Friday, October 13, 2006

Somebody Call an Ambulance: Holt Beats Down Halter

I defy anybody to the right of Hillary! to watch this debate, especially the second half, and tell me that Holt didn't win this thing hands down. Don't rely on any printed media reports about this event. If you have any doubt, click the link and see it with your own eyes. Hear it with your own ears. Don't let the newspapers tell you what happened. It took Holt a bit to really get warmed up. If you only have 30 minutes to spend, just watch the last half.

I grant you that Halter had a smoother opening statement, but what you can't tell from the video is that Halter, in violation of the signed rules agreement, brought his opening and prepared notes to the podium. We did not catch it until right before showtime. AETN staff removed Mr. Halter's notes, like a teacher taking a cheat-sheet from an errant student, once it was brought to their attention just before show time.

The longer the debate went on, the more Holt dominated. And he dominated on fiscal issues, as well as Halter's abscence from the state for the last 25 years.

Halter tried to make the case that to bring high-paying jobs to Arkansas you need to have quality pre-kindergarten for 3, 4 year olds. Holt said that to bring high-paying jobs to Arkansas you need a friendly business environment, and you can't do that by constantly increasing government spending as Halter has proposed. Holt argued that building up a higher-ed structure before the jobs were here would just result in Arkansans paying for the education of people who go elsewhere to find jobs and pay taxes- like Halter himself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a great blog if you enjoy entertaining fiction. Did Jesus Jim have his usual crowd of supporters there with him? The gang of denim dress hippies? Did Jesus Jim explain how much money in charity he takes from people and fails to disclose?

7:13 AM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Yes the crowd was with Jim. There were only about 70 seats in there. People were supposed to sign a list of who they were for. Halter had seven names on his list, the Holt side ran for pages. And this is in what Halter claims as his "home territory".

8:59 AM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Disclaimer time. As some of you might have guessed, I am back in the saddle again. This time I am consulting for the Holt campaign. Still, I am not spinning. Watch the video.

9:51 AM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Holt won.

11:29 AM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the debate yet, but I already know that Holt won; I've seen him debate before. All of the debates the GOP candidates have been in, they've won. Asa's given BB the smackdown both times he's debated him and he'll do it again in the last debate. Jim absolutely hammered Charlie in their debate! And while the AG debate was, for the most part, "jab free" (there were a few in there), Gunner still won that one.
Oh, and I just love how you liberals refer to Jim Holt as Jesus Jim. Keep talking. Every time you talk, you just keep revealing more and more that the Democratic party wants nothing to do with Christians. That's okay, though, because we want nothing to do with the Democratic party.

9:02 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just watched the debate and noticed that Bill Halter is defending his absence from the state by saying that when the President calls you to serve, you go serve. So why is Mike Beebe criticizing Asa for doing the same thing? Here is the answer: Mike Beebe and the rest of the Democratic party are nothing but hypocrites.

7:48 AM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asa was only gone during the years of service. Halter was long gone from Arkansas before Clinton "called him to serve", and he stayed gone long after his "service" ended. He only came back a year ago to run for office.

9:05 AM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah- "serving" Clinton for 27 years. I guess he was part of some type of 20-year-out forward team?

5:06 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said... Halter says the federal government has failed in the area of illegal immigration. I agree. Then he says that illegal immigration is largely a federal problem. So he's wanting to pass the buck to people who already haven't done anything. Not surprising. Apparently Halter and Beebe are cut from the same mold.

8:51 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither one of them want to do anything about illegal immigration at the state level. So he goes off on the Republican party in Congress, BROADLY, when the problem is the Democrats and a few RINO Republicans in the Senate who don't want to do anything about illegal immigration.

8:53 PM, October 14, 2006  

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