DHS Janet Napolitano Developed National/international School Curriculum for AR & Nation
(If you are not aware, the curriculum used in public schools now consists of the standards and assessments – tests - mandated by the state. Teachers are not allowed to teach anything else. Teachers' lesson plan books are monitored and their classes observed to make sure they are teaching exactly what they are told to teach and what to test and when to test – just as communist countries do it.) See this link for a superintendent memo on lesson plans to prove this last statement. http://www.wpaag.org/Ed%20-%20Lesson%20plans%20mandated_lesson_plans.htm
Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported that Arkansas Education Commissioner Ken James testified before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Education and Labor on the need of national common academic standards for K-12. 1
How many of you remember the national history standards presented in 1994? They were so biased and leftist in nature that they were rejected by 99 US Senators. In our social and political climate of today, how could anyone think that national standards would be anything but leftist?
But it gets worse. The paper reported only part of the truth. They did not report that "The purpose of the hearing was to examine how states can better prepare their students to compete in a global economy by using internationally benchmarked common standards."2 Either the paper or Ken James evidently considered international standards a little beyond the digestive level of Arkansans so that information was left out of the newspaper article.
Neither did the paper mention the fact that Obama's DHS Director Janet Napolitano was chair of the International Benchmarking Advisory Group overseeing the national and international standards (curriculum) which Arkansas Education Commissioner Ken James advocated in his testimony and can't wait to implement in Arkansas.3 See the two quoted paragraphs below for details. (By the way the curriculum is already written so it doesn't matter that Janet Napolitano is working for Obama now. And people just like her will continue in her steps.)
(Remember Napolitano - She is the one responsible for the recently released assessment from the DHS warning law enforcement officials about a rise in so-called right-wing extremist activity, labeling returning veterans, and other citizens opposed to abortion, firearms restrictions, homosexuality, and spending that's out of control and associating them with white supremacists and violent antigovernment groups. – And she was chairman of the committee writing our school curriculum!) 4
"WASHINGTON – September 8, 2008 – Three of the nation's leading education policy organizations today united to ensure American students in every state are receiving a world-class education. The National Governors Association (NGA), Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and Achieve, Inc. have joined to provide to states a roadmap for benchmarking their K-12 education systems to those of top-performing nations.
"The organizations' work will be guided by an International Benchmarking Advisory Group consisting of education experts representing education institutions, the business community, researchers, former federal officials and current state and local officials (a complete list appears below). The Advisory Group's expertise and experience will help the partner organizations identify the need for international comparisons as well as provide guidance for benchmarking state education system practices in areas such as standards, accountability, educator workforce and assessments. The Advisory Group is co-chaired by Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and Craig Barrett, chair of the board at Intel Corporation. "5
Imagine the likes of Obama and Napolitano writing our school curriculum! Some of us have warned people for years that this would be the result of the government taking over education through testing and so called standards. We have been surprised that people have allowed all this without an outcry, without even a whimper. In fact, even most conservative legislators and governors supported it.
To view footnotes and to read this article online see this link: http://www.wpaag.org/Education%20-%20Push%20for%20nationa-international%20curriculum.htm
Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported that Arkansas Education Commissioner Ken James testified before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Education and Labor on the need of national common academic standards for K-12. 1
How many of you remember the national history standards presented in 1994? They were so biased and leftist in nature that they were rejected by 99 US Senators. In our social and political climate of today, how could anyone think that national standards would be anything but leftist?
But it gets worse. The paper reported only part of the truth. They did not report that "The purpose of the hearing was to examine how states can better prepare their students to compete in a global economy by using internationally benchmarked common standards."2 Either the paper or Ken James evidently considered international standards a little beyond the digestive level of Arkansans so that information was left out of the newspaper article.
Neither did the paper mention the fact that Obama's DHS Director Janet Napolitano was chair of the International Benchmarking Advisory Group overseeing the national and international standards (curriculum) which Arkansas Education Commissioner Ken James advocated in his testimony and can't wait to implement in Arkansas.3 See the two quoted paragraphs below for details. (By the way the curriculum is already written so it doesn't matter that Janet Napolitano is working for Obama now. And people just like her will continue in her steps.)
(Remember Napolitano - She is the one responsible for the recently released assessment from the DHS warning law enforcement officials about a rise in so-called right-wing extremist activity, labeling returning veterans, and other citizens opposed to abortion, firearms restrictions, homosexuality, and spending that's out of control and associating them with white supremacists and violent antigovernment groups. – And she was chairman of the committee writing our school curriculum!) 4
"WASHINGTON – September 8, 2008 – Three of the nation's leading education policy organizations today united to ensure American students in every state are receiving a world-class education. The National Governors Association (NGA), Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and Achieve, Inc. have joined to provide to states a roadmap for benchmarking their K-12 education systems to those of top-performing nations.
"The organizations' work will be guided by an International Benchmarking Advisory Group consisting of education experts representing education institutions, the business community, researchers, former federal officials and current state and local officials (a complete list appears below). The Advisory Group's expertise and experience will help the partner organizations identify the need for international comparisons as well as provide guidance for benchmarking state education system practices in areas such as standards, accountability, educator workforce and assessments. The Advisory Group is co-chaired by Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and Craig Barrett, chair of the board at Intel Corporation. "5
Imagine the likes of Obama and Napolitano writing our school curriculum! Some of us have warned people for years that this would be the result of the government taking over education through testing and so called standards. We have been surprised that people have allowed all this without an outcry, without even a whimper. In fact, even most conservative legislators and governors supported it.
To view footnotes and to read this article online see this link: http://www.wpaag.org/Education%20-%20Push%20for%20nationa-international%20curriculum.htm
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