hitler or Charles Manson. Neither one!! Mr. Moore, you need to remember that you are not God--you aren't supposed to sit in judgement. Homosexuality is a clear sin to be sure, but we are all called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Pray for Mr. Pritt, but don't trash him or pretend to be any better. No of us are. Jesus is the only One who makes us worth anything.
Drew I never did lie on your brother. I simply stated was he said about the EEOC. And the American Anglican Church is not the church of C.S. Lewis. The Church of England sees sodomy as a sin.
Drew you simple cannot take the heat that comes with being in the political game. I advise you to save face and get out of politics. I tuly think you will face a nasty defeat in the Democratic Primary.
I have spent some time perusing this blogspot, and while I generally disagree with Andrew politically, I have to agree that in some areas Mr McDermott, you are wrong.
I like Bill O'Reilly. Not because he is a conservative, but because he gives everyone a chance to speak. After 20 some years in the military, I do believe that is one of the fundamental rights I have fought for.
Now while Andrew can be viewed as a strange bird in your view, at least emulate Bill O'Reilly, and get the facts straight. So, since you didn't do it the first time, lets enter my no spin zone:
Andrews gay ( or at least says he is). I don't like the gay lifestyle, but our current government has an EEO policy that accepts such lifestyles. ( The military is still one of the last bastions of morality, but strangely it doesn't reflect our governments view on someones sexual orientation). So, your comment publically that Andrew being gay 'makes your stomach turn', indicates to me that you are not an endorser of the Equal Employees Opportunity act of Congress.. how sad. I can deal with it, but apparently you can't. Andrew will have to answer for his lifestyle before God: not you.
Andrew was not a write in for the position of County Judge in Bradley county. He was a candidate on the ballots, and while he didn't win, ran a good race. If it weren't for his lifestyle issue, he probably would have won.
Andrew is endorsed and accepted by some big political candidates. I have personally met Mike Beebe, and Wesley Clark, [Gen, Ret.] who both have spoken highly of Andrew. I also remember that when Former President Clinton's mother passed away, Andrew was invited to the funeral, and the graveside service ( which was very closed and very exclusive). Were you there? Oohh , being a Republican, you were probably lambasting President Clinton, and forgetting the admonition in Rom 13 to pray for your leaders.. Thats why I abandoned the Republican party. For a group which claims to hold to high moral values, and Christian ideologies, when it comes to it, the walk isn't there. I classify myself as conservatively independant.
Just get your facts straight, quit taking cheap shots at Andrew.. compare his policies to your candidate, not his lifestyle. As for your other comment about him not posting information beforehand to dissuade his political opponents from showing up and heckling him.... ha ha sounds like a shrewd move to me. You just sound disappointed.
As for Pam Snyder.. your profile is like mine.. bare except you posted a blog title that says you started the blog to follow the political career of Drew Pritt. How much of him do you know other than his skeletons?
Also the cheap comment about him resigning to run for the office of sewage management was tacky.. but then again, I suppose that is your status quo.
When will we, as Americans, quit worrying about the moral terpitude of our leaders? Obviously if we search long and hard enough, we can find dirt on anyone. ( That includes me, you, anyone ). Shouldn't we be focusing on their management qualities and/or their proposed policies. In a country where we elect a moviestar as a President ( a darn goodone at that I might add), and a philanthoper as a President, shouldn't we all realize that running for office is as fundamentally a right as the right to vote? Let the American ( and in this case Arkansan ) people have their say in their vote...
Comment on his proposed policies..just leave his personal life alone, because it just doesn't matter. Our moral standing as a people in this country is shallow and fake. As one who has lived all around the world, I can tell you that from personal experience. We are a rich country, and we give mightily, but in other countries when people say they profess Christ, they show it in their lives. In all areas. The south is infamous in my book for having a polished veneer of spirituality.. it looks clean on the outside and yet , like the sepulchres Jesus mentioned, its dead and decaying inside. We can build Church buildings, but when it comes to discipleship, and building solid Christian communities, we fail. So our political leaders reflect our present spiritual standing.
Jo Janoski says Andrew "..sounds like the ultimate politician, saying whatever is needed to impress the audience of the moment, with different views for different audiences..." Hey, congratulations Miss Janoski, you just discovered the secret of politics.. the Republican party not withstanding. And as Christians, we blindly follow the GOP thinking that all the while, Jesus has a cardboard cutout of the Big Elephant around his throne.
Quit the mudslinging... it reeks like that paper plant you work in.
OH and BTW, there was a TV crew that came down and did a documentary on Andrew. I even have my own camcorder coverage of them filming him.. wierd things happen in America Mr McDermott..even for strange birds like Andrew.
"I did not want to be baited on this subject"
You CAME baited. No, you did not want to be baited, you wanted to revoke 2,000 years of Christian theology and have us all roll over without a fight.
And your mockery of the scriptures shows which of your two masters that you serve, when it comes right down to it. You are willing to mock the scriptures to defend homosexuality.
I am glad you are celibate- for now- you might live longer and healthier. But if you keep playing footsie with the devil you are going to fall down.
And as to the "how can you condemn a person for the way they were born" business. It is easy. I condemned myself for my sin nature in all its aspects when I accpeted Christ. Do I stumble? Yes, every day including this one, but the point is I don't attempt to justify sin, but struggle with it.
"The way I was born" indeed! How many straight guys were "born" monogamous? Next to none. It is a CHOICE we make for love and respect for a woman, and for the Lord's sake. We ALL have destructive tendencies that it is our duty to struggle with. Our "cross to bear". You though, are attempting to rationalize yours away.
Before I lock this thread in disgust, I want to add that even your mockery of the Old Testament did not get it right. Many things are listed as "abominations", but few things listed as "abominations" in the Old Testament had any CIVIL PENALTIES attached to violations. In other words, God did not say to kill people who sowed mixed seed or wore garmets with mixed fibers. He did say to execute practicing homosexuals.
Don't tell me that I "am not supposed to judge". That makes you the judge of what I am supposed to do, and thus violates your own admonition!
In addition, I have already judged myself, found myself guilty, and I repent, and therefore am justified in judging you by the same measure.
Just as the process of giving birth, of bringing a new life into the world, is painful, so is dying to self. If God had not first showed His love for us through the Passion, and called me, I don't think I would believe it worth it. Yet it is once on the other side. You wrote of LOVE, MERCY, CHARITY, FORGIVENESS.
Look at that last one. Forgiven of what? Can you pick which faults you are willing to repent of and hold on to the rest of them? That puts man in the place of God. Those things are attainable, not by our own efforts, but through REPENTENCE and FAITH.
You just prove my point. You cannot handle the political game.
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