Winners & Losers in the Special Election Bond Vote
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Since 2005, Arkansas Politics and Events from a Contrarian Small-government Perspective
posted by Anonymous at Wednesday, December 14, 2005
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Arkansas Watch
Winners, those who placed letters to editors in all the different papers opposing the Bonds. Folks read them papers and common sense goes a long way.
What to make of the news that Mike Beebe is a backer of the so-called "Lost Cherokee" tribe and supports their effort to get recongized a la their right to open Indian casinos in
I just read it on
Don't forget about the Arkansas Federation of Republican Assemblies!
Sorry...overlooked it the first time.
Senator Jim Holt, for publicly announcing opposition to BOTH Referred Questions 1 & 2 (
I never saw this in the public arena
I want to thank this site for their begrudging thank you's to me. Personally, I believe that the people of Arkansas should be NUMBER ONE on any list. They sorted through the attacks on good citizens and the standard fare of "No New Taxes" to retain democracy in our state.
Also, it is my hope and prayer for the New Year that we at this site could begin a new dialogue.
State Senator Jim Holt and I frequently visit by phone and I am not ashamed to call him a friend and a fellow Brother in Christ. If he and I can find ways to be friends, then how can you continue to slam me, as some of you do?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Holt was personally opposed to #2, but was not going to come out against it openly because it was NOT unconstitutional like #1, he just did not agree with it. He DID advise his friends in NWA what his vote was going to be, since many kept calling and asking.
By Monday, the word was out among the NWA conservatives- especially in Washington County. He had a radio interview in Fort Smith that day and the host flat out asked him "Why do you oppose both of these bond issues" and Jim told him.
That is my understanding of events.
It make explain why in Washington County, home of the U of A where #2 could be expected to do better than any other county in Arkansas, it actually did WORSE than average- 52% against. The word that the Holt's were against it got out up here in Washington County.
Huckabee lost more than anyone. He lost his creditabilty and opened a wound for his oppenents when the Presidental Primaries start up.
Educator Linda Eckard won- she had an article right here on this blog against #2 before being against #2 was cool.
Sorry toast, but Betsy Hagan is in Eagle Forum. You have her listed with AFA. Bob Hester is with AFA of Arkansas. And yes, both of them are winners because both opposed the bonds.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
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