Friday, June 22, 2007

Gallop Poll shows confidence in Congress at all time low -14%/Other interesting ratings!

New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low - 14%

Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader 19% Favorable and only 3% Very Favorable - Dropped 7% in last month - Immigration Bill

Other interesting polls on approval ratings as well:

Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.

This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.

By way of contrast, 69% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the military, which tops the list.

Congress rating has dropped 13% since Democratic takeover of Congress in February.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now viewed favorably by 19% of American voters and unfavorably by 45%. Just 3% have a Very Favorable opinion of Reid while 22% hold a Very Unfavorable views. Reid has been very visible over the past week in the furor over immigration reform. The effort to pass a bill that was more popular in Congress than among voters may have hurt public perceptions of the Democratic leader. His ratings are down from a month ago when 26% had a favorable opinion of the Democratic Senator. Reid’s highest ratings were 30% favorable in February.

The most recent polling on the Republican Presidential nomination contest shows McCain at 11% (tied with Romney). That’s just half the 22% level support he enjoyed in January and less than half the current support for both former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Senator Fred Thompson. [McCain was the only one of ten Republican Presidential candidates that defended the immigration bill


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider: Four of the Fort Dix Six would have been eligible for the Bush Amnesty. Several of those who were involved in the 1993 World Trade Center attacks (including ringleader Ramzi Yousef) had been granted legal permanent resident status thanks to the 1986 amnesty (specifically the Agricultural Worker provision authored by then NYC Representative Charles Schumer, presumably on behalf of the strawberry farmers of Brooklyn). All of the 9/11 terrorists would have been eligible for the Bush amnesty if they had postponed their attacks until after passage of the Kyl/McCain-Kennedy-Bush bill. The list of these amnestied or eligible-for-amnesty criminals goes on and on. And we really only know of the criminals whose crimes made the front pages. How many other Americans were killed or raped in crimes committed by Bush amnesty eligible aliens in crimes that did not make the headlines?

6:45 PM, June 22, 2007  

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