Sunday, November 03, 2013

Reform Amendment Deceptively Weakens Term Limits

It seems our legislature will agree to enact reform measures that they should have already agreed to- but only if joined to an amendment which will weaken our state's present term limits provision.  What a joke that any referendum ever gets thrown back by McDaniel because of "deceptive wording" when this one (HJR 1009) gets through without a word of protest.     And some of them are being called on it.


Blogger Philip Blumel said...

Indeed. It is really ironic that the anti-term limits language is tucked inside (page 16) of an 'ethics' bill and that the term limits aspect is not even mentioned in the bill's lengthy title. The reason for this is last time an standalone amendment to weaken term limits was on the ballot it lost by 70%. They legislators learned their lesson: if politicians are going to get voters to gut the this popular law, they have to trick them.

5:57 AM, December 06, 2013  
Blogger Philip Blumel said...

Indeed. It is really ironic that the anti-term limits language is tucked inside (page 16) of an 'ethics' bill and that the term limits aspect is not even mentioned in the bill's lengthy title. The reason for this is last time an standalone amendment to weaken term limits was on the ballot it lost by 70%. They legislators learned their lesson: if politicians are going to get voters to gut the this popular law, they have to trick them.

5:57 AM, December 06, 2013  

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