Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bush to tell CPAC McCain is a "Strong Conservative"

Diego Montoya has some advice for El Presidente Bush. "You keep using that word. I think you better look that up. I don't think that it means what you think it means.

HOW would George W. Bush KNOW whether or not John McCain or anyone else is a "strong conservative"? Did Bush accidentally meet a strong conservative once? And if the strong conservative that Bush may have met once did tell him that about McCain, it is entirely possible that the President missed the fellow's sarcastic tone when he said it. Bush has never been good at reading people ("I saw into Putin's soul"), much less conservative ones.

John McCain is a strong conservative like Islam is a "religion of peace".

John McCain is a strong conservative like the President's latest 3 trillion dollar budget is a "good, solid" budget.

John McCain is a strong conservative like "comprehensive immigration reform" does not mean amnesty.

Feel free to coin your own.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John McCain is a strong conservative like Mark Moore is a Globalist, Statist, Socialist Liberal.

Now I would like to see someone top that one!

10:19 PM, February 07, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

You raise the bar high, but I will try......

John McCain is a strong conservative like Ramos and Compean deserve to be in prison.

1:23 PM, February 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll see your feeble attempts and raise you a:

john mccain is a strong conservative like jim bob duggar is sterile.

john mccain is a strong conservative like jim holt is an atheist.

2:41 PM, February 08, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

John McCain is a strong conservative like Bill Clinton is a faithful spouse.

8:10 PM, February 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I give! I give!

8:13 PM, February 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


When that many of the insider power brokers hate Mike Huckabee like they obviously do, it makes me want to take a serious second look. I believe we have been duped. Think about it. A guy that donated to and practically endorsed Rudy Guiliani is out there saying that Huckabee is not conservative enough. Am I just ignornant or has the world gone mad?

10:02 PM, February 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just read Ron Paul is leaving the Presidential race. Is this true? Are we down to McCain vs Huck?

6:23 AM, February 10, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

The world has gone mad, but Huckabee is still a bad choice. The global corps who decide such matters are just not sure Huckabee is THEIR KIND of bad.

As for Hannity (I presume that is the guy you are talking about), he is a humble man with a lot to be humble about. Congratulations for figuring out that those are sock-puppets who will tell you what their international bosses want you to hear whether it makes sense or not.

6:46 AM, February 10, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...


Where are you getting these ideas? He is in it to the convention.

6:46 AM, February 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mainstream Libertarian website is reporting he is ending his Presidential bid.

6:56 AM, February 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Culture War is lost, it has been lost for years, look at the stats for unmarried couples, gays, out of wedlock births, divorce, the coarseness of "normal" discourse or any other measurement. The best we can hope for is to stem further bleeding through selection of judges. If either democrat is elected president the USA as we have known it will be gone forever as the border is torn down, the military returned from Iraq, our commitments to Israel and other nations abandoned, the bureaucracy bloated even further, accountability of our schools further eroded or add your own favorite fear.
We need a strong VP that can unite the party and counter the age issue of McCain. Remember, the 2 Senators elected president previosly both died in their first term. Is that a curse??

12:33 PM, February 10, 2008  

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