Friday, June 04, 2010

Because It Does Matter - Clinard for County Judge

I endorse Bob Clinard for Benton County Judge. We have a problem up here in Benton County government- a significant segment of the Republican party up here that seems willing to turn a blind eye to it. My eyes, and hopefully the eyes of most of the voters, are wide open on this one. I think we need a change, and Bob Clinard is the change we need. Please join me on Tuesday June 8th in voting for Bob Clinard for County Judge. I believe ending the drama will be good for everyone, including in many ways for the incumbent who needs to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who doesn't think Bisbee should be in office, and at the same time personally knows Bob Clinard. Benton county has the worst choices for county judge possible. There is no difference between these two. I am just a Benton County resident who is throwing his hands up in the air with the choices we have state wide. Politics as usual, with the candidate with the most money being elected even though their views don't match up with the majority. Rant over.

8:13 AM, June 04, 2010  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

I'd be interested in your details. Can we agree to let Mr. Clinard have a chance to commit his own crimes as County Judge before we vote against him?

8:55 AM, June 04, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the first comment. I know Mr. Clinard, and you Mr. Moore should take the time to know someone prior to supporting them. Clinard will be much worse than Bisbee ever thought of being. I would vote for Bisbee ten times over Bob Clinard.

11:10 AM, June 08, 2010  
Blogger Mark Moore (Moderator) said...

Again no details. Anyway, the people seem ready to give Mr. Clinard the opportunity. Let's see what he does with it.

8:52 PM, June 08, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mr. Clinard. May you prove your critics wrong, and may you give the office a better example.

But if you don't, I hope BC voters toss you out on your ear, too!

10:24 PM, June 08, 2010  

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