Monday, October 27, 2008

Secure Arkansas: Question 1 Violates Property Rights


"Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist."
~ John Adams

We have received news regarding an extremely disturbing Bill that Arkansans will be voting on November 4 regarding water restriction. My question to you is this:

Do YOU want an unelected bureaucratic agency (The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) ) to be granted eminent domain power to take title to your private lakes, stock ponds, irrigation reservoirs, and certain rivers?

If not, vote NO to the Referred Question #1 on your ballot on November 4 (Act 631 of 2007, known as HB2339). If this passes, other language of Act 631 which does not appear on your ballot will become enabling legislation for ARNC eminent domain power to take title to certain private water sources for any purpose that they deem important!

The ballot face of this Referred Question #1 discusses a $300 million bond for water projects, but it doesn't tell the whole story!
Click this link to access the whole wording of the Act:

MOST ALARMING is that the State Board of Directors of Arkansas Farm Bureau has advised Farm Bureau Members to support this measure, which could greatly jeopardize our private property rights! Farm Bureau Members AND all Arkansas citizens should IMMEDIATELY contact their local Farm Bureau Leaders and demand accountability for this STATE LEVEL decision - demanding that the State Office immediately issue an effective statewide reversal of policy regarding Referred Question 1, advising their Members to "VOTE NO".

If we don't 'burn the phone lines up', one of the biggest voting blocs in Arkansas (Farm Bureau) will vote "Yes" on this, and will cause us to lose our private property rights to our water! However, if we do a little arm-twisting (just like we had to with Attorney General McDaniel to get him to certify our ballot initiative), and we convince Farm Bureau to change their policy and oppose this Act, they will advise their Members to vote "NO"! Please call your local Farm Bureau right now!

After you contact your local Farm Bureau, call the State Office of Farm Bureau to OPPOSE Referred Question #1. 1-888-909-5949

Then, please forward this email and CALL as many people as you know - RIGHT NOW! - to help in this Action Alert! We have to do something NOW! PLEASE don't put it off!

As ever, we're still concentrating on the illegal alien problem here in Arkansas, but we absolutely can't afford to overlook this Bill. We're continuing to fight against the illegal alien problem and to secure our property rights, water rights, college campuses, state-funded benefits, etc.

"The right of property is the guardian of every other right, and to deprive a people of this, is in fact to deprive them of their liberty." ~ Arthur Lee

If you do not agree, please just delete.

Thank you,

Jeannie Burlsworth
Chairman, Secure Arkansas


Anonymous Generic Cialis said...

So many have been killed because of trespassing, there was a case in where the person who entered the property was killed by two pit bulls that were in the property.

10:10 AM, June 08, 2011  

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