Monday, September 03, 2007

Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee lobbied for Mexican Consulate

Huckabee lobbied for the Mexican Consulate Office in Little Rock

Following excerpts taken from newspaper article "NWA’s Hispanic numbers help land Mexican consulate office" Arkansas Democrat Gazette, October 15, 06 at this link: .

Posted on Sunday, October 15, 2006
“'When Gov. Huckabee visited, they talked about the possibility of a consulate in Little Rock. After he left, the government began working on it,' Chao said. Volumes of paperwork and many steps had to be completed before the consulate could be established, he said.

"Securing the consulate in Arkansas, rather than allowing it to go to Tennessee was important, Trevino said.

“Gov. Huckabee realized early on that states with Mexican consulates have done very well tradewise with Mexico. We did research and talked with the officials, we saw right away that we needed to be in play for the consulate,” he said."

Perhaps Twin City Bank needs to hear from Arkansans, and perhaps the people in the rest of the nation need to know how Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee's actions on illegal alien issues contrast with his rhetoric..


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