Who's Money is Behind Highway Debt Madness?

Get the shocking details via audio here.
Who is providing the funding behind the push to convince Arkansas voters to load themselves with $575 million in debt this Nov. 8th? Turns out most of it comes from entities connected to a single man, who just happens to be a multi-millionaire chairman of the state highway commission. Read the full list of financiers here.
This man is on the board of an organization which (rightly) slams politicians who push for taxes and debt (which is a defered tax). But isn't it a bit hypocritical when his company donates to the campaign that is pushing for the bond issue (maybe because they sell bonds!), AND donates to the group pushing for a sales tax increase in Little Rock?
Be sure and click the audio link to learn the details behind the eye-opening revelations behind the highway debt election.
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