Deal Cut: Halter switches to Lt. Governor
Bill Halter announced today that he will file for Lt. Governor, not Governor. This move means Mike Bebee will not have a primary opponent and can hold onto his war chest. It also means the strong supporters of Wooldridge, Hathorn, and Martin have just seen their guy thrown under the Bebee Bus.
Share your thoughts on the impact this will have on the race. Will Clinton be more inclined to jump in and help the Democratic ticket? Will Halter win the demo primary?
Share your thoughts on the impact this will have on the race. Will Clinton be more inclined to jump in and help the Democratic ticket? Will Halter win the demo primary?
Jim Holt's chances of winning the general election just lowered quite a bit.
Why doesn't Holt switch to another race such as Auditor or Land Commissioner. He could win that race and then run for Governor when his term is up.
I really don't want to see Jim Holt lose this election because once he has lost two statewide elections, it will definately be hard for him to recover. He has a great mind, but this seems to be a waste.
That is good advice, most people have serious doubts about Holt's electibility in the general.
We need to back someone who has a great chance of garnering Conservative and moderate voters not just someone who can get votes from the homeschool set.
Halter against Holt. What a contrast, one that people anywhere would recognize. There would be a true choice for candidates here. No blurring of the issues. People know Halter is a Clinton man but not the politician Clinton is. He was appointed by Bill Clinton and served under him and wants a lottery in Arkansas plus no telling how many other liberal and progressive ideas. Most of his money comes from out of state and from special interests. Who would the people in Arkansas vote for? A man with Halter's qualities or one with Senator Holt's qualities who stands with the majority of the people vote after vote and time after time; on marriage amendment, bond plan, illegal alien issue against government control and government growth and is so opposed to tax increases that he voted against his own pay raise three times. I see how Holt could easily win against Halter. He is the best contrast for Halter of any of the other candidates. Halter stands for what Arkansas is tired of. Holt stands for what they are looking for.
Holt does not.
Blanche Lincoln is more liberal than Halter and Arkansas supported her.
Halter has the money and the support and will blow Holt away. I really hope Jim Holt understands this!
To post at 6:39 Blanche Lincoln was an entrenched encumbent. There is a big difference! You know how hard it is to defeat an encumbent. Please provide evidence that Lincoln is more liberal than Halter or give details as to why you think this. If you are appointed by Clinton and work in a powerful position, how can you be less liberal than Lincoln.
Is Banks' money going to match Halter's? How is he going to win it then with no name recognition in the state.
Are you a Republican or a Democrat
This is not all bad for the GOP. A lot of dems sound really ANGRY with Halter and Bebee over on the liberal Arktimes blog. Here is a sample of their invective...
One word : Deceptive
We knew that he was going to do this. Lie about running for Gov. Raise money and switch. You Screwed the Press, Gen. Clark, Bill Clinton, and now the People of Arkansas.
Bill you Lying SOB... It only make since that you have Ron Oliver working for you. He hate Clark, Clinton and the people...
Incoherent? Sure, but these are liberals. The point is that the strongest supporters of the other three guys are not going like the way Bebee threw their candidates under the buss to avoid a primary challenge. They may not rally round the winner if it is Halter.
How much this hurts Bebee and Halter depends on how much HARDCORE support each of the others has.
I talked to Jim Holt today. He is not in the least upset about this for his own race. He had a "bring him on" attitude.
He ran against someone who was an incumbant with ten million dollars and universal name ID, and who was falsely perceived as a moderate. Holt is raising money at at least triple the rate he did at this point in his last race, and his own name ID is far better than it was last time.
Half of Halter's money is coming from his own pockets. He has almost no money from Arkansans. Holt has probably outraised Halter in Arkansas dollars.
No, Holt is not afraid to face Bill Halter.
On the issue of Holt v Halter: Even though Halter is a democrat who isn't even garnering the entire support of his party, he is a Democrat. Just in case you weren't paying attention Arkansans like Democrats. Holt is more from the Constitutional party than Republican.
When was the last time a member of the Constituional party won state-wide office?
Do we really want the people to choose between the Constitutional party and Democratic party? Lets support a Republican.
I'll take a guy who supports the Constitution.
Holt should go for Treasure. It would seriously boost his chances of winning. Just look at Lagrone. He left the Lt. race for the Sec. of State. He is now see has having a great chance of winning. If Holt is serious about winning he should go for treasure. He could win there.
You make no sense other than you want an uncontested primary for your loser candidate. If he can't beat Holt, he doesn't get in. Get used to the idea.
And if you country clubbers would stop trying to attack good candidates in your own party who win their nominations fair-and-square, you'd have more conservatives in office instead of the usual spineless, uninspiring windbags that many are accustomed to.
Any of our guys could whip Halter now. His career is done. He lied to the voters and cut some kind of corrupt deal with Beebe. Halter isn't what we have to worry about. He won't make it past May 23. It's the other candidates I'm worried about.
Since when did the people stop supporting people that lied. Peoplesupported Clinton all the way through all his lies and immoral things he did.
Matayo should go for Treasure. It would seriously boost his chances of winning. Just look at Lagrone. He left the Lt. race for the Sec. of State. He is now see has having a great chance of winning. If Matayo is serious about winning he should go for treasure. He could win there.
Did you read this from the Arkansas Times Blog "Beebe said he could see an expanded role for the lieutenant governor, assuming that person is someone he could work with. (All of the Democratic candidates and one Republican candidate fit that description, he said, but he wouldn't name the Republican.)"
Which Republican was he talking about?
Senator Jim Holt? No
Rep Doug Matayo? No
Chuck Banks? I think Bebee could work with his former classmate.
"Beebe said he could see an expanded role for the lieutenant governor, assuming that person is someone he could work with."
Like he thinks he is going to win? Get ready for Hutchinson-Holt to sweep in November!
Holt will not be sweeping anything except his kitchen floor when he loses the race.
Shame shame. He is such a wonderful guy.
I would love to have Holt at Lt. Gov but he can't beat the Democrats.
I would love to have Maytayo as Lt. Gov but he can't be the Democrats.
I don't want Chuck Banks as Lt. Gov but he is certainly better than a Democrat.
That is why I am casting my vote for Banks. I don't want him, but we don't need a Democrat!
1:13 That is a great attitude to have. If everyone had that attitude, we'd be in real trouble. You need to cast your vote for the best candidate, period. Banks will get eaten alive by the democrats and then we WILL be left with a democrat. Don't waste your vote.
No new article since March 9..... guess someone is having a good time.....Congratulations
Halter won't make it out of their primary anyway. Too many people hate him.
Holt and Wooldridge. Now that would be interesting.
Is this blog still in business? haven't seen anything posted in over a week. Only 3 items last week.
Mark is on his honeymoon. Will return this weekend...
Give Mark a break, They deserve it. Although I dont have access to place formal input to this site I want to post the following.
It is a rendition of the Pledge Allegiance done as only John Wayne could do it. It is basically the home page of my website but I like it so much that I visit my own site just to hear it.
if you cant get it to work let me know.
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