Will Rogers Elect a Stealth Democrat as Mayor?

UPDATE: Greg Hines contributed to the Democratic Party of Arkansas as recently as 2007. These are the people managing his campaign. Do you think they are the sort that a conservative candidate would hire?
Rogers is a staunchly Republican city. The current popular Rogers Mayor Steve Womack had a landslide victory over Democrat David Whitaker in the race for 3rd District Congress. That is why I took notice that on several occasions the few David Whitaker signs I saw in Rogers were frequently paired with "Greg Hines for Mayor" signs. Hines will be in a run-off election for Mayor November 23rd with Kurt Maddox.
Not many people know the true political leanings of their city councilman, and I can't help but wonder if, despite his assurances of how conservative he is, Hines has some kind of arrangement with the few ardent local Democrats present in the city. Not many people in Rogers put up David Whitaker signs. The few that did, often had Hines signs. This one was on South Dixieland just off Walnut.

Here is a Hines sign outside the law office of someone who advertises that they do "Immigration Law". Around here, that often means helping illegal aliens who have been caught stay in the country. While they have every right to legal council, I associate immigration lawyers with the leftist Democrats. Why would they support a self-proclaimed "conservative" for Mayor of Rogers?
To be fair, that was an office complex with several businesses in it, and one cannot be sure that the law office was the one responsible for the sign. That's not true down the street though.....

This is an image of a Hines sign outside the office of Roy Petty. I have blown up and inset the wording on his sign so that you can reads he is also an immigration lawyer. In this case, his is the only business in the space, so the Hines sign is clearly his. Will someone who has the support of immigration lawyers continue the no-nonsense position of Mayor Womack on illegal immigration? A position made necessary by killing in the streets by illegal aliens that occurred before the crackdown.
Rogers is a conservative town. Hines has basically never worked in the private sector in his entire adult life. Again, that is a sign of someone who leans left. All the "signs," if you will pardon the pun, indicate that the conservative people of Rogers are in imminent danger of getting snookered into electing a stealth Democrat Mayor.
Guilt by association?
Mr. Moore: I have heard stories about how dirty small town politics are but you win first prize.
Your entire story is a pack of lies!
Two of the properties pictured are mine. The picture of Roy Petty’s law office where you have altered the photo to make it appear the sign is on Roy Petty’s property is a great touch for perpetuating your lies. Actually the sign is on the property next door, which I also own! Oh by the way that building, the one now rented by Roy Petty, is the very building where Greg Hines worked for me when he was in the “Private Sector”. Your claim Greg never worked in the private sector is also a lie! The fact he worked for me in that very building is special, don’t you think? You are a piece of work!
The building where Ferguson Immigration is located is also my building. Although you may associate these attorneys with “Leftist Democrats” I associate them with fine upstanding citizens that pay their taxes, pay their bills and obey the law. I associate people like you as “lying Scumbags”
All that from me, a card carrying Republican!
Mr. Moore people such as you, willing to tell any lie, to twist any fact, to have their candidate elected are a total disgrace.
Anyone that has been associated with the city of Rogers for the past decade are very familiar with Mr. Hines, his record, his politics, his ethics, his family and his morals. That is the very reason he will be the next Mayor of Rogers.
Charles Simmons
I asked the questions with my name on it. You gave your answer with yours on it. I can't ask for any more than that. I am leaving your reply up, unless you ask on cooler reflection that it be taken down, because I asked the questions in order to get some answers.
So do you have any answers as to why the Whitaker and Hines signs are together? Or why Hines hired the far left Markham group (google it) to run his campaign? He would not be the first "stealth candidate" the Democrats tried to slip past folks up here- even in GOP primaries.
I do believe what the scriptures teach concerning bad company corrupting good morals.
While you are working on those questions, I will address some of the rest of your diatribe.
As to the Petty photo, the original photo, without the Petty sign zoomed up so one can read it, makes it look more like the sign is on Petty's property than the one I posted. It's in the same grass island that you see in the photo. But if you promise to keep it from being moved, I invite anyone driving down N. 2nd to look for themselves to see that it is a fair assumption rather than a deliberate attempt at deception as Charles Simmons alleges.
Your claim Greg never worked in the private sector is also a lie!
I said he BASICAllY never worked in the private sector in his adult life. My source for this is the "Hines for Mayor" website. It lists his resume. The only thing truly private sector is when he was from 21-23 years of age. Even then it does not say that he earned a living, or even had a job, there. It just says he had his real estate license in 95, and broker's license in 97. By '99 he was a patrolman, and it never claims he made a living in real estate, only that he had his license.
Patrolman is a very honorable job, and something to be proud of if done honestly, but its not private sector. He was barely old enough to by a beer when he was working in the private sector, if he did that much work with his licenses.
I will leave it to the readers to decide if my summary of his resume justifies your reaction.
Although you may associate these attorneys with “Leftist Democrats” I associate them with fine upstanding citizens that pay their taxes, pay their bills and obey the law. I associate people like you as “lying Scumbags”
I stand by my statement that attorneys who advertise a focus in immigration law tend to be left. That's not a character attack, as I freely acknowledged in the original post that illegal aliens also have a right to counsel. But even though leftists may be good citizens, and may pay their taxes, I don't want their policies to prevail.
That part was not an attack on anyone's character, but rather an objection to what I consider their likely policy preferences. The only character attack there was the one you have done on me in full public view. And I don't mind at all the temperment and decorum of an ardent Hine's supporter being put on display.
All that from me, a card carrying Republican!
Mr. Moore people such as you, willing to tell any lie, to twist any fact, to have their candidate elected are a total disgrace.
Senator Lindsey Graham is also a "card carrying Republican", yet his policies are also too far left for the GOP grassroots around the nation. Being a Republican, especially here where it is the advantageous thing to do, is no proof of sound temperment or policy.
Again, I leave it to the readers to sort through all of this and see which of us has disgraced themselves. I say its the one who goes ballistic and accuses people who ask pointed questions about their candidate of being a "liar."
Should we mention that the Rogers City elections are nonpartisan?
The signs were together for the same reason Hines had signs alongside Womack, Mike Jeffcoat, Buddy Wright, Mark Darr, Mike Beebe just pick someone who ran for office in AR, some people in Rogers cross party lines and vote for the candidate of their choice, party affiliation is not always the main focus. Didn’t you kind of already know that, In your search for truth and justice?
As far as the Markham group, the person that handles Hines’s campaign is a childhood friend that grew up in Rogers.
Are you from Rogers?
Mr. Simmons thank you for a much more civil post.
I don't argue that the elections aren't non-partisan, I am arguing that there are plenty of signs that Hine's politics are a bad fit for Rogers. My sources tell me that Hines made a contribution to the Democratic party as recently as 2007. Maddox would not do that, nor did I EVER see a Maddox sign with a Whitaker sign, or even a Beebe sign. Those who support Kurt Maddox are just not of that profile.
We are trying to find the best fit for the city, and my point is that its more than just a matter of who has spent more years on this side of the city limit sign or that side. It has to do with one's policies and personal characteristics.
If I was hiring someone to run my company, and these were the two final applicants, its just an absolute slam dunk who the most capable, most accomplished man of the two is. So those are two big criteria right there. 1) Are the policy positions they hold a good fit for the city, and 2) Who is the most capable person. It's logic, not invective.
As to your other question- I live beyond the city limits, so you get a vote and I don't. Ultimately that will count more than either of our opinions I suppose.
WOOOO Go Marky, you are the “Spin Dr.” That’s your new nickname “Slick Marky” You know like Slick Willie.
Any way Marky let’s recap. Someone goes out takes pictures of my property gets just the right angle, then alters the pictures. (Does that sound premeditated to you?)
Then they settle down at the typewriter, do some real fancy writen, you know throw in all that CYA stuff like “Hardly” and ask questions to convey a thought or idea but you know stay on that legal side so they can say “I didn’t say that” or “I was just asking a question” but still convey their thought. Well someone did this to run Hines down and make “The Guy From Gravette” look good and of course throws out a few Bible verses to make it look real good (are you a preacher Markey?) Well that’s the way I still see it Markey.
Markey did you know the Fraternal Order of Police and Arkansas Right to Life and The Morning News endorsed Hines?
I think this is like wrestling with a pig in the mud.
I quit.
Oh, I live in Florida now so I don’t get to vote either.
Charles Simmons
Mark, your reasoning appears stupid and reactionary, betraying your own insecurity and racial bias.
Immigration lawyers can have any political affiliation, and immigrants any nationality and legality.
This whole article only makes sense if you assume all (or most) immigrants are illegal, and all (or most) immigration lawyers are liberal democrats bent on getting illegals into the US.
Neither assumption is fair, honest, or befitting a respectable human.
You are free to speculate on these matters, but you shouldn't publish such ridiculous speculation here if you want to be taken seriously.
After reading the childish stuff Charles Simmons puts up there you think MY reasoning is "stupid and reactionary?"
Insecurity has never been one of my problems. Nor racial bias for that matter. Bias can show up in two ways. One is in seeing problems that are not there because of racial bias, and the other way is refusing to see problems that are there. That's a bias too.
Immigration lawyers can have any political affiliation, and immigrants any nationality and legality.
Sure immigrants can have any legality, but those who seek out a lawyer who specializes in IMMIGRATION LAW are those who are having legal issues about IMMIGRATION. If I'm an immigrant who has a problem with getting injured, I don't go see an immigration lawyer, I go see one who does personal injury case law.
I will grant that not all immigration case law involves trying to keep illegal aliens who have been caught in the country, but all such cases still go through immigration lawyers.
This whole article only makes sense if you assume all (or most) immigrants are illegal, and all (or most) immigration lawyers are liberal democrats bent on getting illegals into the US.
And you dare to complain about my reasoning?
As I explained in the above post, its only the immigrants who are having trouble with immigration law that need an immigration lawyer. Therefore it does not matter for my purposes what ratio of immigrants are here illegally- 100% of those who are and who get into our court system over it wind up with an immigration lawyer. As long as there are enough of those to keep the practices making money, it is of no consequence what ratio of aliens in the population as a whole are here legally.
As to the politics of the immigration lawyers, yes I do assume most of them are to the left on the immigration issue and yes I assume they are really trying to work for the benefit of their clients- which means keeping illegal aliens in the United States. If they are not, then they are not doing the job they advertise to do when they take such cases.
Neither assumption is fair, honest, or befitting a respectable human.
You are free to speculate on these matters, but you shouldn't publish such ridiculous speculation here if you want to be taken seriously.
Thanks anonymous poster, for appointing yourself the arbiter of what I should post on my own blog and defining the limits of what a "respectable human" is permitted to write. At least Charles Simmons put his real name on it.
Since fact and reason have failed you, the old leftist technique of personal attack and name-calling is all you have left. On principle, I will not cower at that. Let your insults fly. If you can't defend your points with logic and reason then I shall not bow down to them.
As a postscript, Kurt Maddox was endorsed by Arkansas Right to Life, not Greg Hines.
To be fair, both Hines and Maddox were endorsed by Arkansas Right to Life.
Here is where the difference comes in; Kurt Maddox was the first mayoral candidate ever in the history of ARTL to receive a 100% rating from them and their endorsement.
Some 2-3 weeks later Hines annouced he was endorsed by ARTL. Now we could give Hines the benefit of the doubt and say he did this out of true concern for the unborn.
However, the fact is that no other candidate for mayor in the entire state had received the endorsement of ARTL prior to Maddox. Is it just coincidence that Hines happened to get their endorsement just a few short weeks after Maddox? Even more interesting was the fact that he announced the endorsement on the Friday prior to election day.
Will someone who has the support of immigration lawyers continue the no-nonsense position of Mayor Womack on illegal immigration?
You've obviously fallen for the theatrics of Womack, who was a mere poser on illegal immigration (though, it shouldn't be the mayor's job to keep invaders out of our country).
Contains Maddox voting record
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