Looney Tune Leftists' Advice - Use Persuasion (like marketing techniques for selling toothpaste) To Interrogate Terrorists

No Kidding!
Quote from article below “We have a whole social science literature on persuasion,” Mr. Borum said. “It’s mostly on how to get a person to buy a certain brand of toothpaste. But it certainly could be useful in improving interrogation.” (See red font in article below for this quote.)
(That's what the Looney Tune so called experts say while Al Queda practices putting out eyes, severing limbs, drilling hands, and using blow torches) I am sure our young men in Iraq are thrilled that they have such wise experts in the US to count on for protection and intelligence.) We truly have gone stark, raving mad and are acting suicidal in our country. See this link for several pictures of methods Al Queda uses.
See quotes from New York Times article below, "Interrogation Methods Are Criticized" for the looney tune stuff, but the article was reprinted in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette May 31, 07.)
May 30, 2007
Excerpts from article below. For entire article see this link.
WASHINGTON, May 29 — As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies are arguing that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.
The psychologists and other specialists, commissioned by the Intelligence Science Board, make the case that more than five years after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Bush administration has yet to create an elite corps of interrogators trained to glean secrets from terrorism suspects.
The science board critique comes as ethical concerns about harsh interrogations are being voiced by current and former government officials. The top commander in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus, sent a letter to troops this month warning that “expedient methods” using force violated American values.
In a blistering lecture delivered last month, a former adviser to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called “immoral” some interrogation tactics used by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon.
President Bush has insisted that those secret “enhanced” techniques are crucial, and he is far from alone…. A 2005 Harvard study supported the selective use of “highly coercive” techniques.
The Intelligence Science Board study has a chapter on the long history of police interrogations, which it suggests may contain lessons on eliciting accurate confessions. And Mr. Borum, the psychologist, said modern marketing may be a source of relevant insights into how to influence a prisoner’s willingness to provide information.
“We have a whole social science literature on persuasion,” Mr. Borum said. “It’s mostly on how to get a person to buy a certain brand of toothpaste. But it certainly could be useful in improving interrogation.”
Robert F. Coulam,…a study participant, said, " Even today, he said, “there’s nothing like the mobilization of effort and political energy that was put into relaxing the rules” governing interrogation.
Defenders of the harshest interrogations, particularly as practiced by the C.I.A. at secret overseas sites, say they were carefully devised and have produced valuable intelligence. An agency spokesman, Paul Gimigliano, said the program “has generated a rich volume of intelligence that has helped the United States and other countries disrupt terrorist activities and save innocent lives.”
For entire article and for more advice from the real experts in the field see Friday below or if sent here, just scroll down.
He said the agency’s interrogators were “seasoned, well trained, and have the linguistic resources they need,” and added, “The agency learned terrorist interrogation after 9/11, but — based on the effectiveness of this fully legal program — it learned it well.”
A. B. Krongard, who was the executive director of the C.I.A., the No. 3 post at the agency, from 2001 to 2004, agreed with that assessment but acknowledged that the agency had to create an interrogation program from scratch in 2002.
He said officers quickly consulted counterparts in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other countries to compile a “catalog” of techniques said to be effective against Arab and Muslim prisoners. They added other methods drawn from those that American troops were trained to withstand in case of capture.
In an April lecture, Philip D. Zelikow, the former adviser to Ms. Rice, said it was a grave mistake to delegate to attorneys decisions on the moral question of how prisoners should be treated.
Mr. Zelikow, who reviewed the C.I.A. detention program as the executive director of the Sept. 11 commission, said the “cool, carefully considered, methodical, prolonged and repeated subjection of captives to physical torment, and the accompanying psychological terror, is immoral.”
Note: Do we want the psychologists experts controlling our interrogation or those who have had experience in the field. So called experts are destroying our country, our educational system and now our military. Experts are usually those people sitting in their ivory towers that have no first hand knowledge or the matters on which they are advising, like the experts who have never been in the classroom that are running education now. Now they are trying to destroy our military by bringing political pressure against those who have experience in the field to keep them from doing their jobs. Now that is truly immoral, not the pressure interrogation used to try to save our servicemen's lives and our country. Debbie
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