Friday, July 20, 2007

Hidden Agenda For Changing Arkansas History Standards

These New Changes Reflect the Views of the United Nations IBO Globalists Organization
(See footnote #1 for articles on the IBO programs being pushed in Arkansas)

(A result of teaching 7th grade world history in California: "In her 22-page ruling announced Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton said Excelsior is not indoctrinating students about Islam when it requires them to adopt Muslim names and pray to Allah as part of a history and geography class, but rather is just teaching them about the Muslim religion." 2)

Citizens of Arkansas should be aware that there is a hidden agenda behind the controversial new focus on world history at an earlier age in the required Arkansas standards. The changes reflect the philosophy of the United National International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) that is now being pushed in Arkansas and mirrors the controversy over the proposed national history standards in 1994 that the US Senate voted 99 to 1 to reject. The basis for that rejection was the promotion of world history and international studies over Western history. 3

A newspaper article noted that "Arkansas students have traditionally learned about state history in the seventh and eighth grades; however, recent changes in history and social studies guidelines now place a greater focus on teaching those students world history instead. "

Teachers, university professors, and state historians recently condemned at a news conference the Arkansas Department of Education's guideline revisions. They said the new guidelines turned history upside down. These historians said, "World history has its place, but you need Arkansas history first, then American history," 4

And this upside down approach has a specific purpose in the plans of the United Nations International Baccalaureate Program that promotes an international globalist and multiculturalist agenda. Patriotism and love for one's own country have no place in the International program that produces real global citizens. In fact, patriotism and love for one's own country have to be eradicated.

Therefore, rather than allowing students to develop patriotism and love for one's state and country by approaching history from the traditional view (state and national history first), the worldwide IBO Director George Walker explains how the new upside down history approach fits IBO's agenda. He quotes an author who said the following: 5

She then argues the case for a new kind of geography which puts the students into contact with the whole world before they ever see a map of their own country. Individual maps are hopelessly misleading in their scale, she says, so the Swiss have no idea that the delta of the River Ganges is as large as Switzerland! The geography teacher (who conveniently happened to be her father) called the subject ‘international culture’ and spent much time getting each student to build up maps of the world. She had equally radical ideas about history which, she insisted, should not be taught before the age of 12 if it was to avoid becoming a gallery of dubious national heroes. For the next six years it should become world history with events in India, China, Japan and the Middle East synchronized with those in Europe.

IBO Director George Walker also said: (Walker was IBO Director from 1999 through 2005)

'"It’s not going to be any old history course; it’s going to be this special kind of history'” and that, of course, is her legacy to the IBO and it is no coincidence that the IB Diploma Programme grew out of a syllabus and an examination called Contemporary World History."

For more quotes about how IBO also wants to produce citizens with no allegiance to their religion as well as to their country, see this footnote: 6

For rest of article, click Friday below or if sent here, just scroll down. You can also read the article online at this link which has thirteen footnotes of documentation.


Blogger Debbie Pelley said...

As always, changes  come subtly one stage and one step at a time.  One of the  major reformers of  Bill and Hillary's education reforms back in the 80's, Theodore Sizer, said, "Focus on a few of the most promising and apparently least threatening" and "begin with small and cautious gestures."7 In other words fool the public until the ideas are acceptable.  Is it any surprise that "Dillard and other historians criticized the ADE history frameworks committee, because they operated in secrecy, signing a confidentiality agreement not to talk about the guidelines"7
Introducing world history at an earlier age  provides ample opportunity to phase in the IBO teaching to all students described  this way by a concerned parent,  "No longer are children learning the difference between capitalism and socialism. No longer are children being taught why the United States became the most powerful economic engine the world has ever known.   Instead, they are being taught that with less than 5 percent of the world's population, the U.S. uses 25 percent of the world's resources and produces 25 percent of the world's pollution."  8
If students learned first about the superiority of the democratic government through state and US history, they just might not accept so readily the contemporary world history with which IBO wants to indoctrinate them.
California, that bastion of conservatism, also mandates that World History be taught in the 7th grade. California has a thorough unit on Islam with this as one of the standards: "Trace the origins of Islam and the life and teachings of Muhammad, including Islamic teachings on the connection with Judaism and Christianity." (Can you imagine an educational standard reading, "Trace the origins of Christianity and the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, including Christian teachings and the connection to Islam and Judaism?") 9
In fact the teaching of Islam in 7th grade in California has become highly controversial as illustrated by a court decision: "In her 22-page ruling announced Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton said Excelsior is not indoctrinating students about Islam when it requires them to adopt Muslim names and pray to Allah as part of a history and geography class, but rather is just teaching them about the Muslim religion." s10
Another state's 7th grade curriculum has this as a performance indicator in 7th grade:  "Compare and contrast the tenets of the five major world religions (i.e., Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism)." Isn't that a little advanced for a twelve-year-old 7th grader? But it does provide the perfect opportunity to inject the theory of the leftist that no one religion is better than another and that all religion comes from the same root and is one way to inoculate students against accepting the Christian faith of their own country and culture.  Our educational system requires separation of state and religion; we can't talk about our own cultural Christian religion, but mandating the teaching of other countries' religions presents no problem for our educational leaders.
This statement is written in Virginia's 7th grade standards where the traditional state and national history are taught.  " The focus is on gaining essential knowledge of the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions and the structure and functions of government institutions at the national, state, and local levels.  Students also learn the basic principles, structure, and operation of the American economy.  These standards are intended to foster patriotism, respect for the law, a sense of civic duty, and informed economic decision making."  Isn't that what most Arkansans want for their students (and the earlier the better)  rather than the upside down approach to history?

In the debate on national history standards in the late 80's and early 90's, the head of the  Department of Education " believed that education should focus on the Western cultural and intellectual heritage as the basis for modern American society and values" in contrast to the national standards which promoted world history and international studies programs. Responding to such views, the U.S. Senate voted 99 to 1 to reject the national standards, and passed a resolution to 'require that any recipients of federal money should have a decent respect for the contributions of Western civilization.'"   We see now from the example of California just where the national history standards were headed. 11 
 Who Is Pushing These New Standards in Arkansas?

Just who is pushing these new standards in Arkansas and why?  The parties involved probably don't even know themselves.  They are just part of the educational reforms being promoted around our nation and the world - educational reforms that have their root in the United Nations agenda, a fact I learned just a couple years ago when I researched the International Baccalaureate Organization's programs.  See footnote #1 for  articles describing the IBO program and how it is being pushed in Arkansas.
Spokesman Matt DeCample said Monday that Governor Beebe won’t back the Arkansas History Education Coalition’s call for a one year moratorium of the new curriculum. The governor also refused to create a special committee to study the revision process. Jeannie Whyane, chairman of the history department at University of Arkansas at Fayetteville said it well,  "Whayne doubted the governor or his staff researched the group’s complaints thoroughly and suspects he simply followed the recommendation of Education Department Commissioner Ken James. 'I think Ken James is listening to the people who work for him, and the governor is listening to Ken James, and I think both are misinformed.'”  Most of the people pushing these agendas don't even know what they are about. 12
ADE spokesman Julie Thompson said a moratorium sought by the History Coalition would be up to the state Board of Education which meets next in August and has final approval over  the frameworks.  However state law does require that a unit of Arkansas history be taught between the 7th and 12th grades.

Perhaps the legislature in the next session would like to change that law and require that Arkansas history and American history both be taught before world history is taught and require as the US Senate did in 1994 "that  any recipients of federal [state in this case] money should have a decent respect for the contributions of Western civilization." 13


1 A.  IBO – A Controversial UN Global Education Program That Conflicts With Judeo-Christian ValuesHas Been Established In Arkansas by SB1054 of 2005
B. Description of International Baccalaureate (IB) Education by Director Himself
C. AR Anti-Christian Ed Program (IBO) Will Promote Complete Disarmament
2.  Judge rules Islamic education OK in California classrooms - Dismisses suit opposing requirement students recite Quran, pray to Allah 
3. World History and the Public: The National Standards Debate
4.Critics Attack Plan to Adjust Curiculum
5.  Description of International Baccalaureate (IB) Education by Director Himself [for key quotes]
Also see this article for the entire speech but the first one has key passages.
Speech by IBO Director entitled "Biennial Conference of IB Nordic Schools Stockholm: 9 September 2005 What have I learned about international education?
6.  Description of International Baccalaureate (IB) Education by Director Himself [for key quotes see Who Defines Truth Section]
7. (Horace's School p 210 and Horace publication, March 1993) by Theodore Sizer
8.  U. N. influence in U.S. schools by Henry Lamb, Posted January 24,
9. Grade Seven History-Social Science Content Standards (California)
10. Judge rules Islamic education OK in California classrooms Dismisses suit opposing requirement students recite Quran, pray to Allah 
11. World History and the Public: The National Standards Debate. 
12. Beebe Supports New Curriculum
13. Critics attack plans to adjust curriculum and World History and the Public: The National Standards Debate. 
14. Four stories in Arkansas Democrat Gazette on the subject of the changes in history standards:

7:27 PM, July 20, 2007  

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