Monday, October 09, 2006

Will Bush "Pocket Veto" the Fence?

*****UPDATE: Sources now indicate that Congress has held off formal submission of the bill so that President Bush can sign it at a time of maximum election impact - say the last week of October. There has been no formal word from the White House, but every confidential source is saying that Bush will sign the bill.***************


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Bush will sign it- why wouldn't he? It's a non-fence fence that serves to confuse voters just long enough for the November elections. Then, after a new round of globalists are elected next month, we'll get the non-amnesty amnesty to go with the non-fence.

While many of the House Republicans deserve praise and support for their efforts, the GOP as-a-whole is destroying our nation's sovereignty as fast as the liberals.

10:39 AM, October 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's a non-fence fence that serves to confuse voters just long enough for the November elections. Then, after a new round of globalists are elected next month, we'll get the non-amnesty amnesty to go with the non-fence."

Do you have evidence that this is true? If so can you point me to it?

7:52 PM, October 10, 2006  

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