Thursday, April 08, 2010

Candidate Congressman John Boozman's Voting Record On Controversial Issues

With a national debt of $10 trillion, Boozman, candidate for Arkansas US Senate, voted for the $700 billion Bailout.

Bailout Bill – Stabilization Act of 2008, H.R. 1424 authorized the Treasury Department to use $700 billion of taxpayer money to purchase troubled mortgage-related securities from banks and other financial-related institutions, on terms set by the Treasury Secretary, who now has authority to manage and sell those assets. This bill establishes an unconstitutional merger of government with banks and businesses. Stabilization Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424) passed 263-171 (Roll Call 681) on October 3, 2008. 171 other Representatives voted more conservatively than did Boozman on this bill.

Boozman voted against protecting taxpayers from bailing out banks in 2005.A representative offered an amendment to “eliminate the ability of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to borrow from the Treasury." Rep Ron Paul stated on the floor, “I hope my colleagues join me in protecting taxpayers from having to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when the housing bubble bursts.” The House rejected the amendment on October 26, 2005, by a vote of 47-371 (Roll Call 544).

With a national debt of $6 trillion, Boozman voted for the Prescription Drug Plan.
Prescription Drug Plan H.R. 4954 – Ten Year Cost: $350 Billion. Uses taxpayer money to subsidize costs of prescription drugs for those on Medicare. This was another step in the direction of socialized medicine. Passed June 28, 2002 by 221-208.

Boozman voted to increase the national budget and debt ceiling year after year.Budget Resolution - House Concurrent Resolution 95 authorized federal spending for 2004 of $1,861 billion dollars with a deficit of $558 billion and an increase in the public debt ceiling of $984 billion, for a total of $7.4 trillion This dwarfs the previous record federal deficit of $290 billion in 1992. Adopted April 11, 2003 by a vote of 216 to 211 (Roll Call 141) 211 Representatives voted more conservatively than Boozman. During his nine years in office Boozman kept voting for increased budgets and spending bills, big and small for nine years, even when our national debt had reached $9 and $10 trillion, and stopped doing so only when Obama became President.

Boozman received an average score of only 43% by the Club for Growth for 2006-2008 compared to true conservatives like Rep. Michelle Bachman’s 94% average and Senator Jim DeMint 100% average. Club for Growth’s goal is to cut taxes and treat taxpayers equally.

Boozman voted for NAIS (Animal ID) by refusing to vote for this Amendment:
Defunding the NAIS, also called Animal ID, in the 207 Agriculture Appropriations H.R.5384. A representative introduced this amendment to bar the use of funds in the bill to implement the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), a government program supposedly for preventing the spread of disease. The House rejected this Amendment on May 23, 2006, by a vote of 34-389 (Roll Call 184). NAIS recommends, and some say mandates, attaching recommended tags with microchips for all animals that would allow the computerized recording of livestock movements from birth to the slaughterhouse. The extra cost of radio tags, scanners and filing reports when animals change premises would be crushing, some smaller producers say.

Boozman supports No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a national education program.
On his website, Boozman praises No Child Left Behind, saying, "Like many of my colleagues in Congress, I am eager for the reauthorization of NCLB." Despite the billions of state and federal dollars that Congress added to spending on education through NCLB, this year's National Assessment of Education Progress scores (the NAEP test that is referred to as the Nation's Report Card) show no improvement this year nor any significant improvement for the past several years.

Even worse, NCLB is the mechanism that has been used for the federal government to take over our educational systems and to basically control the curriculum in every state in the union. Through NCLB and with Stimulus money, Obama is now implementing national/international curriculum (UN curriculum) in our schools. Janet Napolitano was chair of the international benchmarking advisory group over these standards. Imagine our school curriculum being written by Napolitano. Napolitano is the one that sent out the DHS warning to law enforcement officials across the nation to be on alert for violent antigovernment groups like returning veterans, citizens opposing abortion, firearms restrictions, homosexuality, and out of control spending.

With a national debt of $9 trillion, Boozman voted for the lst stimulus bill in 2008:
Economic Stimulus of 2008. H.R. 5140. Provided about $150 billion in economic stimulus, including $101.1 billion in direct payments of rebate checks (typically $600) to most taxpayers in 2008 and temporary tax breaks for businesses. H.R. 5140 passed 385-35 on January 29, 2008, (Roll Call 25). Creating money out of thin air and then spending the newly created money cannot improve the economy, at least not in the long term. (If it could, why not create even more money for rebates and make every American a millionaire?)

Boozman supported mandatory program to combat global warming.
Global Climate Change. The House voted on an amendment to strike from the bill (H.R. 2643) a mandatory program to combat global warming. H.R. 2643 specifically says, "the sense of the Congress that there should be enacted a comprehensive and effective national program of mandatory, market-based limits and incentives” to reduce global greenhouse- gas emissions. An example of so called “market-based limits” would be a cap and trade system. The House (Boozman included) rejected the Barton amendment, and thereby kept the global warming language in the bill, by a vote of 153-274 (Roll Call 555) on June 26,2007.

Boozman voted for several so-called Free Trade Agreements:
These trade agreements have caused hundreds of US companies to move to foreign countries in order to take advantage of cheap labor, causing millions of job losses in the United States. NAFTA alone has cost more than one million US job opportunities.

The loss of sovereignty is another problem with trade agreements. In the Peru Free Trade Agreement legislation of November 8, 2007, the Committee on Ways and Means reported that "the Peru FTA has become the first U.S. free trade agreement to include, in its core test fully enforceable commitments by the Parties to adopt, maintain, and enforce basic international labor standards, as stated in the 1988 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work." The ILO, or International Labor Organization, is a UN agency. For a list of five free trade agreements for which Boozman voted see this link:

Boozman voted to fund National Endowment of the Arts (NEA), HR5386
NEA received $129.41 million from this legislation. NEA has funded such works as "Piss Christ, with a crucifix submerged in the artist's urine," and other anti-Christian and pornographic works. HR 5386 also included $145.96 million for National Endowment of the Humanities and $7.56 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency. The title of this bill was "Interior Department FY 20007 Appropriations Bill." The total cost of the bill was $25.57 billion (Passed 5/18/2006 by 293-128 (Roll Call 172). Our national debt at this time was $8.3 trillion.)

To compare the way you would vote with the way Congressman John Boozman voted on many more bills, see this link:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Boozman is like Gilbert Baker and many other Republicans. They vote right on most social issues and then like the Democrats on spending and government control. Tht is what you get with "establishment" Republicans.

9:07 PM, April 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Holt would never vote like this. But Gilbert Baker and Kim Hendren would vote just like this. They did so in the Arkansas legislature. Have you read the report where Arkansas is the 5th fastest government growing state in the nation since 2000. Americans for Prospertiy published it. They have analyzed budgets across the nation. This time period coincides with Senator Gilbert Baker and Kim Hendren's time in the Senate. They didn't do a thing to stop the government growth but instead voted for all those bills that grew the government. See this link for Hendren, Baker, & Holt voting records:
Holt voted against all thos taxes and government control bill and he even voted against his own pay raise three times - in every legislative session he was there. session.

9:18 PM, April 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

700 Billion bailout not million. Thanks for the info Marc

3:40 AM, April 09, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! I have found most are clueless about John's record. They need to know what he has really done. I think even John is clueless about his record sometimes. He does whatever the party tells him to do. That is the last thing we need in D.C. right now!

7:55 AM, April 09, 2010  
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