Not Funny: Franken Stealing Senate Election

Fox News documents the theft here.
Since 2005, Arkansas Politics and Events from a Contrarian Small-government Perspective
posted by Mark Moore (Moderator) at Monday, December 22, 2008
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Arkansas Watch
Yay! Go Franken!
A picture like this is just about enough to make me quit visiting this site, but definitely enough to make me hurl! Please remove it!!
Stay strong my friend! The people of this country must be made to confront the truth about what caliber of men they are putting over us.
.....and sometimes the truth is not pretty!
The canvassing board is holed up in a sewage treatment plant "recounting". They are going to award it to Franken in a landslide as they have suddenly discovered millions of "votes".. little white squares of paper with brown stinking stripes on them...clearly showing intent to vote for the turd Franken..
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