Matayo Puts "Undecided" on Scholarships for Children of Illegals for Family Council Survey
I can't believe the chutzpah. This guy is slicker than a catfish in a jar of vaseline. You have to watch Republican Lt. Governor candidate and State Representative Doug Matayo real, real close to catch him trying to sneak one over on you. He's good at it. Those are the dangerous ones.
The biggest issue of this campaign regarding Matayo's record is his support for HB1525, which would have provided taxpayer funded college scholarships and in-state tution rates for persons in this country illegally. Matayo voted for that bill and went to the well of the House to speak for its passage. He pushed hard for it. Only the strident objections of consevatives in the Senate, teamed with voter outrage, stopped it from passing.
Senator Jim Holt has been making sure everyone knows Matayo's record on this issue, and early in the campaign Holt claims Matayo said (at a U of A Fayetteville College Republican Event) that he would "never back down" from his position.
But on page 92 of this Arkansas Family Council candidate survey. .....
(continued- click "Monday" below for rest of article and scroll down, or if sent straight here just scroll down).
The biggest issue of this campaign regarding Matayo's record is his support for HB1525, which would have provided taxpayer funded college scholarships and in-state tution rates for persons in this country illegally. Matayo voted for that bill and went to the well of the House to speak for its passage. He pushed hard for it. Only the strident objections of consevatives in the Senate, teamed with voter outrage, stopped it from passing.
Senator Jim Holt has been making sure everyone knows Matayo's record on this issue, and early in the campaign Holt claims Matayo said (at a U of A Fayetteville College Republican Event) that he would "never back down" from his position.
But on page 92 of this Arkansas Family Council candidate survey. .....
(continued- click "Monday" below for rest of article and scroll down, or if sent straight here just scroll down).
... Matayo claims he is "undecided" on the question of "Allowing the children of illegal immigrants to be eligible for college scholarships".
So he actually voted for a bill that would go FARTHER than this statement suggests, and spoke in its support on the house floor and aggressively pushed for its passage, but now claims he is "undecided" on this question.
At the Arkansas Republican Assembly meeting the members noted that Matayo also answered "undecided" to a similar but more strongly worded question on their survey. At that event, I heard it with my own ears, Mayayo spokesman Lucas Roebuck said they answered undecided because "they did not like the way the question was worded. We felt like it was aimed right at us."
Well, the Family Council Question was not strongly worded at all, yet Matayo again misrepresented his record. I can only conclude that he attempts to get over on people, and I notice that he and his inner circle get extremely frustrated and angry with those who pay very close attention to these discrepencies and attempt to call him on them.
In fact, the question was so softly worded that even I might have been tempted to put a "Support" there. Why? As long as THE CHILDREN were here legally then I have no objection to them being eligible for college scholarships regardless of the parent's status. The question on this survey did not specify whether the children were here legaly. But HB1525 was not about that. It would have given people who came to this country illegally, say a Mexican teenager, a shot at college scholarship money on the taxpayer's dime.
Doug Matayo is misrepresenting his record when he tells people that he is "undecided" on this question. He is decided all right, he just does not want you the voter to know what his decision has been.
He may well get into a run-off for the Lt. Governor's office, but I hope not. He makes a very good first impression on those that are not paying real close attention. I hope people are paying close attention this time.
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Your constant accusations that everyone else is "lying" have become quite tiresome. I don't think a day has gone by that you don't use that word.
Here is what I am going to do, you keep posting using that word, and I am going to keep deleting your posts. If you want to lay out facts for debate, that is fine. If you want to point out inconsistencies in records (as I did in the main article) that is fine too, but I have had enough of you using the "L word" on everybody and their dog. I will delete all your posts until you learn to behave better on this board.
"In 2003, Holt voted for SB483, the bill that allowed Arkansas to participate in the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax agreement, which will eventually result in sales tax on internet purchases."
But on the form Jim Holt put opposed when it asked about collecting state sales tax on all purchases made by Arkansans over the internet. Does that sound like Jim Holt is being truthful to you? I won't use the "L" word again, I'll just do what you do and imply it in a round about way.
"I can only conclude that he attempts to get over on people, and I notice that he and his inner circle get extremely frustrated and angry with those who pay very close attention to these discrepencies and attempt to call him on them." That's a little hypocritical, wouldn't you say?
"Quoting from Section 88 of the bill, "It is found and determined by the Eighty-fourth General Assembly that the Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement is necessary in order to stop the loss of sales tax revenue due to the rapid growth of internet sales,..."
Yet another tax that Holt voted for. I guess the Matayo and Banks camps didn't catch that one."
Family Council Survey:
"Are you for taxes on internet sales?
Jim Holt answered "no". Even though he voted "yes".
Hey Mark Moore--don't bring up things if you don't know what you're talking about. If you haven't figured it out yet, they tend to backfire.
MaTaco(Paul, Ralph,Emily et al) ain't going anywhere trying to make Jim look like a tax and spend liberal. Try to understand how your commentary positions you candidate. Your positioning is absurd as the newspaper has stated.
Now that's better. Describe the behavior and let people draw their own conclusions about the names.
I really don't have an answer for you on that internet tax. Last I heard, he was for it PROVIDED other taxes were lowered so that it was revenue neutral. Perhaps he put "no" because the question did not include a provision about lowering sales taxes elsewhere to make up for it.
Mark, the very first time I saw Doug Matayo I didn't trust him. He is every bit as bad as you say he is. He needs to move to Chicago. He would fit in very well. Join the Mofia and see how long his back stabbing would last. Good Luck Senator Holt on the election tomorrow. I think that every one can see through Matayo and Banks and the sleeze that they are.
My prayers are with you and your family.
Mark, the very first time I saw Jim Holt I didn't trust him. He is every bit as bad as people say he is. Everyone, including myself, tried to warn the Matayo's about befriending him, but they didn't believe all of the negative comments about the Holt's. They are "learn as you go" kind of people. Boy did they learn as they went. Jim should move to Utah. He would fit in very well.
Good luck in the election tomorrow Representative Matayo. I think that everyone can see through Holt and the sleeze he is.
My prayers are with you and your family.
Like a dog to his own vomit I came to this site looking for something scandalous, lo and behold here it is. I don't think that it is a coincedence that there is gossip posted that takes a little bit to find out the real facts and make an informed decision on.
Good thing you have provided (in between the lines and out)the "right" position to take Mark, otherwise folks would have to think for themselves.
"Jim should move to Utah. He would fit in very well."
Uhh-oh. What is that supposed to mean? My new boss is a Mormon, FROM Utah.
I love how you use "sleeze" and "pray" in the same post. Look in a mirror and fix your own problems--they are many.
Mark you spin and spin. How do you even know what the truth is any more. I have been working with Doug the last month and have knocked on thousands of doors. I realy don't think you have a clue about who the average voter is or what they want.
3:05 I've noticed that you can't think for yourself.
What in the world will you do tomorrow?
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