Monday, January 30, 2006

Blanche Lincoln the Champ (at getting money from lobbyists).

I was not surprised to learn that Senator Blanche Lincoln, from that "champion of the little guy" Democratic party, led all Arkansas politicians in money raised from lobbys. Still, the magnitude of her lead surprised me.

(Click time below for rest of story)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The End is Nigh (John Brummett says some nice things about Jim Holt)

Surely the end of the world is near at hand, for John Brummett hath indeed spoken well of State Senator Jim Holt of Springdale in this column.....

Friday, January 27, 2006

"Workforce Education" Won't Work (ACAN Audio)

A lot of people are talking about "public/private parterships" to use public schools as job training centers. This is a part of what is called "Workforce Education". Here is an 11 minute audio file from the Arkansas Conservative Action Network (ACAN) explaining what "Work Force Education" means, why it is being pushed, and why it is doomed to be another colossal big-government failure. Just click and listen!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Holt Presents Ethics Reform Package for Special Session

State Senator Jim Holt of Springdale, a candidate for Lt. Governor, unveiled his long-rumoured ethics package today. Holt called on Governor Huckabee to add ethics reform to the agenda of the upcoming special session.

The bill would prevent lobbyists from buying legislators "even one cup of coffee". Currently legislators are constantly wined and dined by lobbyists. It would also...

(Click time below for rest of article.)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

110 of 350 Poultry Workers Test Positive for TB

The Democrat Gazette reported that 110 of 350 poultry workers at an Arkansas River Valley poultry plant tested positive for tuberculosis. Only one worker had the active form of the disease, which can lie dormant for years. The worker is responding to treatment. The outbreak is not necessarily a sign of a general outbreak of TB in Danville, as a public health spokesman noted that many of the workers come from countries where TB is more common.

There are normally about 30 active cases of TB a year in Arkansas. Over 16,000 people in America have tested positive for TB, but recently 44% of those have been found to be people living in the U.S. but born in other countries.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Halter Spokesman Says He's Running for Gov.

Bud Jackson, a spokesman for Democrat Bill Halter, says that Halter is running for the Democratic Nomination for Governor. A formal announcement is expected within a week. Halter is a technology consultant who held an administrative post in the Clinton administration.

(for rest of article click time below)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bebee Talks to Farm Bureau

AG Mike Bebee addressed a meeting of the Farm Bureau in Fayetteville yesterday in a move that has strategic consequences in the Governors race....

Click time below for article...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Arkansas Conservative Action Network Launches

ACAN is a clearing house for audio from conservative leaders in Arkansas. The project is moderated by Hot Springs resident Carl L. Steplock. Watch for more conservative websites in this state to build a portal to this site as it grows in content.

UPDATE: ACAN contributor and State Senator Jim Holt has a portal to ACANhere.

As a sample of their offerings, here is one of "yours truly" on the subject of "why even moderates should vote for conservative candidates". Turn on your speakers and have a listen.

Are Milken Award Winners Best Choice for School Ideas?

The Governor has sought "teacher input" for his ideas on changing education from a very limited group of teachers- Milken Award winners. Since we live in times where liberal Hollywood artists give travesties like "Brokeback Mountain" every award they can invent, perhaps it would be wise to consider what it means when liberal education foundations present awards....

By Debbie Pelley, click time below for article.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Governor's Race So Far

Bebee Boo-boos mix with one shrewd move that could backfire. Asa achieves Million Dollar Milestone.

By Mark Moore (click time below for article).

Friday, January 13, 2006

"Abortionist of Arkansas" on NBC's Nightline

Harrison remains entirely unambiguous when it comes to the fundamental issues at stake when considering to terminate a pregnancy...

[Click Link Below for Article & Comments]

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hispanics Score More than Half of DWI Arrests (in Springdale).

From NWA section of the Democrat-Gazette on Jan. 1.

(Click time below for facts from article).

Civil War in Corning Over Consolidation

By Debbie Pelley (click time below for article, click "comments" to add comment).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Arkansas Speaker of the House Candidates: Uncut!

On January 9th the Arkansas House will elect a new speaker. The voting records of these two candidates are examined in order to help you decide who you want to have this powerful position...

By Debbie Pelley (click time below for top of post, click "comments" to post a comment)