Leak of KHTV Poll for Lt. Governor
"Data Collected: 05/12/2006 - 05/14/2006
Democratic Primary: In a Democratic Primary for Arkansas Lieutenant Governor today, 5/15/06, Bill Halter wins comfortably, according to a SurveyUSA poll of 491 Likely Democratic Primary Voters conducted exclusively for KTHV-TV Little Rock. The Primary is in 8 days, on 5/23/06. Halter gets 41% of the Democratic Primary vote. Tim Wooldridge gets 20%. Mike Hathorn gets 14%. Jay Martin trails with 6%. 20% of Democratic Primary voters are undecided. Since an identical SurveyUSA KHTV-TV poll 5 weeks ago, Halter has gained 8 points, Wooldridge has gained 5 points, Hathorn is unchanged."
UPDATE: Republican Numbers-
Holt: 57%
Matayo: 12%
Banks: 12%
Undecided 19%
There wasn't a Democrat Primary Lt. Gov poll done when the last Republican Lt.g Gov poll was done. I guess it's the Democrats' turn now.
But someone was calling asking about the Governor's race AND the Lt. Governor's race for both sides.
If not KHTV then who?
There was a poll done on both sides. I called and found out this morning.
Actually, how do you figure that Halter wins comfortably with 41% of the vote? You need 50 to win. Looks like he'll be in a run-off, and a lot of the votes for the other candidates would go to the other person (which looks like Wooldridge).
Mark Moore adds as well as he interperts the bible-thats how.
Just an honest opinion on my part, and I don't believe I said anything about my candidate.You have no clue who he is. If you think you do then you must know my name. Let's play a game--tell me what my initials are. Otherwise shut up. I'll give you a hint they don't start with "E".
It's KTHV, not KHTV.
Mark Moore that was fun and getting interesting. Why are you the only one who gets to put up what you like. Are you Mr. Toast also?
"I don't believe I said anything about my candidate.You have no clue who he is."
Oh, we know who you are, Matayo hack, believe me.
Behave yourself.
Doug, Chuck, pack your bags.
The number is over on Arkansas Times: "Holt in a landslide"
Holt: 57%
Matayo: 12%
Banks: 12%
Undecided 19%
Good work bloggers. I knew we could locate the data.
Weeks of ads for Banks have not moved his numbers at all. Given the large margin of error (5.5%) you could say the numbers have not changed at all.
2:20 You confirmed my suspicions. You have no clue.
Say it enough, and others might believe you. But you and I know better.
Behave yourself.
2:20 speaking of hack. You are an expert on hacking (into computers). Do you believe there is one law for you to follow and different laws for everyone else? You break the laws of this country every day, but then you complain when hispanics do it. Maybe you should set a better example.
Hasta La Vista you pre k socialist sucking dogs. Take your sick slick lack of spine brand of Rino and Reagan Rino hot air back home. The Republican elites dont and wont get it-People are sick and distrusting of slick and elite hooy-its all grassroots all the time baby!
If one of us has broken the law, you should alert the authorities. Otherwise, you should be more circumspect with your wild accusations and limit your words to things like congratulating Senator Holt on a fine campaign.
2:49 If you know who I am say so. You know nothing. If by chance you do then, this is your site and you are breaking the law! Which would not surprise me--they only apply to illegals in you small mind!
It's all grassroots all the time, until Tuesday, or until November, when Holt is out of a job FOREVER. He'll be packing his bags and heading straight for the umemployment line. NO JOB, NO FOOD, NO HOME, NO ONE CARES!
I'm glad that you're so excited to be handing the office of Lt. Gov back to the democrats. The TRUE republicans have worked hard to get control of that office again, and now you can't wait for us to lose it again. RINO!
VOTE MATAYO, VOTE BANKS, but don't vote for Holt. If you do, you're handing over the office of Lt. Gov back to the dems. THAT'S A GUARANTEE!
Yeah, they can barely break out of single digit support (Banks is already losing ground), and you're worried about Holt's chances? Ha ha!
Congrats Senator Holt, Staff and Family for running an excellent campaign and for realizing that sticking to the core principles of the republican party will energize the base. Thats what Reagan did in Cali and then across the US. He was not some pragmatist who said "well, let's study pre-k and the other soviet ideas and see if they work" Rather he evaluated ideas based on core republican ideals and principals.
Holt does not have a chance in November, and you better get ready for it. He will not be able to raise near the money as the democrats just like last time. No sane person will give him any, or vote for him.
3:12 Can't you see nobody's with that stuff your selling except the party elites. Your drivin' that truck right into a brick wall. Slow down, look around. There's too much info out there for the subjects to blindly follow the Country Club Repub Elites anymore. You may be one. But that dog wont hunt anymore! Wake up!!!!
Congrats to Doug for Breaking out of single digits and for Chuck holding on to his piece of the pie! Those high paid campaign consultants and talking points for The Huckster really made the difference for the republican party. Great Job.
I'm wide awake, and you will be too if Holt makes it to November. I'm not one to say I told you so, and hopefully I won't have to. Hopefully he won't make it past Tuesday. He definitely won't make it past November.
It will take more than "grassroot republicans" to win in November. And Holt can't get anyone else to vote for him, so he'll lose. Just like last time. Democrats and middle of the road voters will not vote for Holt. He's too extreme. If you can't cross party lines, you won't win. Simple as that.
The Establishment types need to show us they can be team players, and if they can't bear to break out their check books or say something nice about their party's nominee then at least SHUT UP with the constant criticism and VOTE RIGHT.
If they don't, they can't expect the Christian Right to back their establishment types next time, and that is the end of the GOP in Arkansas. It is the team concept, and it is their turn to give. We will see.
3:30 your logic is too simplistic. There is a huge bunch of Democrats out their that are more conservative than you guys at the country club (not a wholly accurate label, I like country clubs myself). Holt appeals to them. There are a whole bunch of people out there that do not have a defined political philosophy. They go with whoever makes their case with the most passion. Holt appeals to them.
Most normal people don't let the editorial pages of the DemoZette tell them what to think about a candidate- they don't even read 'em.
If Holt loses the election, it won't be because he can't get Demo and Indy swing voters- it will be because Republicans like you refuse to be team players. The precinct by precinct totals will tell all!
The numbers are within the margin of error for the last poll. Statistically they have not budged. Matayo may have moved up a point or two. This was after the other two blew their budget on advertising.
I agree that the late undecideds tend to break against the incumbant (or the closest thing to an incumbant). I would project that they would break 2-1 for the other two, leaving them to spilt 13% and Holt to get 6% added to his total.
The only scant hope the others have to force a run-off is for dismal- and I mean dismal- turnout. If the turnout is at least 75,000 Holt will win in a landslide (over 60%). For every 10,000 off from that, he loses 3-5%.
If the Republican party does not want Holt to represent them, then they shouldn't vote for him. I would rather see it go to a dem for 4 years than to a nut like Holt for 8. Most of us can handle 4, but there is no way we can handle 8. But what am I saying, Holt has already said he is running for Pryor's seat in 2 years, no matter what. Holt is the one who doesn't care about this party, he only cares about his own political future.
I know Senator Holt, he's not wanting his political career (it's not working), he's sick of Arkansas being poorly represented in the Senate, and feels called to challenge that. He's just a Conservative Republican with quasi-libertarian leanings.
I'm anxious to se Halter v. Holt numbers...
I am always amused by those who say Holt has no chance in Nov. & use 2004 as an example.
At that time he had; no statewide name recognition, was out spent 9 to 1, challenged an incumbant(Arkansas' "Baby Doll" no less)& most important without any help from his own Party he still came in with 44% of the vote.
I agree with one of the previous posts the only thing that can beat Holt this time is the elitist Republicans who won't get behind him.
Actually he was outspent 40-1!!!
"If the Republican party does not want Holt to represent them, then they shouldn't vote for him. I would rather see it go to a dem for 4 years than to a nut like Holt for 8."
That is being decided right now and will probably conclude on May 23rd. At that point, if he gets 50% +1 vote or more, then the Republican Party DOES want Holt to represent them. The only question becomes whether people like you will support your party's nominee or work to undermine him. If the latter, and precinct vote totals will reveal if this is the case, then you can probably kiss ALL Republican chances in Arkansas for years GOODBYE. The conservatives are already angry at the party establishment.
People like you are going to vote Holt, or it will divide the party with your childish insistence on your own way.
"At that time he had; no statewide name recognition, was out spent 9 to 1, challenged an incumbant(Arkansas' "Baby Doll" no less)& most important without any help from his own Party he still came in with 44% of the vote."
Any respectable candidate should've won that race because of Bush. Holt only received 44% of the vote because of Bush. Without Bush, Holt has no chance. Face it, he has no chance in November.
The so-called "respectable" candidates were too afraid to get in it because Lincoln was supposed to be unstoppable.
Too bad for Holt he was not running against a Massachusetts liberal like John Kerry who was outspent in the state. Instead he faced a homegirl who outspent him 40-1. Holt could have beaten Kerry for Senate in Arkansas, especially with Bush's funding advantage. You are going apples and oranges in an attempt to justify your selfish my-way-or-Im-taking-my-ball-and-going-home
3 year old attitude.
Any fair obserevor would admit that Holt ran suprisingly well. Even his enemies in the media conceded it, but his "friends" in his own party won't because they are spoiled and selfish. the conservative grassroots are supposed to back their establishment stooges to the hilt when they get the nod, but you are too "respectable" to play by the same rules yourself.
Well, I guess that since so many Republicans support Jim Holt with their vote, then they can support him with their checkbooks too.
If they do, then Jim was/is right, even if he loses. If they don't then who is to blame?
I personally find it too bad that both parties have been hijacked by the extremes. I personally would love to have the opportunity to have to choose between two sensible candidates like Wooldridge or Matayo.
Holt will win, so will Halter. It would funny to me if both parties just boycotted the Lt. Governor race in the fall.
I generally vote for the man not the party. Usually that means that I vote for the Republican in the national elections and the Democrat in the local elections.
Doesn't look they there is a point in voting in the Republican primary so I will be giving my support to Wooldridge.
Well, I guess that since so many Republicans support Jim Holt with their vote, then they can support him with their checkbooks too.
Why bother having elections? Why not just add up campaign donations and have the winner be the one who has raised the most cash?
Good grief!
Why bother running a campaign at all? Why not just go with the original "God told me to run" and sit back and watch it happen? What's the point in trying to raise money at all? If God wants you to win, then you shouldn't have to do anything to make it happen. Jim is the one who begs everyone for $5.00. If money in a campaign isn't important, then why does he beg for it all the time?
Why not just go with the original "God told me to run" and sit back and watch it happen?
Sounds like you need to some theological help.
What happened to the Christian fish on Jim Holt's campaign signs? Did he forsake ideology?
Werent they replaced with scripture , or did you not notice that , my well informed friend
Only his LEGAL sign was replaced with scripture. His ILLEGAL signs, which he isn't supposed to be using, have the fish. Sounds like he needs some theological help.
If Jim Holt has done something illegal, you should report it to the ethics commission or the police. If he has not, then you should quit libeling him. You are all gas.
Mark, not everyone files a report every time a candidate doesn't follow the law. If we did, they would be flooded with reports. We shouldn't have to file anything. We should be able to count on men of God to follow the law. You know that he is breaking the rules with those signs, but you're just glad he's getting away with it until the election is over.
We shouldn't have to listen to you slander Jim every day, either.
It isn't slander, it's the truth. You just don't want to face it.
I've never seen so many people look the other way when their candidate lies and breaks the rules. You remind me of all the people that defended Clinton.
At least Banks had the decency to admit when he was wrong and apologized for it. Holt just hides out and hopes he doesn't get caught.
The reason a report hasn't been filed is because we personally know the person doing it, and don't want to embarrass her or her family in Siloam Spings. Unlike the Holt camp, we don't believe in vengence just because someone is for the other side. We've asked for it to stop and it hasn't. It's illegal and shameful. But we will pray for this person and leave it in God's hands to deal with. But let me tell you--Jim Holt knows what is going on and he is choosing to look the other way for his own personal gain. That's pitiful.
Talk is cheap, Emily. It's cheap for you, anyway, but it costs your victims.
But that is your intent, isn't it?
She'd better watch it, or she just might find that it's going to get costly. Defending yourself in a lawsuit is known to add up quickly.
"Unlike the Holt camp, we don't believe in vengence"
Yeah right, that is why you went after Bob Hester and hounded the AFA until they put Arkansas on the list of chapters to drop. You don't believe in vengence, that is why you are on these threads every day making up lies about Holt.
If you have cause, file an ethics complaint or criminal charges. The reason they have not stopped doing what you asked them to do is that they are not doing anything wrong.
Oh yes, let's talk about lawsuits. You bash trial lawyers, but then you talk about lawsuits. Should we file a lawsuit against Jim Holt for spreading lies? You can't file lawsuits unless you have just cause.
"Yeah right, that is why you went after Bob Hester and hounded the AFA until they put Arkansas on the list of chapters to drop. You don't believe in vengence, that is why you are on these threads every day making up lies about Holt."
The AFA looked into the situation and agreed that what Bob Hester was doing was wrong. Bob Hester should've had higher moral standards, instead of stooping to Holt's level. He brought it on himself and then had to pay for it. That's life. Get over it.
Your hounds had to call and threaten a well known realty company when you saw they supported Matayo. They received numerous threats from Holt followers and forced them to remove the sign. For some reason the Holt followers have one set of rules for them and a whole other set for everyone else.
COME UP WITH ONE LIE THAT HAS BEEN POSTED ABOUT JIM HOLT! JUST ONE! YOU CAN'T DO IT BECAUSE THERE HAVEN'T BEEN ANY. 100% of the negative posts about Jim have been true. Jim Holt and his followers are the only ones who go around spreading lies. You know it, I know it and God knows it. That is all that matters.
Exactly which post on here was posted by "Emily". I'd like to know, because I guarantee you're wrong. Give me the time. You've been wrong every time you've tried to call her out.
"The reason a report hasn't been filed is because we personally know the person doing it, and don't want to embarrass her..."
Do us a huge favor and make the formal charge. Don't hide your lame accusations behind a facade of compassion. Anyone following your mudslinging on the blogs knows you don't have an ounce of compassion, and that there hasn't been any hateful falsehood off-limits for you during the entire course of this ridiculous excuse for a campaign that Matayo is running.
Yes, we can only assume that Doug approves of your behavior. How tragic.
8:54 AM How exactly are you going to sue an anonomous person? In order to do that, you'd have to admit that you are illegally tracking someone and you'd be laughed out of court. You love to assume every person who doesn't agree with Holt must be a Matayo person, but you're wrong.
Unlike Holt, who runs to the police every time he doesn't like something, some people choose not to do that. The Bible is very specific on fellow believers not acting that way toward one another, or did you forget that in your lawsuit-hungry camp? Maybe you should brush up on your reading.
And the part about the realty company is very true--I've spoken to the owner. Grow up and realize that Jim Holt is not God, Doug Matayo is not Satan, and just run a political campaign without ruining the reputation of other people (including Banks). It might make you feel better now, but you're going to feel awful about what you've done later. And if you have no remorse, I feel very sorry for you.
You were asked earlier to come up with one example of a false accusation made against Jim Holt by a Matayo supporter. You were unable to do that. Matayo can back up the claims that have been made about Holt telling lies. Matayo has backed it up and has confronted Holt. Banks can and has done the same. You spew out false accusations on a daily basis and have no proof to back it up. You even try and blame someone else for a post, but still you can't provide anyone with proof. I've seen people ask you dozens of times for proof, and you have none.
And I guess it's safe to assume that since Holt has so many racists supporters, that he approves of that behavior.
"...during the entire course of this ridiculous excuse for a campaign that Matayo is running."
Well, I don't seem to recall Matayo or Banks having to dismiss their embarrassing excuse for a campaign manager.
What would you call a "good campaign"? Stealing signs, spreading lies, vandalizing someone's property, threatening people that support the other candidate. Congratulations, you're now officially a politician if you feel that those are the signs of a good campaign.
I dont get it , you folks sit up there in the 3rd and forget what we are fighting for, I have been kicked around and looked down at by Democrates my entire adult life , just because I am a Conservative in the 4th district
There hasnt been a year go by that our signs have not been stolen or destroyed just because they were Republican, We have an enemy out there and its not a nice one . For Gods sake wake up and realize that this nonsense about the signs is nothing and join forces against the real foe before it is to late , I support Holt , but if banks or mayeto win , Ill work my hardest to make them the next Lt Gov ,
amen bro
I would expect that kind of behavior from someone in a different party, but not from someone who is supposed to be a fellow Republican and a man of God. I guess if you want the people who supported your opposition to vote for you in the general, then you better act a little more respectful next time. Jim Holt and his followers did nothing but cost him a large amount of votes if he makes it to the general. In life you need to remember that you might need the help of the people you stepped on, on your way up.
Are you suggesting that we take an anonymous poster's accusation that Holt is a thief? You are a lousy democrat for all we know. Go back to ArkTimes blog!
Oh, but I thought you knew everything.
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