Monday, March 12, 2007

Amazed They Printed Story On Hispanic Nightclubs

I am used to the Demozette under-reporting (note I did not use the less delicate "suppressing") stories about poor behavior from the Hispanic community in Northwest Arkansas, lest the populace draw the obvious connection between the trouble and illegal aliens (which the Democrat-Gazette seems to be all for).

That is why I was suprised to read this Michelle Bradford article documenting the troubles at the "Rio Bravo" night club. It is worth the read. One factoid: The club has had 109 calls to 911 since 2003.

I can remember the days when I would hear word on the street that there was a gang fight among Hispanics in NWA Mall and not a word of it would appear in the Newspapers. The Morning News has gotten much better at actually reporting the stories like the string of brutal murders in Springdale and Rogers involving illegal immigrants from Mexico, but until now the Democrat-Gazette seemed to lag. Maybe the authorities requested help from the papers turning the screws on this club owner, maybe there is real change coming. We shall see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check out the poll:


2:48 PM, March 12, 2007  

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