The Joys of NAFTA Hit Local Industry

Reporter Brett Bennett (who as far as I know was not the one who made up the title) tells us they will shut down the "facility in Pittsburg, Kan. Once the Pittsburg plant is closed, the company will be left with three remaining U. S. plants in Fayetteville, Rogers and Van Nuys, Calif.
In addition to the plant closing, the company said in a press release that it would lay off 65 employees at other plants and not fill 90 open positions. "
OK, so far it sounds like maybe the terrible economy is to blame. But wait! Bennett also reveals this key fact:"Besides the four current U. S. plants, the company has three plants in Mexico that will not be affected by the layoffs".
Ahh. So no we see that the hard times, closings, and layoffs are not spread across the board, but they are only cutting back at US plants. A quick fact check will tell you that their Mexican plants did not even exist pre-NAFTA. In fact, they did not even announce plans to build their second gigantic Mexican plant until 2000! In a more quiet way, they built a third plant in Mexico in 2006 while closing another U.S. facility in Tennessee not mentioned in this article. So two years after they complete their latest Mexican plant we get the story that "hard times" are causing them to shut down and scale back at their U.S. plants.
The obvious truth is that it is NOT the hard times that is forcing them to close those plants down, its NAFTA. While they were and are shutting down U.S. plants they were building them in Mexico. And every expense involved with shutting down their plant and shipping the equipment to Mexico will be a tax write-off for the company. Then they get duty-free access to our markets, on trucks that are no longer U.S. licensed.
Our bought-and-paid-for politicians have sold us out to the globalists. That is the real story here.
Look at it this way- there's now that much less need for employees with college degrees.
Arkansas is ahead of the curve on the proper ratio of college educated citizens.
Feel the prosperity! Way to go Bush, Clinton, and Bush Jr.!
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