Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Four Generals Face Charges for Appearing In Christian Video

Link to MSNBC story. The group is affiliated with Campus Crusade for Christ. My how times have changed, and so has our direction as a nation. Changed in such a way that our Republic will not survive much more of a walk down this path.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The inspector general’s report reveals a “long and deep collusion with a fundamentalist, religious missionary organization,” Michael Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said in a statement.

"Religious Freedom"? I think he means Freedom from Religion. George Orwell couldn't do any better to make this stuff up.

3:38 PM, August 07, 2007  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Yes, the "religious freedom foundation" gleefully calls for the arrest and prosecution of honorably soldiers simply for expressing religious views in uniform. That is the left's idea of "religious freedom".

4:03 PM, August 07, 2007  

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