Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Call for Incivility?

My problem with incivility is that it is too easy for the forces of unreason to duplicate. Soon both sides are shouting down the other's words and there comes an end to rational dialogue. On the other hand, what should one do when you meet with your elected leaders and they stand at the podium and tell you things that you know are lies, they likely know are lies, and they likely know that you likely know are lies? What is the proper response when civility is taken advantage of, not to advance reasoned debate, but to facilitate continued dishonesty?

Excerpt from the article....

"Clearly, civility is no longer the overriding concern. What’s at stake is representative government. What was supposed to be a two-way dialogue between government officials and the people has instead turned into a series of one-way monologues by double-talking politicians. Consequently, while many of us have been bickering over partisan politics – the Democratic-Republican distinction is really nothing more than an illusion – those in power have simply pursued their own personal agendas.

Thus, if the American people really want change they can believe in, they should start by putting politics aside and reclaiming their rightful place in the dialogue. This will only be achieved by confronting their representatives and demanding that they be heard. After all, these people work for us. We pay their salaries and underwrite their lavish lifestyles and perks. We should call the shots. So when they lie or cheat or don’t do their jobs in a timely or effective manner, we have a right – and a duty – to tell them so, whether they like how we do it or not."


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