For the last few years residents in Springdale and Little Rock have been subjected to protests from those who want to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Many suspect that a good portion of the marchers making demands are the illegal aliens themselves. Pictured above is march from Los Angeles. The city of angels is due another protest this year, but no cities from Arkansas appear to be on
this year's list.
Every legal resident has a right to march in protest, and there is plenty going on that we should protest about. Still, we can hope that there will be no disruptive amnesty marches in our street on the next international communist holiday of "May Day".
Had we an American president in the White House these last eight years, instead of a North American president, we might have started seeing dramatic improvement on this issue.
CFR traitors should never be placed in authority over us, nor should people like the Huckster who pal around with the CFR elite.
The day was a traditional summer holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures. While February 1 was the first day of Spring (season), May 1 was the first day of summer; hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now June 21) was Midsummer. In the Roman Catholic tradition, May is observed as Mary's month, and in these circles May Day is usually a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For a person whose screen name is "tell the truth" you sure don't seem to mind twisting it.
Is there anybody out there who believes they picked May 1 because it was a "summer holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures"? Is there anybody out there that believes they picked May 1 because of its astrological significance relative to the solstice?
I have seen dozens if not hundreds of pictures of these events, and I can't recall one sign or banner about the Virgin Mary. It is all about "workers rights" and "citizenship". Most of the protesters have Mexican heritage, and they could not even wait until Cinco De Mayo (May 5th). No, May 1 was very deliberately chosen by the event organizers because of their politics. That is the most likely scenario.
May Day also refers to various labor celebrations conducted on May 1 that commemorate the fight for the eight hour day. May Day in this regard is called International Workers' Day, or Labour Day, and the choice of the 1st of May is a commemoration by the Second International for the working Americans involved in the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago, Illinois. As the culmination of three days of labor unrest in the United States, the Haymarket incident was a source of outrage and admiration from people around the globe. In countries other than the United States and Canada, residents sought to make May Day an official holiday and their efforts largely succeeded. For this reason, in most of the world today, May Day has become an international celebration of the social and economic achievements of the labor movement.
Here's a list of their demands. Pretty crazy stuff. I can understand land dispute, it has started a lot of wars. I just wish we were doing better at stopping the illegal invasion.
Our Demands
Legalization for All NOW !
Second Chance for All NOW !
Defend the Right to Organize
Fight for a Living Wage
Legalization for Elvira Arellano and Flor Crisostomo
End the War in Iraq, bring the Troops Home
Respect for the Self-Determination of Nations
Clean Up for Vieques
Replace Globalization with Nobilization
Stop the Separation of Families
Stop the Hate, Stop the Violence,
Stop the Guns, Stop the Drugs
Health Care for Every Family
Equal, Quality, Respectful Education
A Moratorium on Mortgage Foreclosures
Naturalize Foreign-Born Spouses of LGBT Couples
Refugee Rights for LGBT People Fleeing Persecution
Renegotiate NAFTA
Good Jobs on Both Sides of the Border
Vote for the Children
Vote for those without papers
Vote for those in and out of prison
Mr. Moore,
I miss your regular commentary on the events of the day. Are you going to find some time to post some more in the future or have you abandoned this project for other areas of interest?
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