Thursday, January 18, 2007

Breaking: Huckabee Spent Beebe's Emergency Funds


Rumours are swirling around the Capitol that former Governor Mike Huckabee was somehow allow to expend a significant amount of money from the Governor's emergency fund that rightfully should be available to new Governor Mike Beebe. The sums involved are significant- at least six figures.

We will update this story as details become available. In the meantime, if anyone has any enlightening details, please let us know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! You're kidding me! Huckabee spent money on projects he's interested in instead of letting Beebe spend it on what he was interested in! This is almost as bad as when Huckabee made those last minute appointments to keep Beebe from making them! How dare he! After all, look how well the Democrats treated Huckabee when he took office. They were kind enough to leave him a manilla envelope and a legal tablet! Isn't that enough! How dare he!

Jeez, you and the media need to get a grip. The Democrats did far worse to Huckabee and no one even blinked. They'll do it again to.
Emergency money isn't for emergencies. It never was intended to be. It is for emergencies as in "this has to be funded and the legislature doesn't meet for another two years" emergencies. The governor has a whole other fund for real life emergencies and that wasn't touched. Beebe and the papers are just too dumb to know the truth or they are playing you for a fool.

3:44 PM, January 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is Huckabee gave $10,000 of that "emergency" money to the Mexican consulate he personally help set up there in Little Rock.

I guess Huck is just giving the Mexican government the money that Arkansans won't take.

8:48 PM, January 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Great post! Yeah, that really ticked me off that he did that. Huckabee is as bad as the other RINOs in Congress in Washington.

8:56 PM, January 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:48, you and your other anti-mexican friends need to get over your prejudices and accept that having a foreign consulate in the state is a good thing.
Instead you see it as we are being invaded, that we will somehow lose our identity from this. If that is the case than Washington, DC is the most un-American place on the planet and London is the most Un-English town in the world.
How is this a threat? How is it bad? A foreign country showing interest in our state is wrong how?
It isn't. If you didn't have your preconceived notions, you would admit this.

8:46 AM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't justify the Huckster's actions so you accuse others of being racist? How original.

9:31 AM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't even have to read up on Mexican history. Just read a little of California's history.

By the way, 8:46, Washington DC is a hell hole. I wouldn't tout it as any sort of ideal for American cities. And as far as London goes, would any sane person suggest modeling our immigration policy after Europe's?

10:09 AM, January 20, 2007  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

You globalists really need to get some new material. Using the race card as a reflex response is really getting old.

If this story is true the Huckster ripped us off going out the door and I would like them money extracted directly from his wallet.

In fact, a major concern with the whole consulate is about the money. These consulates issue "Matricula ID Cards" to illegals like there is no tomorrow. Using the cards, the illegals find it easier to transfer their wages back home.

In other words, money is getting sucked out of our economy- which is not the case when legal employers hire legal citizens as their workers. The ID cards, and thus the consulates, lubricate this process.

The employers who cheat don't care about what mass use of illegals does to the economy as a whole, after all, they are cheaters and care only about what is good for them. The more responsible business men among us do care. It's not personal. It's business.

10:37 AM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm a globalist! Dang it! That must have happend as a result of my having been to London, DC and Mexico. That caused me to speak from experience instead of trusting this blog as the source of all knowledge. I should never have gone to that "hell hole" DC and looked at that source of evil, the US Consitution first hand! Why, I should have been a good sheep and stayed at home to receive my marching orders from my masters in NWA.

Now that we've established my faults...
You all know good and well that there is a difference between the individuals taking advantage of our failed immigration policy and the Mexican Consulate coming to Little Rock...then again, maybe you don't. If you don't then that may be a little indication that you do have a problem with race here. Does my pointing this out make you uncomforatable? Oops. My bad. I never called anyone a racist. I said that you were prejuding people. That doesn't make you a racist. A racist hates based on race. Someone that is prejudiced prejudges based upon any number of factors. But maybe your own words show your inner self? Its not for me to say but it makes an interesting theory.

To the facts. A consulate or an embassy exist by force of law through the authority issued by a treaty with a foreign nation. Treaty's have the same authority as our Constitution, per the Constitution itself. The consulate and embassy not only exist to represent that foreign power in official proceedings, etc but to act on the behalf of the nationals of their country.

If you have travelled to certain parts of the world, you would know that in many country's the first thing you do is register with the US embassy after you are granted your visa. You do that so that your country knows where you are in case you get into trouble. You don't do that because your country is condoning what you do. In fact, many times Americans travel overseas against the wishes of the State Department.

Now, what happens if I go to a foreing nation and break the law? Millions of Americans do every year. Does that mean that because of the actions of these individual Americans that it is a bad thing for that nation to have an American embassy? Does the embassy have any correlation between my illegal activity and the country's laws? What about personal responsibility in all this? I thought you were conservatives?
Does it make any difference if my country has condemned the actions of the country I'm visiting, like Mexico has done with our immigration policies? If the US is unhappy with the foreign nation I am visiting, do I have carte blanche? (That's French!! I must be a RINO!!) Or should the foreign nation look at our consulate differently?
Let me tell you. It feels good to know that you have a representative of your government in the country you are visiting. It reminds you that your nation is viewed in a somewhat positive light. That your nation is respected enough to be let in to represent you and all Americans and to help resolve any issues that may arise in your being there. It means your nation is respected and your nation respects the country. That's why we don't have an embassy or consulate in Iran.
Mr. Moore, if you are a good businessman, you would know the economic advantages to having a consulate here. It provides greater access to markets and helps provide a point of contact for conflict resolution for Arkansas company's doing business in Mexico.
The best I can tell, 20 states have Mexican Consulate offices. From Florida, to Mass., to Indiana and Illinois down to Georgia, up to Washington State. Have these states been taken over by "globalist"? Have they been invaded by the Mexican horde of illegals and torn assunder through civil war? Its strange that these states are ahead of my beloved home in just about everything. Do they prosper because they have a Mexican Consulate? No. Do they have a Mexican Consulate because they prosper? Possibly.
But according to you guys we shouldn't see this as a positive. It is obviously skullduggary carried out by that horrible RINO Mike Huckabee.
You guys better hide, I hear the black helicopters coming.

12:13 PM, January 20, 2007  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Hmmph. Sounds like you have been misinformed in three countries. That's your first paragraph.

In the second, you play (I presume) stupid and act like the Mexican government is innocent of all blame for our "failed immigration policy" when in fact they actively encourage their citizens to sneak into our county illegally and refer to them as "heros of the North". They are sending their employment problems north and money sent home from nationals in other countries is their 2nd highest source of foreign currency. They have every incentive to issue Matricula ID cards in order to facilitate the sucking of funds out of our economy and into thiers.

Did you catch my sentence about their 2nd largest source of foreign currency? That is called a "fact". Some of us around here like to use those from time to time in our discussions on various issues. But I see that you took up a long post without addressing the abuse of the Matricula ID cards or refuting my point that the mass transfer of funds to Mexico hurts our economy. Instead, you once again attempted to play the race card. Yawn.

Oh but wait, I see there is a point in your post at which you say "to the facts", a tacit admission that the first two paragraphs were not factual.

"To the facts. A consulate or an embassy exist by force of law through the authority issued by a treaty with a foreign nation. Treaty's have the same authority as our Constitution, per the Constitution itself.

Well, that is incorrect. There is a provison in the Constitution that can be misconstrued that way, but that is not what it means. The government can't sign away any of our constitutional rights by signing a treaty with a foreign power. They can't make a treaty that our citizens can't possess arms or freely assemble. You are just misinformed about what that section meant to those who composed it.

I understand why you, as a globalist in thinking, even if self-awareness is not there yet, would misunderstand it that way though. They can make the rules on the grounds of their own consulates, that is about it.

Now, what happens if I go to a foreing nation and break the law? Millions of Americans do every year. Does that mean that because of the actions of these individual Americans that it is a bad thing for that nation to have an American embassy? Does the embassy have any correlation between my illegal activity and the country's laws? What about personal responsibility in all this? I thought you were conservatives?

Again you ignore our contention that the foreign country itself is facilitating the breaking of our laws. Our embassies don't do that, but Mexican consulates and embassies do. In your example the embassy should not be held accountable because our government would not be in colusion with the lawbreakers.

We would not be encouraging our citizens to flout the laws of the other country. Mexico does. That is our contention and you need to refute it or concede the point, but likely you will simply try the race card again.

Mr. Moore, if you are a good businessman, you would know the economic advantages to having a consulate here. It provides greater access to markets and helps provide a point of contact for conflict resolution for Arkansas company's doing business in Mexico

If that is all they did they would be a welcome benefit, provided they paid for their digs with their own dollars. Unfortunately the Mexican government has shown a clear pattern of encouraging illegal immigration and facilitating the process of extracting dollars from our economy to theirs. IN addition, the Huckster gave them space in a government building for $1 and now it appears he has forked over 10K of our tax dollars that were never allocated for that purpose.

Notice I am not complaining about getting consulates from ANY nation. Just the bad neighbors who go beyond the bounds of diplomacy and enter into the realm of law breaking.

Have these states been taken over by "globalist"? Have they been invaded by the Mexican horde of illegals and torn assunder through civil war?

That is what will happen if globalists keep us on our present course. When the SW border states are mostly inhabited by Spanish speakers who see themselves as Mexicans, not citizens of the United States, eventually it will provoke a war. (Google Aztlan)

That is, if there is any border left. Lou Dobbs on CNN and others say the guys at the top want us all merged into one big "Union". We won't be united though.

1:07 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting Mr. Moore. While I do say I'm beginning to tire of this and it is obvious that your mind is set, let's look at your contentions.

To my statement that the Constitution and treaties are equal, per the Constitution itself, you responded;

"Well, that is incorrect. There is a provison in the Constitution that can be misconstrued that way, but that is not what it means. The government can't sign away any of our constitutional rights by signing a treaty with a foreign power. They can't make a treaty that our citizens can't possess arms or freely assemble. You are just misinformed about what that section meant to those who composed it.

I understand why you, as a globalist in thinking, even if self-awareness is not there yet, would misunderstand it that way though. They can make the rules on the grounds of their own consulates, that is about it."

I don't know that I'm a globalist but I've often enjoyed the title of a Federalist, as I've often relied upon the almost holy writ of Madison and his ilk to help in my arguments with folks like yourself, though be it usually of the leftist persuasion.

In the Federalist No. 44 Madison explains the Supremecy Clause.
"The indiscreet zeal of the adversairies to the Constitution has betrayed them into an attack on this part of it also, without which it wuld have been evidently and radically defective. To be fully sensible of this, we need only suppose for a moment that the supremacy of the State constitutions had been left complete by a saving clause in their favor.
"In the first place, as these constitutions invest the State legislatures with absolute sovereignty, in all cases not expected by the existing articles of Confdederaton, all the authorities contaned in the proposed Constitution, so far as they exceed those enumerated in the Confederation, would have been annulled, and the new Congress would have been reduced to the same impotent condition with their predecessors.
"In the next place, as the constitutions of some of the States do not even expressly and fully recognize the existing powers of the Confederacy, an express saving of the supremacy of the former would, in such States, have brought into question every power contained in the proposed Constituion.
"In the third place, as the constituons of the States differ much from each other, it might happen that a treaty or nationa law of great and equal importance to the States, would interfere with some and not with other constitutions, and would consequently be valid in some of the States, at the same time that it would have no effect in others.
"In fine, the world would have seen, for the first time, as system of government founded on an inversion of the fundamental principles of all government; it would have seen the authority of the whole soceity everywhere subordinate to the authority of the parts; it would have seen a monster, in which the head was under the direction of its members."
Mr. Moore, if you take Jefferson at his command to use the spirit of the day to understand the Constitution, you are wrong. You are right about no rights enumarrated in the Constitution can be denied based on treaty. That is as self evident as Lincoln's "a house divided against itself shall not stand". Powers derived from the consent of the governed through the Constituion cannot be used to destroy the very instrument from which those powers flow. The Constituion cannot be used against itself.
But your broader suggestion that the Supremecy Clause is being misconstured by "globalist" isn't just wrong, it is laughable.

The Marticular ID cards is a red herring. I could issue an ID card myself but if people refuse to take the card, it is an exercise in futility. We as a nation, a state, as private businesses and as individuals determine what identification will be adequate for our purposes. Mexico cannot force our acceptance. Let them issue all the ID's they want. They have no power over what we will accept.

As far as the money leaving the US. Do you really think money just dissapears? When I spent money in London and Mexico, did I physically take money out of the coffers of the United States and offer them up to the foreign banks?
Of course not. What happened is I took the US currency, I went to a bank and I bought foreign currency at the given exchange rate.
I earned US dollars. I had to convert that money to use it overseas. In order to do so, I had to pay someone to give me the foreign currency. They then took my money and sold it to someone wanting to convert foreign currency to dollars. Someone made a profit off my need and they then took the money they exchanged me and made money off another person wanting dollars.

Do you think that American business' are paying illegals in Pesos and that the illegals are just sending the Pesos back to Mexico? Or do you think they may be converting them somewhere along the way?
The money isn't disappearing. It is being bought in sold just as currency traders do every day, just on a smaller scale. Each time they do, they pay some Bank a fee and the money always finds its way back home when someone wants to convert to American Dollars.
I myself have exchanged money both for travel and for speculation. I guess I'm weaking my country, huh. I thought I was just being a good capitalist.

Mexico is no more an ideal neighor as Canada is. Canada regularly attacks or laws and sovereignty. Look at the most recent incident of Canada refusing to extradite a man who killed his family in Arkansas because he could be subject to the death penalty. Where is our outrage there? A man could escape justice because they don't like our laws? How about Canada's open boarders that allow terrorist into the country? Where's the concern there?

2:53 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand your tiring. Learning is hard work, but it is ultimately worth it. These discussions are a great way to sharpen our wits.

The quote from Madison that you reference is not an argument for national treaties being equal to the Constitution itself, but only that the national constitution, and federal treaties made under the just powers conferred by the federal constitution. should have precedence over state constitutions. This whole tack was taken because of your initial claim that "Treaty's have the same authority as our Constitution, per the Constitution itself". It's not true, its a misconstruction of the clause. Nothing from the Madison quote changes that. You say my claim that the Supremacy Clause is being misconstrued by globalists is "laughable", but here you are, a globalist whether consciously or not, misconstring it. Your own posts on this very thread are proof my fears are justified.

No sir, misconstruction of the constitution is not laughable any more. Attacks on it are too frequent, and by minds who should know better. I can hardly think of a section of it that has not been either misconstrued or ignored.

"The Marticular ID cards is a red herring. I could issue an ID card myself but if people refuse to take the card, it is an exercise in futility. We as a nation, a state, as private businesses and as individuals determine what identification will be adequate for our purposes. Mexico cannot force our acceptance. Let them issue all the ID's they want. They have no power over what we will accept."

You are not a sovereign goverment. Banks don't know your id would be any good. But they do use the Matricula IDs. No one has to "force" the bank's acceptance anymore than people have to "force" cheater-employers to hire illegals to save on wages. Banks who want to make a few bucks transferring the money will gladly accept them to aid in transferring vast sums of money out of our communities. They don't care if the person has a green card, passport, or any other documentation that they are here legally. They only care about the money. Far from "forcing" people's acceptance, I'd be for a law that forbids the use of matricula ID cards to wire money out of the country unless they had some proof they were here legally.

You should also understand that there is a difference between currency speculation and a trade imbalance, though the one does impinge the other. Currency speculation is fine for our economy because value is retained "in-country". That is to say, when it is time to convert back to dollars you have something of value to convert, then spend the money (generally) at home. Not so in a trade imbalance. The main way that "comes back" to us is when foreigners use dollars to buy our debt- since we have nothing else they want to buy. Sure the dollars come back, but the money leaves as our servant and returns as our master.

What matters is not whether or not the currency is traded one for another, but where whatever currency you wind up with is spent. If you think it isn't, remember how hard our state is trying to boost tourism to Arkansas. They want us to take our vacations "in state" too. They know if the money is pumped into our local economy it will boost the whole state up. Then collary of that is also true.

My concern with Canada is in proprotion to the magnitude of the problem. You mention one case of a murderer who has not been extradited. Mexico routinely refuses to extradite its citizens who come here illegally and commit murder. The majority of outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tuscon, and many other ouf our cities are for illegal aliens. The majority! Right here in NW Arkansas, hardly a month goes by when there is not a murder committed by an illegal.

4:26 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never called anyone a racist. I said that you were prejuding people.

You called us "anti-Mexican," which is precisely the same thing. Either you don't know what you're saying, or you esteem us too stupid to know what you're saying. And either way, I tire of reading your illogical screeds.

5:48 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:44 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. Looks like Huckabee may have some splainin' to do.

8:14 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can see the itemized list of "emergency" expenses here:

8:23 PM, January 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He did it. He gave $10,000 of our tax dollars to the Mexican Consulate. It was number 18 on that list.

6:11 AM, January 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Moore got schooled. Mark, the true sign of intelligence is admitting when you're wrong, and trying to learn the truth. That guy (or girl) ran you over with pure logic, reason, and facts. Facts-the things that run counter to your opinions.

4:46 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, stop sniffing glue before posting. Mark spanked you (err, "that guy") point-by-point.

6:21 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, please stop anonymously posting supportive things about yourself. I realize that nobody but you and the Toast guy think that you're not incredibly dense, but just let your words speak for themselves ok guy? I get this picture of you with your fingers in your ears humming loudly until its time to post, then you take them out, write a ridiculous post worthy of riotous laughter, and then quickly shove them back in before anybody can post a reply and prove you wrong. Is this how you taught your students to approach the world?

8:32 AM, January 23, 2007  
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