A typical example of the rumors is this post from the Ark Times blog........
If there is anything to it, the Hubris of Halter is breathtaking. It is nervy enough to be gone from the state for 25 years, and announce you are ready to be in charge as soon as you hit the tarmac. He has not even won that election yet but is already setting his sights on another office- one that will allow him to hop on that jet and get out of Arkansas again.
He was critisized for using an abortive run at Governor to generate name recognition that allowed him to win the Lt. Governor's primary. Could he be doing it again with the office of Lt. Governor? Could he just be using the office as a springboard to unseat Pryor in the Democratic primary in 08?
"Oh my God, Johnny Mac just spoke of the 800 lb gorilla in the room!! The town is all a buzz about Halter's rumored run against Pryor in 2008.
He reportedly sent a guy to ask about researching Pryor's voting record. Surely word of that made it back to Pryor.
Last Wednesday, Halter's folks, Cook especially, were heard to draw correlations between Pryor and Leiberman and how Mark could be taken out in 2008.
Long and the short of it, most Dem's I know loath the thought of Lt. Gov. Holt but don't trust Halter any farther than he could be thrown. He threatens everyone with his bottomless pit of money and willingness to assassinate fellow dems.
That race is lose lose for anyone who is a Mark Pryor fan or an aspiring gubernatorial candidate like Mike Ross.