Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Chucky Goes Negative

After spending the first six months of his campaign saying he was running "for Lt. Governor and not against either of these two fine gentlemen" and that he was a "Reagan Republican" (whose famous 11th commandment said "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican"), Chuck Banks has chosen to spend the last two weeks of his campaign running the most outrageous attack ads of the season on Senator Jim Holt.


Continued....Click "Tuesday" below for text of ad and scroll down, or if sent straight to this page just scroll down.


Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Chuck Banks campaign ad:

I am Chuck Banks and I paid for land authorized this message.

Lt Gov Candidate Jim Holt has a bad habit of making promises and then doling just the opposite and usually at taxpayers' expense. Holt says the state shouldn't be educating our children and is opposed to Pre-K programs.

But in the 01 legislative session Senator Holt voted for millions in new taxes that funded new Pre-K programs while raising cain about the waste in state government Holt didn't even show up for a Senate Com hearing that voted to spend $186,000 taxpayer dollars to renovate senate offices including his own.

Now Jim Holt says he wants to use the Lit. Governor's office to push his own personal agenda and make the position full time. And how much will that cost us, Mr. Holt?

There is just no way we can afford Jim Holt's taxing, spending, and self serving ways.

Jim Holt: Promise maker; promise breaker.

9:22 AM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

You could have gone out with class Chucky, instead, you are just going out.

9:25 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds right on.

9:46 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holt already admitted that the "temporary" beer tax in 01 (the only tax increase vote of his career) was a rookie mistake. He has voted against its renewal ever since.

A lot of the money from that tax went to somethign called "Sencond Chance for Children" or something like that. When as a rookie legislator he asked "What is this" they told him it was to help children who are victims of alcoholic parents. It turns out the program was really pre-school.

Chucky is going to have a hard time painting Holt as a big tax and spender. And Chucky himself is going around saying we need more pre-K Even if Holt messed up and voted for it how are the voters who don't like that going to benefit from voting for Chucky?

As far as him trying to spin Holt's saying he will serve full time into something that will cost money, that is just downright dishonest. Holt said he would serve fulltime for the current salary of about $40,000 a year, just like he serves full time in the Senate for much less pay. It won't cost taxpayers a dime more, they will just get more.

And what is "his own personal agenda"? Does that mean the proposed ballot initiatives? How are those merely "personal"? They require the support of a majority of voters to be enacted. Any of them that are merely Jim Holt's personal desires won't get off the ground, those that the people want have a chance to- and I don't have a problem with that.

10:03 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Altes, Holt, and Norton are the three that vote for the LEAST spending in the legislature. To try to say "we can't afford his spending" about any of those guys turns reality on its head.

10:05 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard the ad. It is so bad that only the arrogant gas-bags at No Impact Mismanagement could conceive of them. If they are never used by a candidate in Arkansas again, at least some good will come of this.

10:06 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, chuck- I guess that "honoring Reagan's 11th commandment" stuff was said with a wink, just like when you declared Dan Harmon innocent!

You may claim that Holt's beer tax vote was a valid issue, but the rest of that ad is baloney. Painting Holt, who is known as Dr. No for his stand against tax increases, as a liberal spender is comical! It earns you a funnier picture than the knife-wielding crazy-eyed doll heading up this blog.

10:08 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't blame Chuck- Bearden suckered him into thinking that this would work.

10:09 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holt says [he] is opposed to Pre-K programs.

But in the 01 legislative session Senator Holt voted for millions in new taxes that funded new Pre-K programs...

Am I missing something here? Hasn't Chuck been loudly advocating Pre-K?

10:13 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes he has, but the one time Holt did it his way, Chucky attacks him for it!

10:30 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want Chuck Banks to "go out with dignity" but you haven't required Holt to have any dignity whatsoever. Holt has been going negative during this whole election and now you're crying when someone does it back? Oh good grief. You Holties need to grow up. The only person "hurting our party" is Holt, even though he isn't a member of our party, so why would he care.

11:14 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Am I missing something here? Hasn't Chuck been loudly advocating Pre-K?"

That's the difference. Chuck Banks doesn't say he's against it but then votes for it. He's been honest from the beginning. He also doesn't want to use the taxpayers money to pay for it, unlike Holt who voted to use the taxpayers money for it.

11:18 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, Banks is for pre-k, but he's been up front about his support of it all along. Holt, on the other hand, voted for it and then wants to claim he's against it when it proves unpopular. With Banks, you get what you get. With Holt, you're never sure what might show up tomorrow.

Banks, keep running your ads. They're good.

11:19 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job Banks. Obviously you've angered a few people here. They can see Holt's numbers shrinking by the minute.

11:19 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nupe is fraud. Don't pay attention to anything he/SHE says. Quite frankly, I wonder how much of the sniping and petty bickering on here has just been a liberal from the Fayetteville Democrats stirring up trouble.

Doug, Jim, Chuck ... please don't interpret everything that you see on this blog as coming from the other candidate.

11:47 AM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they aren't that outrageous if they're the truth nom.

12:23 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck has advocated RESEARCH into pre-k. He's never said anything about "mandating" it. Stop lying holtites!!!

12:26 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Holt was never for pre-K. Holt already admitted that 2001 thing was a mistake that got by him. Bank's ad makes it looks like Holt did it on purpose instead of a mistake he made and fessed up to.

12:28 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a "mistake." We all really need a guy in the lg office that makes lots of "mistakes."

1:36 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bank's ad makes it looks like Holt did it on purpose instead of a mistake he made and fessed up to."

Too bad. Holt needs to grow up and face the music. He needs to quit whining about the vote and learn from his mistake. Maybe next time he'll be more careful and actually READ what he's voting for. Maybe the voters don't care that it was a mistake and maybe the voters won't want someone who makes so many mistakes as Lt Gov. I don't care what kind of tax "he thought he was voting for" he still voted for taxes. He shouldn't have voted for one in the first place, just like he promised.

1:40 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Banks has never made a mistake in his legislative record- because he doesn't have one! They guy never cast a vote for a bill in his life.

1:48 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that the actual chuck banks and chucky the movie villian both have extremely round heads. just my random observation.

2:03 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is just no way we can afford Jim Holt's taxing, spending, and self serving ways.

Jim Holt: Promise maker; promise breaker."

That is a personal attack. How has Holt ever engaged in a personal attack on Chuck Banks? Hmmmmm? Is disagreeing with Chuck Banks on a policy issue a "personal attack"?

2:07 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the phrase "moderatly faithful" ring any bells?

2:15 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Holt uses that analogy to answer yet ANOTHER personal attack that he is an "extremist". He says he is extremely committed to conservative values and that is a good thing. He asks, "what if your spouse said they would be moderately faithfull? Don't you want someone exrtemely faithful?"

There is no way that is an attack on Banks or anyone else. It is Holt defending himself from charges of "extremesim" from people who won't specify what he is supposed to be "extreme" on. Please try again.

2:30 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is just no way we can afford Jim Holt's taxing, spending, and self serving ways.

Ha ha! This from the man who intentionally stalled the Whitewater investigation to give Clinton enough time to wrap up his first presidential election campaign. How much has that cost us all, Chuck?

Whitewater timeline (scroll to 1992)

3:14 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Don't blame Chuck- Bearden suckered him into thinking that this would work."

You hit it right on the money.

6:31 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...with Bearden's firm collecting a 15% commission on the new buys no doubt.

6:47 PM, May 09, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Since the time Banks made public comments to the effect that constitutionalists were ill advised extremists I have had a less than fuzzy feeling for the man.
I believe he sees the closeness that Holt has to the Constitutionalist conservative spirit and it is rubbing him the wrong way.
Principles over politics will win.

7:48 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Harvey, good to hear from you again!

8:16 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holt camp caught stealing signs again today in Siloam Springs. Keep your criminal hands off!!

8:42 PM, May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, 2:30, it is an attack on Banks and has been for months now.

6:37 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Holt is a tax and spender? Jim Holt is a campaign sign stealer? Is there anything other "solid" issues that Chuck and Matayo would like to run on?

7:06 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes. And what they're running on is working just fine.

7:54 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Harvey Edwards is for Holt that tells me all I need to know...

7:59 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Dan Harmon is for Banks that tells me all I need to know.

8:14 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Holt = Vote for me or go to Hell.

Well, I am a Christian, and I am voting for Banks.

8:39 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

theyve got the vicious audio at bullwhiz.com i just noticed.

10:08 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is not Holt's position so don't try to use that junk as your rationalization to vote for Chucky.

10:55 AM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when did Harmon endorse Banks? Oh, I guess you're going to get to work on that now aren't you?

12:48 PM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even the print media, who have always been down on Holt, think this attack ad is anything but garbage..


1:47 PM, May 10, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

I Love you too Mr or Miss AN nonymouse.

5:53 PM, May 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:55 AM

If that isn't his position, why do he and his supporters keep saying, "Vote for the Christian in the race?"

You have to remember that even Satan can quote the scripture!

5:32 AM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chucky Banks is a fraud for, among other things, implying that Holt would benefit from a senate office refurbishing. Holt will never use his old office after it is re-done. Hopefully, Jim will be our next Lt. Gov. Either way, his term as state senator is up in a just a few months.

6:17 PM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:17

Holt's office will be done before November. He will use it. Just thought I would let you know!

7:54 PM, May 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know that? IF the builders finished the job by November, there is still no regular session until next year! Or do you have some secret knowledge that a special session will be called? And even if one was called, how long would it last, one week!?

Speaking of weak, Chucky's accusation is lame, and I believe that any rational person would admit that. But thank you for your efforts to justify it.

6:33 AM, May 12, 2006  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Hey, they are state senators and they don't have an enclosed office? What, are they in cubicles?

Spend the 186,000 bucks. If I want to go talk to my senator about something, I want his undivided attention- and no one elses.

10:56 AM, May 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »

9:25 PM, February 04, 2007  

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