Friday, September 25, 2009

It Doesn't Work Too Well In Forward Either

Chimps at a typewriter typing out Hamlet. Did random mutations bounce against the environment to turn slime into slimy politicians?
Readers of this space know that one non-Arkansas specific matter I cover is the creation-evolution debate. Global warming is only the 2nd biggest scientific hoax of our time. The idea that all living things evolved from a common ancestor through natural descent is the biggest. It is also more intractable, because we can notice year after year that the earth is not heating up, but the time scales involved for macro evolution are so great that the lack of real supporting evidence is less obvious.

Here is a report about a study evolutionists did which says "evolution does not work in reverse". They didn't try to reverse-engineer a whole creature, say bird to dinosaur. That was far too hard. They took a single protein and tried to make it go back to what they believed its ancestor protein was.

Turns out (from an evolutionary perspective) there were five other "mutations" that served as road blocks. They locked the protein out of assuming its old shape and its old form even if the functional changes were restored. From that, the scientists concluded that evolution cannot work in reverse. Once a protein changes form, other mutations occur that prevent it from re-gaining its old function unless all those mutations are also reversed at the same time- an event so likely as to qualify as a miracle.

While the title on the article says that "evolution only works going forward", it is important to note that the scientists did not actually test to see if it could work going forward, the only assumed that it could.

My hunch is that the same problem will exist in many if not most cases of protein evolution going forward. That is, if you tried a step-by-step evolution of one protein into an alleged descendant protein then you would find that "you can't get their from here". Each step would likely need other mutations to hold usable function and those mutations would have to appear and disappear at just the right time and in just the right order for the protein to go through its full transition. In my view the odds of that, absent intelligent guidance, will be nil.


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