Wednesday, March 14, 2012

David Stockman on Crony Capitalism

Former Reagan budget office director David Stockman gives a clinical breakdown of our increasingly non-free market society.       It goes back further of course, but he starts with our boy Bill Clinton, does not spare W. Bush, and notes that Mr. Hope and Change has not changed a thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money is behind our form of capitalism, and if you follow the money if goes to the rich people who also tend to be Republicans.

3:35 PM, March 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a one party problem.

4:39 PM, March 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shhhh. Don't disturb the brain-dead partisans.

Let him go on seeing everything as "Democrats good/Republicans bad"

5:59 PM, March 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Money is behind our form of capitalism..."

Truly, "our form" of capitalism, as we long ago moved further from capitalism and closer to socialism.

By the way, name a form of government that doesn't have money "behind it." There isn't one. Money isn't evil. But forced servitude and theft is.

4:50 AM, March 16, 2012  

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