Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ron Paul Triples in Gallup Poll, Wows 'Em in S.C.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, an OB-GYN, must now be considered to be one of the 2nd tier candidates most likely to rise to the top tier after tripling his support in the latest Gallup Poll and receiving 16 standing ovations at a South Carolina GOP event attended by hundreds- including the GOP county chairman who once threatened to exclude Paul from the upcoming GOP debate there. If you want to see it yourself, go to the fifth post on this blog for links to You-Tube videos of the event.

Now to see Paul's numbers in that Gallup poll you have to scroll down a bit. Paul was at 1% last month, this time he is at 3%. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who has also generated some buzz as a possible 2nd tier candidate who could break out, got 2% in the poll.

It seems many members of the media are trying hard not to tell you about Ron Paul- like the person who wrote the article about the poll. Twice the article lists the candidates that have more than 3% then notes that "no other Republican exceeds 3%". Never mind that the one that does have three percent had 1% a month ago, and that internet polls consistently show him in the top tier. It seems to me that the writer went out of their way to avoid mentioning the name "Ron Paul". Whenever that happens, it make me even more determined to mention it. People read blogs like this one to find out what the establishment media does not want to tell them. Ron Paul is getting some traction. You may have heard it here first.


Blogger terrymcdermott said...

I hope he makes it to the Arkansas Primaries. He has my vote.

5:54 AM, July 27, 2007  

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