Arkansas and National Farm Bureau Support Pending Immigration Bill

(This bill will legalize 12 to 20 illegal aliens almost overnight)
Below are quotes from the Press Releases sent out by Farm Bureau today: 6/19/07
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, the Poultry Federation and Arkansas Farm Bureau have announced support for the pending comprehensive immigration reform legislation that is currently in front of the United States Senate, citing the additional border security, increased and enhanced workplace enforcement, and a workable guest worker program as critical components of the current legislation.
The three organizations have lobbied Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor on the topic, identifying the critical nature of any immigration reform and the need to get something passed this year, and hope that both senators will vote for the bill.
“Everyone, I believe, is in agreement that the status-quo is not working. It is time to act, and to get something passed, for the security of our country and for the legal access to immigrant workers.”
Harvel says the State Chamber, Poultry Federation and Farm Bureau’s unified stance on the immigration issue is apolitical, because it is in the best interest of all Arkansans.
See this link for entire press release:
I hope you will send Farm Bureau a message. You can find a list of county offices at this link:
Below are quotes from the Press Releases sent out by Farm Bureau today: 6/19/07
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, the Poultry Federation and Arkansas Farm Bureau have announced support for the pending comprehensive immigration reform legislation that is currently in front of the United States Senate, citing the additional border security, increased and enhanced workplace enforcement, and a workable guest worker program as critical components of the current legislation.
The three organizations have lobbied Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor on the topic, identifying the critical nature of any immigration reform and the need to get something passed this year, and hope that both senators will vote for the bill.
“Everyone, I believe, is in agreement that the status-quo is not working. It is time to act, and to get something passed, for the security of our country and for the legal access to immigrant workers.”
Harvel says the State Chamber, Poultry Federation and Farm Bureau’s unified stance on the immigration issue is apolitical, because it is in the best interest of all Arkansans.
See this link for entire press release:
I hope you will send Farm Bureau a message. You can find a list of county offices at this link:
What a crock. These guys just want a slave labor class to exploit. The status quo of not enforcing current law is not working, so maybe we should try enforcing the law as they have sworn to do.
Although it has been common practice to think of the Farm Bureau as an organization consisting mainly of farmers, this is simply not the case. In fact, farmers are actually a minority in the organization.
Fact 1: The Farm Bureau has 2 ½ times as many members as there are farmers in the United States. The American Farm Bureau Federation currently has in excess of 4.9 million members and is growing. Yet the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1997 farm survey lists only 1.9 million farm operations in the United States and that number is shrinking.
Fact 2:Not all farmers are members of the Farm Bureau. A 1998 Fredrick and Snyder Research poll, commissioned by Defenders of Wildlife, indicated that only 48 percent of farmers were actually members of the Farm Bureau.
Fact 3:In Arkansas there are 45,142 farms in the state, but there are 216,895 Farm Bureau Members. Only 48% or 21,668 out of 45,142 farmers actually are members of Farm Bureau. That means that 91.1 percent of the members of Farm Bureau in Arkansas are NOT even farmers.
So let me ask you. Does Farm Bureau represent farmers or someone else? I can tell you this.... this farmer and none that I know feel like FB represents them. In fact, I am spending today getting estimates to move my insurance elsewhere.
The CEO of Tyson Foods made 1.14 million dollars in 2006 according to yahoo finance. This is slavery/child labor in America all over again
Why don't you call or email them and ask them how their so called "policy-development process" was at all "grassroots" in making this decision?
Send email to:
Stanley Reed
Ewell Welch
Executive Vice President
Rodney Baker
Director,Governmental Affairs
Stanley Hill
Associate Director, State Affairs
Jeffery Hall
Associate Director, National Affairs
Michelle Kitchens
Coordinator, Legislative Research
Brenda Burrows
Senior Governmental Affairs Assistant
Teresa Smith
Governmental Affairs Assistant
Steve Eddington
Director, Public Relations
Jim Kester
Public Relations Field Coordinator
Ken Moore
News Services Coordinator
Robert Potter
Video and Electronic Media Coordinator
Audie Ayer
Communications Coordinator
Brenda Gregory
Senior Public Relations Assistant
Call (501) 224-4400.
Jerry Simpson, keeparkansaslegal and Anonymous - Good comments. Good factual information that blogs don't get too often. If you will email me at, I will give you many more email addresses for Farm Bureau administrators. Debbie
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