Tom Cox Announces for United States Senate

Tom Cox has removed the reference to his site being "the official website of the Arkansas Tea Party", as well as the picture of him on a boat which refers to him as "the leader" of this organization.
Tom Cox reserved the website "" which he calls "the official website of the Arkansas Tea Party". Strangely, those of us around the state in the Tea Party movement did not seem to know that we had a leader. In fact, we have had a couple of state-wide meetings and one thing we strongly came away with was that we do not want a centralized state leader, just a network of local groups who work together when needed.
At any rate, Mr. Cox used a rally he organized at the Little Rock Amphitheater this evening to make a surprise announcement: He is running for United States Senate against incumbent Blanche Lincoln. My guess is that many of the attendees were caught off-guard by the switcheroo, but we should have a live report on Tea Party radio tomorrow night about what went down.
His announcement was played up big by channel 4 and even got a mention on CNN. Here is what stunned me. CNN reports "He also argued that because the Tea Party movement is "center of the road" on social issues and is primarily concerned with fiscal responsibility, his campaign will be primed to appeal to Democrats and independents."
I invite you to listen to this net radio show where he is interviewed by a pastor. Here he references the Lord so much that even I begin to find it off-putting. Tell me if you think it sounds like someone who is center of the road on social issues.
It looks like the movement has been put in an awkward position by personal ambition. I hope I am wrong about that, because we need a candidate against Lincoln.
I am having a real problem with all the people running against Lincoln. This Cox guy is running as a Republican. Sorry Tom you missed the point the Tea Parties were not about Political Parties and if you want to go to Washington and not bow down to the elite party leaders you should have ran as an independent. The other guys are all politicans. At this point I would vote for a logger who wanted to change things and not take any crap.
Wow! You don't seem to have been flamed as much as me! I admittedly had one sentence I should have taken another look at.
Anyways, I wanted to respond to anonymous (if that really is their name...). Independents are unfortunately NOT the answer. Oh how I wish they were, but with that I find it highly important to note here that the Arkansas Republicans are a pretty straight bunch, sometimes overzealous even.
The problem with independents is exactly what you expect me to say, they split the vote. Lincolns approval ratings would almost beat us with that. I attempted to look up what happens in Arkansas if there is no clear Majority and could not find anything, but it doesn't sound like any fun at all.
The answer then is to be involved from start to finish in the election. From the primary to the bitter end. The republican Party (or dems as it seems) is going to take some good ones and some bad ones, and we have to make sure the good ones make it through. Waiting till the last will likely give you a bad candidate.
google instant run off voting. changing the system so people can vote their conscience without fear of electing the worst choice is the answer.
and you feel this blog post is advancing the tea party movement how? Perhaps by showing the world how petty and small people of the state of Arkansas can be?
That's the problem with you partisan idiots. You care about advancing a party, or a movement, or a group of gangsters.
We're about promoting freedom and truth. We're not going to pull punches just because someone is "supposedly" our boy. No free rides.
We're in a mess largely because there is no accountability in politics. If Cox-- or any other candidate-- thinks he can hide his flaws behind the veil of the Tea Party movement, he's got another thing coming. He may be the best candidate come 2010. Or not. But voters will at least have all the facts to make the decision for themselves.
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