Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ERA Bill On The Agenda Tomorrow, Wed. Dec 7, 07, Special Order of Business

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA bill, HJR1002) sponsored by Lindsley Smith in the House will be heard before the Stage Agencies and Governmental Affairs House Committee tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. as a special order of business. The chair of the Committee, Jeff Woods, said he planned to bring lunch in for the committee so they could work through the lunch hour and give as much time is needed to this controversial issue.

This bill is being promoted as a piece of feel good legislation to grant “equal rights” to women, while not specifically stating what those “equal rights” are. That is not what the bill is really about. There are 66 sponsors of the bill in the House. Most of these sponsors have no idea that the bill is a backdoor approach to promote publicly funded abortions and gay marriage. See previous post on this blog entitled "Feminists Want ERA So It Will Protect Partial Birth Abortion," at this link:

Lindsley Smith, the House sponsor, received a zero score on her voting record on family bills by the American Family Association of Arkansas. This is the link to that voting record page, and you will also find the score for the voting record of all legislators at this link as well.

Following is a link to a web page that is posting updates on actions on the bill. http://www.wpaag.org/ERA%20%20Used%20to%20mandate%20gay%20marriage%20&%20funded%20abortion.htm

and a list of members of the committee (Stage Agenices and Governmental Affairs - House) at this link.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The National Right to Life Committee has issued the following advisory on the situation:

To: Arkansas News Media

From: National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), Washington, D.C., 202-626-8820

Re: National attention focuses on impending fight in Arkansas legislature on resolution to "ratify" 1972 federal ERA

Date: February 5, 2007

Within the weeks immediately ahead, the Arkansas General Assembly will consider a resolution (HJR 1002) that purports to add Arkansas to the list of states supporting ratification of the federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). According to the national pro-ERA newsletter "The ERA Campaigner" (Jan. 31), "The hopes of ERA supporters all over the country are now high that the Arkansas legislature will ratify the ERA within the next few weeks."

The House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee will conduct a hearing on HJR 1002 on February 7. Already, 66 out of 100 House members have cosponsored the resolution, along with 11 senators. ERA supporters have claimed to have commitments from 14 senators. Under Senate rules, it would require the votes of 18 of the 35 senators for HJR 1002 to pass.

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) and its state affiliate, Arkansas Right to Life, oppose HJR 1002 because the sweeping language of the 1972 ERA would be used as a legal weapon against virtually all laws that regulate abortion -- indeed, ERAs with similar language have already been used for this purpose in other states, including New Mexico.

Moreover, the deadline for ratification of the 1972 ERA expired many years ago, and that the U.S. Supreme Court flatly declared it dead in 1982. Nevertheless, if three states adopt resolutions such as HJR 1002, Congress would be forced to vote on whether to declare the 1972 ERA as ratified.

NRLC and Arkansas Right to Life have prepared a two-page memo summarizing the case against HJR 1002, both on grounds that it seeks to evade the amendment process required by the U.S. Constitution itself, and because the 1972 language does not contain safeguard language necessary to prevent its use as a powerful pro-abortion legal weapon. The memo can be viewed in a web browser or downloaded in PDF format from http://www.nrlc.org/Federal/era/Index.html

Douglas Johnson, director of the National Right to Life legislative office in Washington, D.C., is available for interviews regarding the national effort to "resurrect" the long-expired 1972 ERA, and regarding the way in which ERAs and the abortion issue intersect. For over 20 years, Mr. Johnson has been a nationally recognized authority on the relationship between ERAs and abortion-related laws. He has authored such articles as "Aborting the ERA" (American Politics magazine), "E.R.A. and Abortion: Really Separate Issues?" (America magazine), and "New Mexico Supreme Court Says State ERA Requires State to Pay for Elective Abortions" (National Right to Life News, Dec. 10, 1998). Mr. Johnson, who has participated in debates on numerous nationally broadcast radio programs, including NPR's "The Diane Rehm Show" and "To the Point," welcomes opportunities to debate both the process and substance of the proposed Arkansas ERA resolution with pro-ERA spokespersons.

"We'd like to see more candor by the pro-ERA side in Arkansas," Johnson commented. "In other states, major national pro-ERA organizations have argued that laws limiting tax-funded abortions or requiring parental consent for minors' abortions violate ERAs -- so they should stop telling Arkansas legislators that there is no connection. Arkansas lawmakers also need to know that the U.S. Supreme Court declared the 1972 ERA dead decades ago, so the current effort is an attempt to evade the proper constitutional amendment process."

To request an interview or to schedule a broadcast appearance by Mr. Johnson, please call the NRLC Federal Legislation Department at 202-626-8820, or send e-mail to Legfederal@aol.com.

For additional documentation on the ERA-abortion connection, and on the expiration of the 1972 ERA, visit the NRLC website at


2:37 PM, February 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how liberals try to hide their liberalism/socialism. If they're so ashamed of it, why don't they just come out and admit who they REALLY are?? And if they're so ashamed of, it must be something that the American people (and in this case the Arkansas people) don't want anything to do with....which is why they have to try to hide it in the first place. Typical. The Dem legislators in the Arkansas Congress think just because Beebe was elected it gives them a "blank check" to pass their socialist agenda in this conservative state. It's pretty much how the national Dems see the 2006 election. They see the country going more liberal and that's just NOT the case.

5:34 PM, February 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show me where in the Constitution or any of the amendments where there is a time limit on ratification of any amendment. Thank God for good liberals like Lindsley Smith.

8:56 AM, February 07, 2007  

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