Rush is Wrong (and so is Ron Paul)

Those who wish to "take back the Republican Party" must understand that the forces which run it are well ensconced.
Rush Limbaugh went to great lengths to avoid mentioning the name "Ron Paul" back when it mattered during the race for the GOP nomination. But despite his participation in the media near-blackout of pre-Super Tuesday coverage of Paul, Rush and Ron Paul actually agree on one very important point. They may not agree on what needs to be done to restore the Republic, but they both agree that the Republican Party is the vehicle we should use to do it. They are both wrong.
The mega-corporate interests which run the Republican party are not going to easily give up half-interest in the duopoly. It is far too useful a tool to present the illusion of choice to the American people. Even if their operatives could be rooted out, it would only be after a long, bitter, destructive struggle which would leave the party infrastructure in ruins. The "victors" would rule only the rubble that is left.
On the way out the door, the deposed party operatives would call the people who beat them (you) every name in the book, and the corporate media would telecast it all on infinite loop. The Republican "brand" would be throughly ruined. In fact, the Republican brand is already ruined in the eyes of the people. This is not only because of all the mud that the Democrats and the media have hurled at them. They earned it by their years of corruption, misrule, and lack of fidelity to both Christian-moral and Constitutional-legal principle. There is nothing you can do to reform the GOP, and the people running it don't want to reform it. Instead, like the Democrats, they want to use it to direct government largesse to their associates.
According to Rasmussen polls, only 17% of the American people feel that the federal government represents them instead of special interests. It seems high to me! That number crossed all lines, left-right, young-old, black-white, male-female. The American people know that our process, on the Federal level, is an elaborate sham. The two major parties are obviously responsible for that condition. There has never been a better time for a third party. The identity of the party? I have no idea. Perhaps it has not yet been born. But it is time we started working on it.
My fear button is broken. No longer will I vote for a fatally flawed candidate because the other is a slightly bigger traitor. I am a citizen of the United States. I will not legitimize any globalist with my vote.
"Perot gave us Clinton" they tell me. That was awful, but in retrospect would four more Bush years have been much better? The Bush administration has also been a disaster for this nation, and things are about to get a lot worse. Obama may be handed the wheel 1 second before we are due to hit an economic wall going 100mph. There will be nothing either side can do to change this, because neither side will make the fundamental changes needed to restore the Constitution and preserve the Republic. Both men are propped up by those who have too much invested in the government-as-spoils-allocator way of looking at things. Because of this, it does not matter who wins, and in fact may be best for side "A" if side "B" "wins" the next election, because they will be stuck with the blame for the coming catastrophe.
The plain truth is both parties are responsible, because both have the same warped, unscriptural view of government, and differ only in whose friends get how much of the loot.
We can't "retake" a party machine that we never really had. They were using us while they enacted their own agenda and never quite got around to ours. I tell you that though building a new party is hard, "taking" the infrastructure of the old one over the objections of its cunning, ruthless, and determined current operatives; then rebuilding on its stinking ruins after they use a "scorched earth" policy on the way out; then overcoming the poison of negative images attached to it's soiled name, will be a thousand times more difficult.
Look, don't shoot the messenger here. I know some of you are emotionally involved because you have a certain amount of history with a given political entity. It is the same reason your conservative friends who "voted Democrat all their life" just could not bring themselves to vote for Republican candidates. Do you remember how you felt about them then? Mercifully I hope, because some of you have now become them- maintaining loyalty not to a real political party, but the the memory of one. It is OK to be loyal to memories, but it is dangerous to succumb to the illusion that those wistful memories are realistic options for today's situation.
That was a very depressing(although fairly accurate, I'm afraid) appraisal of the state of things.
It is also a sentiment that I am hearing more often from some who have been loyal Republicans for years.
I would add one caveat; I wonder if maybe an Obama victory, and the subsequent decline of virtually everything, might allow/push the conservative contingent in the GOP to be renewed to power & their principles.
But, I still shiver to know that in that scenario, Obama will be replacing the next TWO supreme court justices, destroying any chance of progress there for some 20 years.....
Although I firmly believe, Mark, that a McCain victory will be the final piece of the puzzle to complete & ensure that this once great party will become the GOP you describe in this column.
If you think I sound conficted & depressed about politics, then you guessed right......
I have a good friend who told me several years ago that both the Democrat and Republican Party are headed to the same point, they are just going from different positions. At the time I thought he was crazy. Today, I believe he was dead on!
Barack Obama in his victory speech: ”I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs for the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
The Republican Party and John McCain may not be sufficiently conservative or even remotely conservative, but neither is claiming to be Jesus Christ. And, while they may be heading in directions that I would prefer we not go, neither appears to be heading to the same point as the Democrats--deification of Obama and government by wolves clad in the garments of angels.
Letsa not look ahead to the next President, because we don't know what will be accomplished. Instead lets look at Presidents since Bush Sr. and go forward.
What have the Republicans done about abortion? Other than partial birth has it been outlawed? What about the size of government. Is it smaller under Bush Jr? What about border security? It certainly appears both parties are more interested in achieving cheap labor for big business.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't like Obama and will be holding my nose and support McCain, but if the Republican Party don't wake up this voter will be looking for a different political party to support in the near future.
I agree with you (although I am deeply grateful that the beastial delivery-murder of a child was outlawed).
I remember all of the presidents beginning with Eisenhower. I was often disappointed by the Republican presidents except for the Gipper, and even Reagan disappointed conservatives every now and then. But all of the Democratic Presidents were abmonable in my view.
I also remember most of the Democratic presidential candidates during that period. The United States of America would be hideously different today if Stevenson, Humphrey, McGovern, Gore or Kerry had been elected.
I understand Mark Moore's concern that Republican does not equal conservative. But at the present moment, it does not appear to be as liberal as the Rockefeller Republicans were. So there is some hope. And my hat is off to the Republicans in the Senate who stood up for us in the last couple of days and defeated the Cap 'n' Trade (Lieberman–Warner eco-boondoggle) bill. Except for that brave band, we would be over an economic precipice and plunging into the abyss.
Starting with the election of '06 things have been difficult. In Arkansas we had a really good group of candidates but I guess you have to be very liberal to get elected in Arkansas. Have we become the southern Mass.?
McCain isn't my pick but you will be glad to here that I put a McCain 2008 sticker on my truck.
Great timing since I am going to be spending some time in Phoenix, Arizona.
You don't have to be liberal to be elected in Arkansas, you just can't be Republican.
I regret to report that the so-called "ban" on partial-birth abortion has not saved the life of even one child. It merely tells the butchers what parameters they must follow to kill them. Read the language of the ruling. The "Justices" specifically state that the law is OK with them because it does NOT restrict access to late term abortion. It merely regulates how that late term abortion can be performed.
There is some good dialog here....more on these comments tomorrow.
Surely your not suggesting that the state elected Dems are for the most part conservative? That would be laughable!
I too salute the Senators who voted down the abominable climate bill. Human-caused global warming will prove to be the second biggest scientific hoax of the modern age, after only the absurd claims for macro-evolution.
I caution all though not to be fooled. Tom Daschle has revealed that McCain seriously explored the possibility of leaving the GOP and caucusing with the Democrats. If he is elected, especially without a strong showing by a third party, it will only cause the GOP elites to be emboldened in their efforts to move the GOP left and towards global governance.
Forget about Stevenson and McGovern. That is the past. The Republicans you have now don't have a dime's worth of difference from the Democrats. They differ only in whose friends get the loot. The Dems want the environmental lobby to get it, the GOP wants Haliburton to get it. Neither put America first.
Politicians are not really leaders. They are followers. We need to give the few good office holders in the GOP a safe and credible place to go when no conservative can any longer stand the statist stench of what the GOP has become.
As far as Arkansas Democrats go, no they are not conservative, or even very moderate, but they have to pretend to be in order to get elected. This is even though the GOP establishment leaves conservative candidates twisting in the wind.
I had to rub my eyes and take a second look at your response. Bad mouthing Haliburton is a liberal democrat talking point. I thought your response was written by the Clinton's.
I could have chosen better there. Without singling out an individual company, our government is morphing into a governmental-corporate partnership where the real election issue is which set of corporations get the government contracts.
My problem isn't with the free market we have. I have no problem with any large corporations who achieve great things.
My problem is with a government who cuts our military and hires private firms, like Haliburton, and pays them out the butt to do jobs a monkey could do.
Example: I have an uncle that went to work for Haliburton in Iraq making $90,000 tax free a year managing a bus terminal. Can you believe that? How much do our military make getting shot at? That is what pisses me off. Pardon the expression. Why can't we get rid of these companies and give those jobs back to the military with better pay?
That my friend is my beef. We have people and companies in Iraq just to make money on this war while young men are dying! That is an outrage.
Agreed. So many companies with government ties are making so much money off of this war that they have no reason to end it.
If Obama wins, defense contractors may get less of the loot and providers for "social services" will get more of it. Either way involves government using force to take the earnings of the productive and transfer it to favored corporate partners.
These corporations have learned that there is more money in servicing government contracts than making products and marketing them to you so that you buy them willingly. It is more profitable to bribe your congressman into writing a bill that forces you to spend your earnings on what they are selling.
Re: conservative Democrats
I know for a fact that there are Democrats in Arkansas who would run for office as Republican if they stood a fighting chance. Notwithstanding that their presence in the Democrat party empowers the liberals who run the show, you can't make a blanket assessment of people just by party label (at least, not at the state government level. I think the national parties do a near flawless job of keeping "troublemakers" on the outside looking in).
I agree not all Dems on the state level are libs as well as not all Repubs are conservative. But you would have to agree the majority of Dems are liberal.
"I think the national parties do a near flawless job of keeping "troublemakers" on the outside looking in)."
Yep. And Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton et al would be among the frozen-out "troublemakers".
I have long said that the insiders of each party get along with each other far better than they do the patriots in their own parties.
It's been posted here before, but it bears repeating:
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