Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hardwick's HB2489/ Credit for IB Diploma Goes Down in Committee

HB2489  to give 24 hours credit to IB Diploma students failed to get out of the Education Committee, today March 27. For a summary of the problems with the bill see the article below from Eagle Forum.  There were eight votes for it, and it needed eleven. Two members were absent and two voted Present.   Following is the list of legislators who voted No and Yes. Representative Horace Hardwick, who sponsored the bill, had six Democrats and two Republicans to vote with him on the bill.  He had three Republicans to vote against him. 
No votes that kept it from getting out of committee, our friends on this bill: Rep. Mark Martin, Rep Tommy Dickenson, Rep. James Norton, Curren Everett, Rep. Eric Harris, Rep. Sid Rosenbaum, Representative David Rainey, and Rep. Toni Bradford 

Yes votes who voted for Hardwick's bill. Rep. Betty Pickett, Rep. Janet Johnson, Rep. Shirley Walters, Rep. Michael Lamoureux, Rep. Nancy Blount, Rep. Rick Saunders, Rep. David Cook, Rep. Eddie Cheatham  
Jeff Wood and  Benny Petrus were absent and Mike Kenney & Bill Abernathy as Chair and Co Chair voted present.

Eagle Forum Opposes HB2489 Giving College Credit to High School Graduates with IB Diploma

Eagle Forum of Arkansas opposes HB 2489 by Representative Hardwick which would require Arkansas colleges to give 24 hours credit to students with a high school diploma in the International Baccalaureate Program (IBP). The IBP is global education, often called International Studies. Following are six reason Eagle Forum opposes this bill.

1. Statements and documentation from citizens in many areas where this program has been implemented, as well as leading educational researchers, say the program undermines Christianity and patriotism and promotes moral relativism, total disarmament and pacifism. See link to three Washington newspaper articles below. 1

2. Walker, the worldwide IBO director, spoke these words in a speech in 1995: "How do we reconcile a spirit of inquiry with a patriarchal culture that values received wisdom and rote learning? How can a secular curriculum be adopted in a country where religious faith, rather than empirical observation, defines the limits of truth? Is it possible to be a free-thinking individual, perhaps perceived as amoral, in a culture where the rules and rituals are unconditionally accepted and rigorously adhered to?" [Received wisdom includes religion, cultural norms, and education passed down through teachers, etc.] 2

3. Students' tests in IBO program in the 11th and 12th grade in the United States are actually sent to other countries for grading. This has been confirmed by school officials in Arkansas. There would be no way for teachers not to teach the IBO curriculum and philosophy since the tests are not even graded by them, and the tests will drive the curriculum just as the tests drive the curriculum in Arkansas.

4. IBO officials promote total disarmament. There is no doubt then they would oppose citizens Second Amendment right to bear arms. In one of its documents IBO heralds the "UN International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World 2001-2010." Following is a bullet point from that document. "Culture of Peace in Promoting international peace and security through action such as the promotion of general and complete disarmament."

For rest of this point on disarmament, two more reasons to oppose the bill, and for links to documenttion, see Tuesday below or just scroll down if sent here.


Blogger Debbie Pelley said...

Following quote is from IBO Deputy Director Ian Hill, "The tragedy is that the struggle for dominance multiplies human misery. … It appears that Costa Rica alone—the only country without an army—has understood." On the other hand, Ian Hill praises Islam, saying, "The IB diploma philosophy course promotes skills of conceptual analysis, rational argument and sensitivity to other points of view... This course aims to show that Islam is one of the great world religions, that it has fundamental values rooted in respect for others and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, and that Islam has many followers in addition to the Arab world." For these quotes in this section see footnote 3

5. IBO instructional techniques are the same techniques used in the failed controversial Outcome Based Education (OBE) programs. IBO is basically a progressive student centered learning philosophy based on hands on learning, discovery learning, cooperative (group) learning, inquiry learning. 4

6. There is no proof that the International Baccalaureate program in Arkansas has succeeded in improving scores. In fact, just the opposite is true. There are only four IB Diploma schools in Arkansas. Since Eagle Forum does not wish to name particular school districts, if anyone wants research on these schools, reply to this email and links to documents will be provided.

1. Three newspaper articles that give details of what has happened in other areas:

2. IBO worldwide Director's entire speech: http://universities.ibo.org/ibo/index.cfm?contentid=54DF3F23-DA44-6BB7-59B5C0EC6D1C2566&method=display&language=EN

3. See this link: "Mainstreaming the culture of peace" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001263/126398e.pdf

"Curriculum Development and Ethics in International Education" http://www.unidir.ch/pdf/articles/pdf-art53.pdf.
"Curriculum Development and Ethics in International Education"

4. Link to an International Studies magnet school that was designed for an IB school but community action prevented the application for International Baccalaureate (IB) Schoolhttp://www.jps.k12.ar.us/view/672

12:37 PM, March 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rep. Jeff Wood and Speaker Petrus were at the Rules committee meeting (it was already scheduled for the lunch hour) during the time the Education meeting met.

1:57 PM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

JYES! A big win for the good guys.

4:46 PM, March 27, 2007  

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