Proof It's Close: Watch the Presidents

When I was in the Navy, you could always tell where the critical points on the globe were, because that is where we would send the Aircraft Carriers. Those who think that the Democrats are going to run away with the Governor's race should notice where both parties are sending the biggest guns they have. It's right here in Arkansas.
Impeached former President Bill Clinton is in Jonesboro today. The area used to be solid Democrat Country, but can now be considered a swing area of the state. There are a lot of places he could be for the Democrats, but he is there to support Mike Beebe for Governor. In an interesting side note, there is no mention in any of the news accounts that he is there for any other candidate. Odd that Bill Halter worked for Clinton for years, and yet Clinton seems to be avoiding him.
But Clinton is from Arkansas. It is perhaps only natural that he make a stop in the Natural State. The real proof this race is close comes from the other side. Can anyone honestly tell me that Karl Rove would send President George Bush to Benton County the day before the election if this was not a close race? That is right, Bush is coming, of all places in America, here the day before the election. That tells me that the smartest people in this business believe that this race is still in play. It also tells me that there are quite a few undecided votes in NWA.
Are they move-ins, disgruntled conservatives, soccer moms? I don't know. I just know that both sides are setting up the biggest of earned media events they can right here. It's close. Don't doubt it.
IN Benton County he may not be dead weight, but the main thing is THEY don't believe that Bush is a drag on the ticket. He IS statewide, but they THINK they are being helpful in a close race. The reality may be that Asa's supporters can only hope the Bush visit does not hurt them too badly.
Bush is not going to NWA because of a large amount of undecided voters. He is there to drive up the GOP vote and push the grass roots so that there is a maximum turnout. If you have noticed this is what Bush is good at. Just today he was in Missouri at Springfield and Joplin. These are some of the most GOP areas of the state. The Presidents visit was to get the most GOP voter to the polls. And usually that is how mid-terms are won.
I see you all have bought into the media’s notion that Bush is a drag on GOP candidates. I would argue it is not that big of a weight. As the last poster knotted the midterms are won on turnout. If Bush can boost turnout in NWA it could very well put Asa over the top. It will be interesting to see, but I don’t think Bush will be the deciding factor and the Asa people are not doing damage control. They are shrewd politicians.
If you don't think Bush and the national Republicans are a drag on the ticket then you need to get out more.
If he was a terrible drag like you say, then why is he running all over the contry campaigning?
The same reason Clinton and Kerry are. Explain that one if you can! ;)
Kerry cut down on most of his appearances after the gaft. And Clinton only came becuase it was his former home state. And the fact that he can't stand a Gov. Hutchinson.
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