Thursday, August 23, 2007

State Figures for Educating & Imprisoning Illegal Immigratns Inaccurate

See Next Post For Details On How Each Household Of Illegal Aliens Cost Taxpayers $20,000 A Year.

"Reports revealed that Arkansas spends about $169 million annually to educate and imprison immigrants and their families." THERE IS NO WAY THIS AMOUNT IS CORRECT. 1.

I don't know how the ADE arrived at their figure, but to get a good estimate the figure would have to include the following:

· Per pupil spending at $7,795 for at least 70% percent of the 34,772 K-12 Hispanic students in Arkansas. My figures below show an approximate figure of $210 million for just this per pupil spending alone without including the other costs listed below. ADE's figure of $169 million was supposed to also include the cost of imprisonment for the illegal aliens as well. 2

· Cost of Pre-K programs for which probably ALL the illegal alien families qualify. In 2006 the state was spending $ 71 million a year on preschool programs. 7.4 % of all K-12 students in Arkansas are Hispanics. If just 7.4% of illegal immigrants were in Pre-K programs, that would be over $5 million. Surely there are some figures somewhere on the number of Hispanics in Pre-K programs. (I think more money was added for Pre-K in 2007)

· College tuition (many illegal aliens are attending college in Arkansas, and some are receiving scholarships).

· Numerous required programs for Spanish speaking children in all the schools. These programs would cost in the millions no doubt. Hiring additional teachers for those classes gets very expensive.

· Remedial programs for Spanish students. Most of the illegal aliens have to take remedial courses which adds to the cost of education.

· Money being allocated by the state for facilities to take care of the students because of the massive influx of illegal aliens in areas like Springdale. Springdale received an $8.2 million from the state to build five new elementary schools (the highest allotment in the state) in 2006. 3 The Hispanic student population there has more than doubled since 2001 and is now 38% of the student body with 6,258 Hispanic students. 4 The state pays less than half on these facilities plans so the cost of the five elementary schools would be at the very minimum in the neighborhood of $20 million. 38% of 20 million is about $7.5 million for students of illegal aliens in just this one district. In 2006 the state paid 86 million and the local school districts paid 214 million so $20 million may not be nearly high enough to base this figure on. (See below for another injustice this is causing)

· "In all, 1, 646 long-term projects have been approved in what the state calls the 'partnership program' for facilities, with a total state and local cost of $ 1. 4 billion. 5 The state’s share is $ 631 million and will be paid with cash." 7.4% of the students in Arkansas are Hispanic. 7.4% times $1.4 billion is approximately $104 million so $104 million would be spent on facilities to benefit a population that is mostly illegal.

At this time, I don't know the cost of special programs for Spanish speaking students, or the remedial programs. I am sure there are still some things I am missing as well. But I know someone out there does know how to figure the costs on these.

However ADE has just awarded Springdale $1.3 million grant for 100 Springdale teachers to learn to instruct students who don't speak English fluently. 18% of the Hispanic students in the state are enrolled at Springdale; so it would take about five to six million dollars for teachers across the state just to have this training, not to speak of all the teachers that have to be hired to teach the students, and other special programs.
Since some Spanish speaking students are enrolled in all classes, I presume this would mean that all teachers should have this training, which could get expensive indeed.

I noted that the cost of imprisonment for illegal aliens in the newspaper report was figured just for cost of keeping them in jail. What about all the cost for law enforcement, court costs, prosecuting attorney's fees, appointed attorneys, etc it took to arrest them and to get them in prison.

For rest of this article go to this link, click on Thursday below; or if sent here just scroll down.


Blogger Debbie Pelley said...

Following is how I arrived at the $210 million for per pupil spending.

In 2006-07 school year there were 34,772 Hispanic students in Arkansas according to Arkansas Department of Education website. The average state expenditure per student was $7,795. Multiply 34,772 times $7,795 and you get $271 million (rounded off.)  on Hispanic students (without including the other things listed below)

Not all Hispanic students are illegal, but according to the Census Bureau in 2000, only 29% of foreign born population in Arkansas had become citizens; that leaves 71% non citizens. With the rapid  growth we have seen in Arkansas (47% growth in Hispanic students in Arkansas  from 2001-2002 ) probably 90% of them are non citizens or are here because their parents are here illegally. 6

But just suppose only 71% of them are non citizens, then you have a cost of .71 times $271 million which is $192 million.  Even if you multiplied the per pupil spending total cost of $271 million  for state per pupil spending by 71% of undocumented students you get $190 million.  Then add 11% more to that figure because the Hispanic population went up 11% from 2005 to 2006, for a total of $210 million which is a great deal more than the $169 million given by ADE which was supposed to cover the cost of education and imprisonment for the illegal aliens.  And this is just for K-12. There is no way these students can be legal if they came within the last year.  

Rural Arkansans Fund New Schools for Non-Citizens
Facility Funds Subsidize High Teacher Salaries in Springdale

Recently (2006)  the School Academic Facilities Commission approved $86 million for 200 school improvement projects. Springdale School District received the highest single allotment in the state —more than $8.2 million.  

In 2004 Springdale approved the highest teacher salary schedule in the state, a starting salary in 2005 of $39,521 and maximum salary of $67,327. Districts that invested in their buildings often did so at the expense of the teachers who received lower salaries. Meanwhile teachers in Springdale enjoyed the highest salaries in the state, but evidently their districts did not keep pace with the facilities they needed.  Now the state is subsidizing those high salaries in Springdale by giving them $8.2 million for facilities. How is that fair or equitable?

Springdale is receiving this large sum of money for facilities because of tremendous growth- mostly from children of illegal aliens. The state is closing numerous rural schools, saying the state can't afford them. (In reality the state is setting standards so high, imposing impossible mandates, and literally starving districts into consolidation.) As a result, parents in rural areas are putting their children on buses 3 to 4 hours a day, and now will be paying taxes to subsidize buildings in Springdale for children of illegal aliens.  If these large schools can't function on the per pupil that comes with increased growth, why not treat them like the rural schools and put them in fiscal distress? Why do they deserve $8.2 million from the state pot?

Other interesting facts on Arkansas and illegal immigration.: Data from the 2000 Census recorded Arkansas' naturalized population at 22,055, a naturalization rate of 29.9 percent, one of the lowest rates in the country, and much lower than the national average rate of 40.1 percent. This low rate of naturalization is a major shift from 1990 (see below) and may be due to a large number of newcomers not yet eligible for naturalization and a growing population of illegal aliens.
Data from the 1990 Census showed that nearly half (48.7%) of Arkansas' 24,867 foreign-born residents had become naturalized U.S. citizens. This was much higher than the national average (40.3%).
Number of Hispanic students enrolled in K-12 in Arkansas
34,772 in 06-07
31,225 in 05-06    
27,313 in 2004-05
18,620 in 2001-2002
Increased 47% from 2000-2001 to 2006-07
Footnotes and Documentation 
1. "Some costs of immigrants to state put at $169 million" Arkansas Democrat Gazette by Laura Kellams , August 14,07.

2. - To find amount of money state pays per pupil (Look at very last section) For the number of Hispanic students in Arkansas.

3. Springdale gets over 8 million for facilities: "School upgrade money tied to local contribution," Arkansas Democrat Gazette by John Krupa, January 25, 06

4. Springdale Hispanic enrollment 2006-07¤t_page=2&lea_per_page=100&order=lea%20ASC&wher1=&wher2=&wher3=
and Springdale Hispanic enrollment 2000-2001 Springdale Hispanic enrollment for 2000-2001

5. "$631 million needed to fix school facilities." Arkansas Democrat Gazette by Quote: by Seth Blomeley, March 7, 07. In all, 1, 646 long-term projects have been approved in what the state calls the “partnership program” for facilities, with a total state and local cost of $ 1. 4 billion.

6. Data from the 2000 Census recorded Arkansas' naturalized population at 22,055, a naturalization rate of 29.9 percent, one of the lowest rates in the country, and much lower than the national average rate of 40.1 percent.


8:49 PM, August 23, 2007  

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