Saturday, June 07, 2008

Pine Bluff Paper: We are Sure He Did Not Mean It

Lt. Governor Bill Halter: When this man's office is caught using government resources for political campaigning purposes, the Pine Bluff paper just knows he is innocent of wrong doing. Why, they don't even have to ask him!


If you have accidentally swallowed poison recently and need to induce vomiting quickly, you might want to take a look at the coverage that the Pine Bluff Commercial newspaper gave the story about Bill Halter's office using government computers to write up and distribute Halter's endorsement of Barak Obama for President. His aide, Mr. Hoffman, quickly took the spear for his boss- which is the sign of a good aide. Of course, using the government resources to write and send emails is a "mistake" others have made before and is a basic "don't do".

The Pine Bluff paper did not question Halter about it, but took at face value Mr. Hoffman's claim that it was "his mistake". They also wrote, "He said Halter authorized him to go to the office but must have assumed that Hoffmann was going to get the media addresses, then go home and send the endorsement from there." Yeah, he "must have assumed that". Of course. Now that doesn't merit any follow up questions to the boss, does it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:31 AM, June 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you seem to be a sensitive individual! The point isn't that Mr.Halter's office made a mistake, the point is that the reporter let it go so easily. If Holt had been elected to that office instead, and a similar error was committed by his staff, you can bet Holt himself would have been raked over the coals- at the bare minimum he would have been asked personally about his endorsement. There would be no generous benefit of the doubt given by the press in that case.

Not that you're worried about bias against conservatives.

2:07 PM, June 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God that Holt was nbt elected. Every Gay person in Arkansas would be in danger. I used to be a Republican- until they started wars and got taken over by the Religious Right. THEOCRACY IS NOT A GOOD THING!

6:36 PM, June 08, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Please refrain from using profane language. Those with contrary viewpoints are welcome here, so long as they use reason and logic to defend their beliefs.

ps- there are a number of things besides this act that I could take issue with Mr. Halter for. Really, I thought the main point of the piece was harder on the newspaper than Mr. Halter.

6:50 PM, June 08, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Every practicing gay person in Arkansas is already in danger- from the health risks resulting from their own unnatural activities. Holt was no danger to them, they are a danger to themselves. Neither Jim Holt nor any other member of the Christian right is going around infecting homosexuals with AIDS, or hepatitis, or any of the other gruesome diseases that they are passing around to each other.

And the Republican party has all but told the Religious Right to get lost. It is just that those folks can't take a hint and stay around even though the folks who run the party hold them in contempt. Tell me, what part of the Religious Rights agenda has been enacted? Anything of substance????

The neocons are running the GOP now, not the RR. The RR does not have a political home, most of them just have not come to grips with that yet.

9:06 PM, June 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I have been an active Gay person for around 8 years now and I have never got nor given any sexually transmitted disease. And for the "unatural" comment. When I am with my partner It seems totally natural to me. So keep your idea of natural out of the law.

5:29 PM, June 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"An active gay person"? Is that a euphemism for pervert?

8:44 PM, June 09, 2008  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Natural Law. What a concept.

8:52 PM, June 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep your laws off our free speech rights....

9:20 PM, June 09, 2008  

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