Greg Hines Has the Support of Spanish-Speaking Media

I know the pic did not come out very clearly, but the car in the picture shows a "Univision (a Spanish language broadcaster)" decal on the side and a "Greg Hines for Mayor" sticker on the bumper. Hines has had three interviews on "La Zona Deportiva", which is a sports station, while Maddox has not gotten a return call. Rumors abound that at this past Saturday's interview with LaZona Deportiva a microphone was accidentally left on. The discussion turned to how they had gotten Hines on several times, and were wondering how they could avoid giving Maddox equal time. One listener told me that Hines suggested that they lie and say they could not get ahold of Maddox. Ouch. That's federal election law we are talking about.
Whether that happened or not, the what is clear is that the Spanish media is backing Hines. Perhaps those concerned about illegal immigration in that city should wonder why. A candidate who contributed to the Democrats as late as 2007 and who has these guys running his campaign is a candidate who is too left for Rogers, Arkansas.
Don Quijote dijo a Sancho; "Dejad que los perros ladren, es seƱal que estamos avanzando". Am sure you will find a translator for this.
True, but it may also be a case of one wolf spotting another. I just want the sheep to know what the wolves know before they vote.
Contains Maddox voting record
Sounds like Maddox missed a few elections where he should have been canceling out Hine's votes for Democrats.
No kidding. And I'm just all torn up that someone didn't show up to express support for John McCain, Mitt or his arch nemesis, the Huckster.
Pull Hines voting record, I did, there are all R's beside every primary. THat means he voted straight Republican since 1997.
Just say "no" to hiney spammers.
In Benton County, that does not mean much. Even the liberals vote in the Republican primary because that is where all the choices are- much like the situation is reversed in a lot of the rest of the state.
And recently the dems tried to run a few stealth candidates in pubbie primaries up here. Come to think of it, Hines may be one of 'em.
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